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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
StreamWrapperManagerInterface::getDescriptions | function | core/ |
Returns registered stream wrapper descriptions. |
SwitchToLiveForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
TemporaryStream::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns the description of the stream wrapper for use in the UI. |
Term::getDescription | function | core/ |
Gets the term description. |
Term::setDescription | function | core/ |
Sets the term description. |
TermDeleteForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
TermInterface::getDescription | function | core/ |
Gets the term description. |
TermInterface::setDescription | function | core/ |
Sets the term description. |
TestItemWithMultipleDescriptions | class | core/ |
Defines the 'test_field_with_multiple_descriptions' entity field item. |
TestItemWithMultipleDescriptions.php | file | core/ |
TestItemWithSingleDescription | class | core/ |
Defines the 'test_field_with_single_description' entity field item. |
TestItemWithSingleDescription.php | file | core/ |
TestPermissionCallbacks::singleDescription | function | core/ |
TestPermissionCallbacks::titleDescription | function | core/ |
TestPermissionCallbacks::titleDescriptionRestrictAccess | function | core/ |
ThemeExperimentalConfirmForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
TranslationsStream::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns the description of the stream wrapper for use in the UI. |
UpdateDescriptionTest | class | core/ |
Tests for update descriptions. |
UpdateDescriptionTest.php | file | core/ |
UpdateDescriptionTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
UpdateDescriptionTest::testUpdateGetUpdateList | function | core/ |
Tests the list of pending database updates. | | file | core/ |
core/modules/system/tests/modules/update_test_description/ |
update_test_description.install | file | core/ |
update_test_description_update_8001 | function | core/ |
Update test of slash in description and/or. |
update_test_description_update_8002 | function | core/ |
UserCancelForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
UserLogoutConfirm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
UserMultipleCancelConfirm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
VersionHistoryController::getRevisionDescription | function | core/ |
Get a description of the revision. |
VersionHistoryController::getRevisionDescriptionDateFormat | function | core/ |
Date format to use for revision description dates. |
View::$description | property | core/ |
The description of the view, which is used only in the interface. |
ViewsMenuLink::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns the description of the menu link. |
Vocabulary::$description | property | core/ |
Description of the vocabulary. |
Vocabulary::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns the vocabulary description. |
VocabularyDeleteForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
VocabularyInterface::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns the vocabulary description. |
VocabularyResetForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
WidgetBase::getFilteredDescription | function | core/ |
Returns the filtered field description. |
WorkspaceActivateForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
WorkspaceDeleteForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
WorkspaceMergeForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
WorkspacePublishForm::getDescription | function | core/ |
Returns additional text to display as a description. |
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