function ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_merge_plugin

Merge the main access plugin with a loaded ruleset to form a child plugin.

2 calls to ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_merge_plugin()
ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_get_child in ctools_access_ruleset/plugins/access/
Get a single child access plugin.
ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_get_children in ctools_access_ruleset/plugins/access/
Get all child access plugins.


ctools_access_ruleset/plugins/access/, line 28


function ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_merge_plugin($plugin, $parent, $item) {
    $plugin['name'] = $parent . ':' . $item->name;
    $plugin['title'] = check_plain($item->admin_title);
    $plugin['description'] = check_plain($item->admin_description);
    // TODO: Generalize this in CTools.
    if (!empty($item->requiredcontexts)) {
        $plugin['required context'] = array();
        foreach ($item->requiredcontexts as $context) {
            $info = ctools_get_context($context['name']);
            // TODO: allow an optional setting.
            $plugin['required context'][] = new ctools_context_required($context['identifier'], $info['context name']);
    // Store the loaded ruleset in the plugin.
    $plugin['ruleset'] = $item;
    return $plugin;