class ActionSetExpression

Holds a set of actions and executes all of them.

Plugin annotation

  id = "rules_action_set",
  label = @Translation("Action set"),
  form_class = "\Drupal\rules\Form\Expression\ActionContainerForm"


Expanded class hierarchy of ActionSetExpression

2 files declare their use of ActionSetExpression
ActionSetExpressionTest.php in tests/src/Unit/ActionSetExpressionTest.php
RuleExpressionTest.php in tests/src/Unit/RuleExpressionTest.php


src/Plugin/RulesExpression/ActionSetExpression.php, line 17


View source
class ActionSetExpression extends ActionExpressionContainer {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function allowsMetadataAssertions() {
        return TRUE;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function executeWithState(ExecutionStateInterface $state) {
        // Use the iterator to ensure the actions are sorted.
        foreach ($this as $action) {
            /** @var \Drupal\rules\Engine\ExpressionInterface $action */



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
ActionExpressionContainer::$actions protected property List of actions that will be executed.
ActionExpressionContainer::addAction public function Creates an action expression and adds it to the container. Overrides ActionExpressionContainerInterface::addAction
ActionExpressionContainer::addExpressionObject public function Adds an expression object. Overrides ExpressionContainerInterface::addExpressionObject
ActionExpressionContainer::deleteExpression public function Deletes an expression identified by the specified UUID in the container. Overrides ExpressionContainerInterface::deleteExpression
ActionExpressionContainer::getConfiguration public function Gets this plugin's configuration. Overrides ExpressionBase::getConfiguration
ActionExpressionContainer::getExpression public function Looks up the expression by UUID in this container. Overrides ExpressionContainerInterface::getExpression
ActionExpressionContainer::getIterator public function Returns an iterator for expressions in this container. Overrides ExpressionContainerInterface::getIterator
ActionExpressionContainer::__clone public function PHP magic __clone function.
ActionExpressionContainer::__construct public function Constructor. Overrides ExpressionBase::__construct
ActionSetExpression::allowsMetadataAssertions protected function Determines whether child-expressions are allowed to assert metadata. Overrides ExpressionContainerBase::allowsMetadataAssertions
ActionSetExpression::executeWithState public function Execute the expression with a given Rules state. Overrides ExpressionInterface::executeWithState 1
ExpressionBase::$configEntityId protected property The config entity this expression is associated with, if any.
ExpressionBase::$configuration protected property The plugin configuration.
ExpressionBase::$root protected property The root expression if this object is nested.
ExpressionBase::$uuid protected property The UUID of this expression.
ExpressionBase::$weight protected property The weight (list order) of this expression.
ExpressionBase::calculateDependencies public function Calculates dependencies for the configured plugin. Overrides DependentPluginInterface::calculateDependencies
ExpressionBase::defaultConfiguration public function Gets default configuration for this plugin. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::defaultConfiguration 2
ExpressionBase::execute public function Executes a rules expression. Overrides ExecutableInterface::execute
ExpressionBase::getFormHandler public function Returns the form handling class for this expression. Overrides ExpressionInterface::getFormHandler 2
ExpressionBase::getLabel public function The label of this expression element that can be shown in the UI. Overrides ExpressionInterface::getLabel 2
ExpressionBase::getRoot public function Returns the root expression if this expression is nested. Overrides ExpressionInterface::getRoot
ExpressionBase::getUuid public function Returns the UUID of this expression if it is nested in another expression. Overrides ExpressionInterface::getUuid
ExpressionBase::getWeight public function Returns the list order of this expression. Overrides ExpressionInterface::getWeight
ExpressionBase::setConfiguration public function Sets the configuration for this plugin instance. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::setConfiguration 2
ExpressionBase::setRoot public function Set the root expression for this expression if it is nested. Overrides ExpressionInterface::setRoot
ExpressionBase::setUuid public function Sets the UUID of this expression in an expression tree. Overrides ExpressionInterface::setUuid
ExpressionBase::setWeight public function Sets the list order of this expression in an expression tree. Overrides ExpressionInterface::setWeight
ExpressionContainerBase::$expressionManager protected property The expression manager.
ExpressionContainerBase::$rulesDebugLogger protected property The rules debug logger channel.
ExpressionContainerBase::addExpression public function Creates and adds an expression. Overrides ExpressionContainerInterface::addExpression
ExpressionContainerBase::checkIntegrity public function Verifies that this expression is configured correctly. Overrides ExpressionInterface::checkIntegrity 1
ExpressionContainerBase::create public static function
ExpressionContainerBase::prepareExecutionMetadataState public function Prepares the execution metadata state by adding metadata to it. Overrides ExpressionInterface::prepareExecutionMetadataState
ExpressionContainerBase::prepareExecutionMetadataStateAfterTraversal protected function Prepares execution metadata state after traversing through children. 1
ExpressionContainerBase::prepareExecutionMetadataStateBeforeTraversal protected function Prepares execution metadata state before traversing through children. 1
ExpressionContainerBase::sortByWeightProperty public static function Sorts an array of expressions by 'weight' property.
PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition public function Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. 6
PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. 2