function xmlrpc_example_client_multicall_submit
Submit a multicall request.
Submit a multicall request: query the XML-RPC endpoint for the methods xmlrpc_example.add and xmlrpc_example.subtract and report the result as a Drupal message. Drupal's XML-RPC client builds the system.multicall request automatically when there is more than one method to call.
array $form: Form array.
array $form_state: Form_state array.
See also
Related topics
1 string reference to 'xmlrpc_example_client_multicall_submit'
- xmlrpc_example_client_form in xmlrpc_example/
xmlrpc_example.module - Returns a form array to take input for two arguments.
xmlrpc_example.module, line 548
function xmlrpc_example_client_multicall_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$server = url($GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/xmlrpc.php', array(
'external' => TRUE,
* Drupal's built-in xmlrpc server supports the system.multicall method.
* To make a multicall request, the main invoked method should be the
* function 'system.multicall', and the arguments to make this call must be
* defined as an array of single method calls, being the array keys the
* service methods to be called, and the array elements the method arguments.
* See the code below this comment as example.
// Build an array of several calls, Drupal's xmlrpc built-in support will
// construct the correct system.multicall request for the server.
$options = array(
'xmlrpc_example.add' => array(
(int) $form_state['values']['num1'],
(int) $form_state['values']['num2'],
'xmlrpc_example.subtract' => array(
(int) $form_state['values']['num1'],
(int) $form_state['values']['num2'],
// Make the xmlrpc request and process the results.
$result = xmlrpc($server, $options);
if ($result === FALSE) {
drupal_set_message(t('Error return from xmlrpc(): Error: @errno, Message: @message', array(
'@errno' => xmlrpc_errno(),
'@message' => xmlrpc_error_msg(),
else {
drupal_set_message(t('The XML-RPC server returned this response: <pre>@response</pre>', array(
'@response' => print_r($result, TRUE),