Search for date
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
A handler to provide proper displays for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Filter to handle dates stored as a timestamp. |
Date | class | core/ |
Argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Basic sort handler for datetime fields. |
Date | class | core/ |
Date/time views filter. |
Date | class | core/ |
Abstract argument handler for dates. |
Date | class | core/ |
Provides a form element for date or time selection. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
DefaultSelection::elementValidateFilter | function | core/ |
Form element validation handler; Filters the #value property of an element. |
DefaultSelection::validateReferenceableEntities | function | core/ |
Validates which existing entities can be referenced. |
DefaultSelection::validateReferenceableNewEntities | function | core/ |
Validates which newly created entities can be referenced. |
DefaultSelection::validateTargetBundles | function | core/ |
Validates a target_bundles element. |
DefaultSelection::validateTargetBundlesUpdate | function | core/ |
Validates a target_bundles_update element. |
DefaultTableMappingIntegrationTest::$entityDefinitionUpdateManager | property | core/ |
The entity definition update manager. |
DeletedWorkspaceConstraintValidator::validate | function | core/ |
DemoteNode::getFieldsToUpdate | function | core/ |
Gets an array of values to be set. |
DependencyHookInvocationTest::testHookUpdateDependencies | function | core/ |
Tests the structure of the array returned by hook_update_dependencies(). |
DependencyMissingTest::testMissingUpdate | function | core/ |
Tests updating with a missing dependency. |
DependencyOrderingTest::testUpdateOrderingModuleInterdependency | function | core/ |
Tests that dependencies between modules are resolved correctly. |
DependencyOrderingTest::testUpdateOrderingSingleModule | function | core/ |
Tests that updates within a single module run in the correct order. |
DevReleaseTest::testSecurityUpdateEmptyProjectTimestamp | function | core/ |
Tests security updates are empty with a dev version and an empty timestamp. |
DevReleaseTest::testSecurityUpdates | function | core/ |
Tests security updates when the installed version is a dev version. |
DiskSpaceValidator::validate | function | core/ |
Validates that there is enough free disk space to do stage operations. |
Display::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
DisplayExtenderPluginBase::validateOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Validate the options form. |
DisplayExtenderTest3::validate | function | core/ |
Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. |
DisplayExtenderTest::testDisplayExtendersValidate | function | core/ |
Tests display extenders validation. |
DisplayLink::validate | function | core/ |
Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest | class | core/ |
Ensure display modes are updated when fields are created. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest.php | file | core/ |
DisplayModeUpdateTest::$defaultFormDisplayName | property | core/ |
The default form display name. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest::$defaultViewDisplayName | property | core/ |
The default view display name. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest::$foobarFormDisplayName | property | core/ |
The alternate form display name. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest::$foobarViewDisplayName | property | core/ |
The alternate view display name. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest::setUp | function | core/ |
Set the default field storage backend for fields created during tests. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest::testDisplayModeUpdateAfterFieldCreation | function | core/ |
Ensure display modes are updated when fields are created. |
DisplayPluginBase::validate | function | core/ |
Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. |
DisplayPluginBase::validateOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Validate the options form. |
DisplayPluginInterface::validate | function | core/ |
Make sure the display and all associated handlers are valid. |
DisplayPluginInterface::validateOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Validates the options form. |
DisplayTest::validate | function | core/ |
Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. |
DisplayTest::validateOptionsForm | function | core/ |
Validate the options form. |
downgrade_prevention_test_update_11102 | function | core/ |
A hook_update_N that is equivalent update to 10400. |
DraggableListBuilderTrait::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
drupal-8.update-schema-version-int.php | file | core/ |
Database to mimic the installation of the update_test_schema module. |
drupal-8.update-test-schema-enabled.php | file | core/ |
Partial database to mimic the installation of the update_test_schema module. |
drupal-8.update-test-semver-update-n-enabled.php | file | core/ |
Database to mimic the installation of the update_test_semver_update_n module. |
Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager | function | core/ |
Returns the entity definition update manager. |
DrupalDateTime | class | core/ |
Extends DateTimePlus(). |
DrupalDateTime.php | file | core/ |
DrupalDateTime::$formatTranslationCache | property | core/ |
Formatted strings translation cache. |
DrupalDateTime::format | function | core/ |
Overrides format(). |
DrupalDateTime::prepareTimezone | function | core/ |
Overrides prepareTimezone(). |
DrupalDateTime::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a date object. |
DrupalDateTime::__sleep | function | core/ |
DrupalDateTimeTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime @group Datetime |
DrupalDateTimeTest | class | core/ |
Tests DrupalDateTime functionality. |
DrupalDateTimeTest.php | file | core/ |
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