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namespace Drupal\Tests\rules\Unit\Integration\RulesAction;

use Drupal\Tests\rules\Unit\Integration\RulesIntegrationTestBase;
use Drupal\rules\Core\RulesActionBase;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Prophecy\Argument;

 * Tests access control for the configuration interface of Rules plugins.
 * @group Rules
class RulesAdminAccessTest extends RulesIntegrationTestBase {
     * Test administrative access to plugin configuration UI.
    public function testRespectsAdminPermissions() {
        // 3 user classes to test.
        $super_admin = $this->prophesize(AccountInterface::class);
        $power_user = $this->prophesize(AccountInterface::class);
        $power_user->hasPermission('admin this plugin')
        $joe_user = $this->prophesize(AccountInterface::class);
        // Our plug-in will behave as if it has the annotation property
        // 'configuration_access'. getPluginDefinition should be called only
        // twice, since the super admin should get approval before it is called.
        // I use getMockBuilder since I need the actual code from the
        // RulesActionBase class for the test.
        $action = $this->getMockBuilder(RulesActionBase::class)
            'plugin_id' => 'some_action',
            'configure_permissions' => [
                'admin this plugin',
        $user = $super_admin->reveal();
        $this->assertTrue($action->checkConfigurationAccess($user), "Super-user has admin access");
        $user = $power_user->reveal();
        $this->assertTrue($action->checkConfigurationAccess($user), "Power-user has admin access");
        $user = $joe_user->reveal();
        $this->assertFalse($action->checkConfigurationAccess($user), "Ordinary user lacks admin access");



Title Deprecated Summary
RulesAdminAccessTest Tests access control for the configuration interface of Rules plugins.