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Title Object type File name Summary
page_manager_get_handler_title function page_manager/page_manager.module Get the title for a given handler.
page_manager_get_operation function page_manager/ Get an operation from a trail.
page_manager_get_operations function page_manager/ Take the operations array from a task and expand it.
page_manager_get_operation_content function page_manager/ Fetch the content for an operation.
page_manager_get_pages function page_manager/ Sort tasks into buckets based upon whether or not they have subtasks.
page_manager_get_page_cache function page_manager/page_manager.module Get the cached changes to a given task handler.
page_manager_get_page_summary function page_manager/page_manager.module Get the admin summary (additional info) for a given page.
page_manager_get_page_wizard function includes/ Fetch metadata on a specific page_wizard plugin.
page_manager_get_page_wizards function includes/ Fetch metadata for all page_wizard plugins.
page_manager_get_renderer function page_manager/page_manager.module Get the render function for a handler.
page_manager_get_task function page_manager/page_manager.module Shortcut function to get a task plugin.
page_manager_get_tasks function page_manager/page_manager.module Shortcut function to get task plugins.
page_manager_get_tasks_by_type function page_manager/page_manager.module Get all tasks for a given type.
page_manager_get_task_handler function page_manager/page_manager.module Shortcut function to get a task handler plugin.
page_manager_get_task_handlers function page_manager/page_manager.module Shortcut function to get task handler plugins.
page_manager_get_task_handler_plugins function page_manager/page_manager.module Retrieve a list of all applicable task handlers for a given task.
page_manager_get_task_id function page_manager/page_manager.module Split a task name into a task id and subtask id, if applicable.
page_manager_get_task_subtask function page_manager/page_manager.module Fetch all subtasks for a page managertask.
page_manager_get_task_subtasks function page_manager/page_manager.module Fetch all subtasks for a page managertask.
page_manager_get_wizard_cache function includes/ Get the cached changes to a given wizard.
page_manager_handler_get_name function page_manager/page_manager.module Generate a unique name for a task handler.
page_manager_node_edit_get_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get arguments provided by this task handler.
page_manager_node_edit_get_contexts function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get context placeholders provided by this handler.
page_manager_node_view_get_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get arguments provided by this task handler.
page_manager_node_view_get_contexts function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get context placeholders provided by this handler.
page_manager_page_ctools_access_get function page_manager/page_manager.module Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of task.
page_manager_page_get_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Return a list of arguments used by this task.
page_manager_page_get_contexts function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Get a group of context placeholders for the arguments.
page_manager_page_get_named_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Get a list of named arguments in a page manager path.
page_manager_search_get_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get arguments provided by this task handler.
page_manager_search_get_contexts function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get context placeholders provided by this handler.
page_manager_task_handler_ctools_access_get function page_manager/page_manager.module Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of context task handler.
page_manager_term_view_get_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get arguments provided by this task handler.
page_manager_term_view_get_contexts function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get context placeholders provided by this handler.
page_manager_term_view_get_type function page_manager/plugins/tasks/
page_manager_user_edit_get_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get arguments provided by this task handler.
page_manager_user_edit_get_contexts function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get context placeholders provided by this handler.
page_manager_user_view_get_arguments function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get arguments provided by this task handler.
page_manager_user_view_get_contexts function page_manager/plugins/tasks/ Callback to get context placeholders provided by this handler.
shellColours::getBackgroundColours function drush/ Returns all background colour names.
shellColours::getColouredOutput function drush/ Returns coloured string.
shellColours::getForegroundColours function drush/ Returns all foreground colour names.
stylizer_ui::get_wizard_info function stylizer/plugins/export_ui/stylizer_ui.class.php Get the form info for the wizard.
ViewsContentPanesTest::getInfo function views_content/tests/src/views_content.test
views_content_context_get_output function views_content/views_content.module API function to get the view.
views_content_context_get_view function views_content/views_content.module API function to get the view.
views_content_context_view_get_child function views_content/plugins/contexts/
views_content_context_view_get_children function views_content/plugins/contexts/
views_content_get_display_label function views_content/views_content.module Get the proper label for a display.
views_content_get_display_title function views_content/views_content.module Get the title to display for a views content display for pane or context.