function rules_action_set

Creates an action set.


array $variables: An array as for rule().

array $provides: The names of variables which should be provided to the caller. See rule().

Return value


11 calls to rules_action_set()
RulesI18nTestCase::testI18nActionSelect in rules_i18n/rules_i18n.test
Tests the "Select a translated value" action.
RulesI18nTestCase::testI18nActionT in rules_i18n/rules_i18n.test
Tests the "Translate a text" action.
RulesIntegrationTestCase::testDataIntegration in tests/rules.test
Tests data integration.
RulesIntegrationTestCase::testRulesCoreIntegration in tests/rules.test
Tests the "rules_core" integration.
RulesTestCase::testDependencies in tests/rules.test
Tests handling dependencies.

... See full list


./rules.module, line 206


function rules_action_set($variables = array(), $provides = array()) {
    return rules_plugin_factory('action set', $variables, $provides);