function rules_get_title

Menu callback for getting the title as configured.

See also


3 string references to 'rules_get_title'
hook_rules_ui_menu_alter in ./rules.api.php
Allows modules to alter or to extend the provided Rules UI.
RulesUIController::config_menu in ui/
Generates menu items to manipulate rules configurations.
rules_scheduler_rules_ui_menu_alter in rules_scheduler/rules_scheduler.module
Implements hook_rules_ui_menu_alter().


./rules.module, line 1355


function rules_get_title($text, $element) {
    if ($element instanceof RulesPlugin) {
        $cache = rules_get_cache();
        $plugin = $element->plugin();
        $plugin = isset($cache['plugin_info'][$plugin]['label']) ? $cache['plugin_info'][$plugin]['label'] : $plugin;
        $plugin = drupal_strtolower(drupal_substr($plugin, 0, 1)) . drupal_substr($plugin, 1);
        return t($text, array(
            '!label' => $element->label(),
            '!plugin' => $plugin,
    // As fallback treat $element as simple string.
    return t($text, array(
        '!plugin' => $element,