Search for date
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
A handler to provide proper displays for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Filter to handle dates stored as a timestamp. |
Date | class | core/ |
Argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for datetime fields. |
Date | class | core/ |
Date/time views filter. |
Date | class | core/ |
Abstract argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Provides a form element for date or time selection. |
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
DateField::defineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Apply any custom processing to the field bundle migrations. |
DateField::getFieldFormatterMap | function | core/ |
Get a map between D6 formatters and D8 formatters for this field type. |
DateField::getFieldType | function | core/ |
Computes the destination type of a migrated field. |
DateField::getFieldWidgetMap | function | core/ |
Get a map between D6 and D8 widgets for this field type. |
DateFieldTest | class | core/ |
Provides unit tests for the DateField Plugin. |
DateFieldTest.php | file | core/ |
DateFieldTest::providerTestDefineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Provides data for testDefineValueProcessPipeline(). |
DateFieldTest::testDefineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Tests defineValueProcessPipeline. |
DateFieldTest::testDefineValueProcessPipelineException | function | core/ |
Tests invalid date types throw an exception. |
DateFilterTest | class | core/ |
Test exposed datetime filters functionality. |
DateFilterTest.php | file | core/ |
DateFilterTest::$adminUser | property | core/ |
A user with permission to administer views. |
DateFilterTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
DateFilterTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
DateFilterTest::$testViews | property | core/ |
Views used by this test. |
DateFilterTest::setUp | function | core/ |
Sets up the test. |
DateFilterTest::testLimitExposedOperators | function | core/ |
Tests the limit of the expose operator functionality. |
DateFormat | class | core/ |
Defines the Date Format configuration entity class. |
DateFormat | class | core/ |
Defines the date format element for the configuration translation interface. |
DateFormat.php | file | core/ |
DateFormat.php | file | core/ |
DateFormat::$id | property | core/ |
The date format machine name. |
DateFormat::$label | property | core/ |
The human-readable name of the date format entity. |
DateFormat::$locked | property | core/ |
The locked status of this date format. |
DateFormat::$pattern | property | core/ |
The date format pattern. |
DateFormat::getCacheTagsToInvalidate | function | core/ |
Returns the cache tags that should be used to invalidate caches. |
DateFormat::getPattern | function | core/ |
Gets the date pattern string for this format. |
DateFormat::getTranslationElement | function | core/ |
Returns the translation form element for a given configuration definition. |
DateFormat::isLocked | function | core/ |
Determines if this date format is locked. |
DateFormat::setPattern | function | core/ |
Sets the date pattern for this format. |
DateFormat::sort | function | core/ |
Helper callback for uasort() to sort configuration entities by weight and label. |
DateFormatAccessControlHandler | class | core/ |
Defines the access control handler for the date format entity type. |
DateFormatAccessControlHandler.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatAccessControlHandler::$viewLabelOperation | property | core/ |
Allows to grant access to just the labels. |
DateFormatAccessControlHandler::checkAccess | function | core/ |
Performs access checks. |
DateFormatAccessControlHandlerTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\system\DateFormatAccessControlHandler @group system |
DateFormatAccessControlHandlerTest.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatAccessControlHandlerTest::$accessControlHandler | property | core/ |
The date_format access control handler. |
DateFormatAccessControlHandlerTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
DateFormatAccessControlHandlerTest::providerTestAccess | function | core/ |
DateFormatAccessControlHandlerTest::setUp | function | core/ |
DateFormatAccessControlHandlerTest::testAccess | function | core/ |
@covers ::checkAccess @covers ::checkCreateAccess @dataProvider providerTestAccess |
DateFormatAddForm | class | core/ |
Provides a form for adding a date format. |
DateFormatAddForm.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatAddForm::actions | function | core/ |
Returns an array of supported actions for the current entity form. |
DateFormatDeleteForm | class | core/ |
Builds a form to delete a date format. |
DateFormatDeleteForm.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatDeleteForm::create | function | core/ |
Instantiates a new instance of this class. |
DateFormatDeleteForm::getQuestion | function | core/ |
DateFormatDeleteForm::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a DateFormatDeleteForm object. |
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