function views_cache_get

Return data from the persistent views cache.

This is just a convenience wrapper around cache_get().


int $cid: The cache ID of the data to retrieve.

bool $use_language: If TRUE, the data will be requested specific to the currently active language.

Return value

stdClass|bool The cache or FALSE on failure.

3 calls to views_cache_get()
views_block_info in ./views.module
Implements hook_block_info().
views_plugin_display::init in plugins/
_views_fetch_data in includes/
Fetch Views' data from the cache.


includes/, line 211


function views_cache_get($cid, $use_language = FALSE) {
    global $language;
    if (variable_get('views_skip_cache', FALSE)) {
        return FALSE;
    if ($use_language) {
        $cid .= ':' . $language->language;
    return cache_get($cid, 'cache_views');