Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.x-1.x xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.module \xmlrpc_example_xmlrpc()

Implements hook_xmlrpc().

Provides Drupal with an array to map XML-RPC callbacks to existing functions. These functions may be defined in other modules. The example implementation defines specific functions for the example services.

Note: Drupal's built-in XML-RPC server already includes several methods by default:

Service dicovery methods:

  • system.listMethods: return a list of the methods the server has, by name.
  • system.methodSignature: return a description of the argument format a
  • system.methodHelp: returns a text description of a particular method. particular method expects.


  • system.multicall: perform several method calls in a single xmlrpc request.
  • system.getCapabilities: determine if a given capability is supported.

The methods defined by hook_xmlrpc() will be added to those provided by default by Drupal's XML-RPC server.

See also


Related topics


xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.module, line 172
Module file for xmlrpc_example module.


function xmlrpc_example_xmlrpc() {
  $methods[] = array(
    // First argument is the method name.
    // Callback to execute when this method is requested.
    // An array defines the types of output and input values for this method.
      // The first value is the return type, an integer in this case.
      // First operand is an integer.
      // Second operand is an integer.
    // Include a little description that is shown when XML-RPC server is
    // requested for the implemented methods list.
    // Method description.
    t('Returns the sum of the two arguments.'),

  // The subtract method is similar to the addition, only the method name,
  // callback and description are different.
  $methods[] = array(
    t('Return difference of the two arguments.'),
  return $methods;