function hook_ctools_render_alter

Alter everything.


array $info: An associative array containing the following keys:

  • content: The rendered content.
  • title: The content's title.
  • no_blocks: A boolean to decide if blocks should be displayed.

bool $page: If TRUE then this renderer owns the page and can use theme('page') for no blocks; if false, output is returned regardless of any no blocks settings.

array $context: An associative array containing the following keys:

  • args: The raw arguments behind the contexts.
  • contexts: The context objects in use.
  • task: The task object in use.
  • subtask: The subtask object in use.
  • handler: The handler object in use.
1 invocation of hook_ctools_render_alter()
ctools_context_handler_render_handler in includes/
Render a task handler.


./ctools.api.php, line 213


function hook_ctools_render_alter(array &$info, &$page, array &$context) {
    if ($context['handler']->name == 'my_handler') {
        ctools_add_css('my_module.theme', 'my_module');