Date::$dateFormatter |
property |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
The date formatter service. |
Date::$dateFormatter |
property |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
The date formatter service. |
Date::$format |
property |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
The date format used in the title. |
Date::$option_name |
property |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Date::$requestStack |
property |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
The request stack used to determine current time. |
Date::$routeMatch |
property |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
The route match. |
Date::acceptExposedInput |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Do some minor translation of the exposed input. |
Date::buildOptionsForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/sort/Date.php |
Basic options for all sort criteria. |
Date::buildOptionsForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/field/Date.php |
Default option form that provides label widget that all fields should have. |
Date::create |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/field/Date.php |
Creates an instance of the plugin. |
Date::create |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Creates an instance of the plugin. |
Date::create |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Creates an instance of the plugin. |
Date::defaultArgumentForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Add an option to set the default value to the current date. |
Date::defineOptions |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here. |
Date::defineOptions |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/sort/Date.php |
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here. |
Date::defineOptions |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/field/Date.php |
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here. |
Date::getDateField |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/sort/Date.php |
Override to account for dates stored as strings. |
Date::getDateField |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Creates cross-database SQL dates. |
Date::getDateFormat |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/sort/Date.php |
Overridden in order to pass in the string date flag. |
Date::getDateFormat |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Creates cross-database SQL date formatting. |
Date::getDefaultArgument |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Gets the date default argument, formatted appropriately for this argument. |
Date::getFormula |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Gets the prepared formula. |
Date::getInfo |
function |
core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/Date.php |
Returns the element properties for this element. |
Date::getOffset |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Get the proper offset from UTC to use in computations. |
Date::getSortName |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Return a description of how the argument would normally be sorted. |
Date::getTimezone |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Get the proper time zone to use in computations. |
Date::hasValidGroupedValue |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Determines if the given grouped filter entry has a valid value. |
Date::opBetween |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Filters by operator between. |
Date::opBetween |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Override parent method, which deals with dates as integers. |
Date::opSimple |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Override parent method, which deals with dates as integers. |
Date::opSimple |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Filters by a simple operator. |
Date::preRenderDate |
function |
core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/Date.php |
Adds form-specific attributes to a 'date' #type element. |
Date::query |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/sort/Date.php |
Called to add the sort to a query. |
Date::render |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/field/Date.php |
Renders the field. |
Date::validateExposed |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Validate the exposed handler form. |
Date::validateExposed |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Validate the exposed handler form. |
Date::validateOptionsForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Simple validate handler. |
Date::validateValidTime |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Validate that the time values convert to something usable. |
Date::valueForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Add a type selector to the value form. |
Date::__construct |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Constructs a new Date instance. |
Date::__construct |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/field/Date.php |
Constructs a new Date object. |
Date::__construct |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/sort/Date.php |
Constructs a Handler object. |
Date::__construct |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php |
Constructs a new Date handler. |
Date::__construct |
function |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/views/argument/Date.php |
Constructs a new Date instance. |
DateElementBase |
class |
core/lib/Drupal/Core/Datetime/Element/DateElementBase.php |
Provides a base class for date elements. |
DateElementBase.php |
file |
core/lib/Drupal/Core/Datetime/Element/DateElementBase.php |
DateElementBase::datetimeRangeYears |
function |
core/lib/Drupal/Core/Datetime/Element/DateElementBase.php |
Specifies the start and end year to use as a date range. |
DateElementBase::getElementTitle |
function |
core/lib/Drupal/Core/Datetime/Element/DateElementBase.php |
Returns the most relevant title of a datetime element. |
DateField |
class |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/migrate/field/DateField.php |
Provides a field plugin for date and time fields. |
DateField.php |
file |
core/modules/datetime/src/Plugin/migrate/field/DateField.php |