namespace Drupal\rules\Plugin\RulesExpression

Object name File name Summary
ActionExpression src/Plugin/RulesExpression/ActionExpression.php Provides an executable action expression.
ActionSetExpression src/Plugin/RulesExpression/ActionSetExpression.php Holds a set of actions and executes all of them.
AndExpression src/Plugin/RulesExpression/AndExpression.php Evaluates a group of conditions with a logical AND.
ConditionExpression src/Plugin/RulesExpression/ConditionExpression.php Defines an executable condition expression.
LoopExpression src/Plugin/RulesExpression/LoopExpression.php Holds a set of actions that are executed over the iteration of a list.
OrExpression src/Plugin/RulesExpression/OrExpression.php Evaluates a group of conditions with a logical OR.
RuleExpression src/Plugin/RulesExpression/RuleExpression.php Provides a rule, executing actions when conditions are met.