class RulesActionSet

An action set component.


Expanded class hierarchy of RulesActionSet

1 string reference to 'RulesActionSet'
rules_rules_plugin_info in ./rules.module
Implements hook_rules_plugin_info().


includes/, line 775

View source
class RulesActionSet extends RulesActionContainer {
     * @var string
    protected $itemName = 'action set';



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
RulesActionContainer::action public function Adds an action to the container.
RulesActionContainer::componentProvidesVariables public function Returns an array of provided variable names.
RulesActionContainer::evaluate public function Evaluate, whereas by default new vars are visible in the parent's scope. Overrides RulesPlugin::evaluate 2
RulesActionContainer::exportToArray protected function Overrides RulesContainerPlugin::exportToArray 1
RulesActionContainer::import public function Applies the given export. Overrides RulesContainerPlugin::import 1
RulesActionContainer::pluginProvidesVariables public function Returns info about variables 'provided' by the plugin. Overrides RulesPlugin::pluginProvidesVariables
RulesActionContainer::providesVariables public function Returns info about all variables provided for later evaluated elements. Overrides RulesPlugin::providesVariables 1
RulesActionContainer::__construct public function Overrides RulesContainerPlugin::__construct 3
RulesActionSet::$itemName protected property Overrides RulesExtendable::$itemName
RulesContainerPlugin::$children protected property
RulesContainerPlugin::access public function Whether the currently logged in user has access to all configured elements. Overrides RulesPlugin::access 1
RulesContainerPlugin::availableVariables public function Returns info about variables available to be used as arguments for this element. Overrides RulesPlugin::availableVariables
RulesContainerPlugin::componentVariables public function Returns the specified variables, in case the plugin is used as component.
RulesContainerPlugin::delete public function Overrides delete to keep the children alive, if possible. Overrides RulesPlugin::delete 1
RulesContainerPlugin::dependencies public function Calculates an array of required modules. Overrides RulesPlugin::dependencies 1
RulesContainerPlugin::destroy public function Removes circular object references so PHP garbage collector can work. Overrides RulesPlugin::destroy 1
RulesContainerPlugin::executeByArgs public function Executes container with the given arguments. Overrides RulesPlugin::executeByArgs 1
RulesContainerPlugin::exportChildren protected function 4
RulesContainerPlugin::exportFlat protected function Determines whether the element should be exported in flat style. 1
RulesContainerPlugin::getIterator public function Allows access to the children through the iterator. 1
RulesContainerPlugin::importChildren protected function 4
RulesContainerPlugin::integrityCheck public function Overrides RulesPlugin::integrityCheck 2
RulesContainerPlugin::optimize public function Overrides optimize(). Overrides RulesPlugin::optimize
RulesContainerPlugin::parameterInfo public function Returns info about parameters needed for executing the configured plugin. Overrides RulesPlugin::parameterInfo
RulesContainerPlugin::resetInternalCache public function Resets any internal static caches. Overrides RulesPlugin::resetInternalCache 1
RulesContainerPlugin::setUpVariables protected function Returns info about all variables that have to be setup in the state. Overrides RulesPlugin::setUpVariables
RulesContainerPlugin::sortChildren public function Sorts all child elements by their weight. 1
RulesContainerPlugin::stateVariables protected function Returns available state variables for an element. 4
RulesContainerPlugin::variableInfoAssertions protected function Returns asserted additions to the available variable info. Overrides RulesPlugin::variableInfoAssertions 1
RulesContainerPlugin::__clone public function By default we do a deep clone. Overrides RulesPlugin::__clone 1
RulesContainerPlugin::__sleep public function Overrides RulesPlugin::__sleep 2
RulesExtendable::$itemInfo protected property
RulesExtendable::facesAs public function
RulesExtendable::forceSetUp public function Forces the object to be setUp, this executes setUp() if not done yet. 1
RulesExtendable::itemFacesAs public static function Returns whether the a RuleExtendable supports the given interface.
RulesExtendable::rebuildCache public function Allows items to add something to the rules cache. 1
RulesExtendable::setUp protected function 1
RulesExtendable::__call public function Magic method: Invoke the dynamically implemented methods.
RulesPlugin::$availableVariables protected property Static cache for availableVariables(). 1
RulesPlugin::$cache protected property Overrides RulesExtendable::$cache
RulesPlugin::$elementId protected property Identifies an element inside a configuration.
RulesPlugin::$hook protected property Overrides RulesExtendable::$hook
RulesPlugin::$id public property If this is a configuration saved to the db, the id of it.
RulesPlugin::$info protected property Info about this element. Usage depends on the plugin. 2
RulesPlugin::$name public property
RulesPlugin::$parent protected property The parent element, if any.
RulesPlugin::$settings public property An array of settings for this element.
RulesPlugin::$weight public property
RulesPlugin::applyDataSelector public function Applies the given data selector.
RulesPlugin::checkParameterSettings protected function Checks whether parameters are correctly configured.
RulesPlugin::checkVarName protected function
RulesPlugin::compare protected static function
RulesPlugin::depth public function Returns the depth of this element in the configuration.
RulesPlugin::elementId public function Returns the element id, which identifies the element inside the config.
RulesPlugin::elementMap public function Gets the element map helper object, which helps mapping elements to ids.
RulesPlugin::elements public function Iterate over all elements nested below the current element.
RulesPlugin::ensureNameExists protected function Ensure the configuration has a name. If not, generate one.
RulesPlugin::entityInfo public function
RulesPlugin::entityType public function
RulesPlugin::execute public function Execute the configuration.
RulesPlugin::export public function Exports a rule configuration.
RulesPlugin::exportParameterSetting protected function
RulesPlugin::exportSettings protected function 1
RulesPlugin::form public function Seamlessly invokes the method implemented via faces.
RulesPlugin::form_submit public function
RulesPlugin::form_validate public function
RulesPlugin::getArgument protected function Returns the argument for the parameter $name described with $info.
RulesPlugin::getArgumentInfo public function Returns info about the configured argument.
RulesPlugin::getExecutionArguments protected function Gets the right arguments for executing the element.
RulesPlugin::getPluginName public function Gets the name of this plugin instance. 1
RulesPlugin::hasStatus public function Checks if the configuration has a certain exportable status.
RulesPlugin::identifier public function Returns the config name.
RulesPlugin::importParameterSetting protected function
RulesPlugin::importSettings protected function 1
RulesPlugin::info public function Returns the info of the plugin. 2
RulesPlugin::internalIdentifier public function
RulesPlugin::isRoot public function Returns whether the element is the root of the configuration.
RulesPlugin::label public function Returns the label of the element. 4
RulesPlugin::parentElement public function Returns the element's parent.
RulesPlugin::plugin public function Returns the name of the element's plugin.
RulesPlugin::pluginInfo public function Returns info about the element's plugin.
RulesPlugin::pluginParameterInfo public function Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin. 2
RulesPlugin::processSettings public function Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators. 1
RulesPlugin::returnExport protected function Finalizes the configuration export.
RulesPlugin::returnVariables protected function Gets variables to return once the configuration has been executed. 2
RulesPlugin::root public function Gets the root element of the configuration.
RulesPlugin::save public function Saves the configuration to the database. 1
RulesPlugin::setParent public function Sets a new parent element.
RulesPlugin::setUpState public function Sets up the execution state for the given arguments.
RulesPlugin::__toString public function When converted to a string, just use the export format.