function hook_ctools_entity_context_alter

Alter the definition of an entity context plugin.


array $plugin: An associative array defining a plugin.

array $entity: The entity info array of a specific entity type.

string $plugin_id: The plugin ID, in the format NAME:KEY.

1 function implements hook_ctools_entity_context_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

ctools_ctools_entity_context_alter in ./ctools.module
Implements hook_ctools_entity_context_alter().
4 invocations of hook_ctools_entity_context_alter()
ctools_argument_entity_id_get_children in plugins/arguments/
ctools_context_entity_get_children in plugins/contexts/
ctools_entity_from_field_get_children in plugins/relationships/
ctools_entity_from_schema_get_children in plugins/relationships/


./ctools.api.php, line 249


function hook_ctools_entity_context_alter(array &$plugin, array &$entity, $plugin_id) {
    switch ($plugin_id) {
        case 'entity_id:taxonomy_term':
            $plugin['no ui'] = TRUE;
        case 'entity:user':
            $plugin = ctools_get_context('user');
            unset($plugin['no ui']);
            unset($plugin['no required context ui']);