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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AjaxTestController::globalEventsClearLog | function | core/ |
Returns an AjaxResponse with command to clear the 'test_global_events_log'. |
AliasManager::cacheClear | function | core/ |
AliasManagerInterface::cacheClear | function | core/ |
Clears the static caches in alias manager and rebuilds the prefix list. |
AliasManagerTest::testCacheClear | function | core/ |
@covers ::cacheClear |
AliasPrefixList::clear | function | core/ |
BlockContentDeletionTest::testDeletingBlockContentShouldClearPluginCache | function | core/ |
Tests deleting a block_content updates the discovered block plugin. |
BreakpointManager::clearCachedDefinitions | function | core/ |
Clears static and persistent plugin definition caches. |
CacheCollector::clear | function | core/ |
Clears the collected cache entry. |
CacheCollectorInterface::clear | function | core/ |
Clears the collected cache entry. |
CacheCollectorTest::testUpdateCacheClear | function | core/ |
Tests a clear of the cache collector. |
CacheCollectorTest::testUpdateCacheClearTags | function | core/ |
Tests a clear of the cache collector using tags. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer | class | core/ |
Provides a proxy class for \Drupal\Core\Plugin\CachedDiscoveryClearer. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer | class | core/ |
Defines a class which is capable of clearing the cache on plugin managers. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer.php | file | core/ |
CachedDiscoveryClearer.php | file | core/ |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::$container | property | core/ |
The service container. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::$drupalProxyOriginalServiceId | property | core/ |
The id of the original proxied service. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::$legacyCachedDiscoveries | property | core/ |
The legacy stored discoveries. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::$service | property | core/ |
The real proxied service, after it was lazy loaded. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::addCachedDiscovery | function | core/ |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::addCachedDiscovery | function | core/ |
Adds a plugin manager to the active list. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::clearCachedDefinitions | function | core/ |
Clears the cache on all cached discoveries. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::clearCachedDefinitions | function | core/ |
Clears the cache on all cached discoveries. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::lazyLoadItself | function | core/ |
Lazy loads the real service from the container. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a ProxyClass Drupal proxy object. |
CachedDiscoveryClearer::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs the CachedDiscoveryClearer service. |
CachedDiscoveryClearerInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides a way to clear static caches of all plugin managers. |
CachedDiscoveryClearerInterface.php | file | core/ |
CachedDiscoveryClearerInterface::clearCachedDefinitions | function | core/ |
Clears the cache on all cached discoveries. |
CachedDiscoveryInterface::clearCachedDefinitions | function | core/ |
Clears static and persistent plugin definition caches. |
ClearCacheBlock | class | core/ |
Provides a block to display 'Clear cache' elements. |
ClearCacheBlock.php | file | core/ |
ClearCacheBlock::blockAccess | function | core/ |
ClearCacheBlock::build | function | core/ |
ClearCacheBlock::create | function | core/ |
ClearCacheBlock::__construct | function | core/ |
Creates a ClearCacheBlock instance. |
ClearCacheBlockTest | class | core/ |
Tests clear cache block behavior. |
ClearCacheBlockTest.php | file | core/ |
ClearCacheBlockTest::$clearCacheBlock | property | core/ |
The clear cache block instance. |
ClearCacheBlockTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
ClearCacheBlockTest::$modules | property | core/ |
ClearCacheBlockTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ClearCacheBlockTest::testCacheClearBlock | function | core/ |
Tests block behavior and access based on permissions. |
ClearCacheForm | class | core/ |
Clear caches for this site. |
ClearCacheForm.php | file | core/ |
ClearCacheForm::buildForm | function | core/ |
ClearCacheForm::getFormId | function | core/ |
ClearCacheForm::submitForm | function | core/ |
Clears the caches. |
clearfix.module.css | file | core/ |
Float clearing. |
clearfix.module.css | file | core/ |
Float clearing. |
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