function views_object_types

Provide a list of object types used in a view, with some info about them.

Related topics

33 calls to views_object_types()
view::destroy in includes/
Unset references so that a $view object may be properly garbage collected.
view::fix_missing_relationships in includes/
Attempt to discover if the view has handlers missing relationships.
view::init_handlers in includes/
Acquire and attach all of the handlers.
view::_post_execute in includes/
Run the post_execute() on all active handlers.
view::_pre_query in includes/
Run the pre_query() on all active handlers.

... See full list


includes/, line 2672


function views_object_types() {
    static $retval = NULL;
    // Statically cache this so t() doesn't run a bajillion times.
    if (!isset($retval)) {
        $retval = array(
            'field' => array(
                // Title.
'title' => t('Fields'),
                // Lowercase title for mid-sentence.
'ltitle' => t('fields'),
                // Singular title.
'stitle' => t('Field'),
                // Lingular lowercase title for mid sentence.
'lstitle' => t('field'),
                'plural' => 'fields',
            'argument' => array(
                'title' => t('Contextual filters'),
                'ltitle' => t('contextual filters'),
                'stitle' => t('Contextual filter'),
                'lstitle' => t('contextual filter'),
                'plural' => 'arguments',
            'sort' => array(
                'title' => t('Sort criteria'),
                'ltitle' => t('sort criteria'),
                'stitle' => t('Sort criterion'),
                'lstitle' => t('sort criterion'),
                'plural' => 'sorts',
            'filter' => array(
                'title' => t('Filter criteria'),
                'ltitle' => t('filter criteria'),
                'stitle' => t('Filter criterion'),
                'lstitle' => t('filter criterion'),
                'plural' => 'filters',
            'relationship' => array(
                'title' => t('Relationships'),
                'ltitle' => t('relationships'),
                'stitle' => t('Relationship'),
                'lstitle' => t('Relationship'),
                'plural' => 'relationships',
            'header' => array(
                'title' => t('Header'),
                'ltitle' => t('header'),
                'stitle' => t('Header'),
                'lstitle' => t('Header'),
                'plural' => 'header',
                'type' => 'area',
            'footer' => array(
                'title' => t('Footer'),
                'ltitle' => t('footer'),
                'stitle' => t('Footer'),
                'lstitle' => t('Footer'),
                'plural' => 'footer',
                'type' => 'area',
            'empty' => array(
                'title' => t('No results behavior'),
                'ltitle' => t('no results behavior'),
                'stitle' => t('No results behavior'),
                'lstitle' => t('No results behavior'),
                'plural' => 'empty',
                'type' => 'area',
    return $retval;