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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AreaPluginBase::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
ContextualLinks::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
Counter::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
Custom::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
DisplayPluginBase::useGroupBy | function | core/ |
Does the display have group by enabled? |
DisplayPluginInterface::useGroupBy | function | core/ |
Does the display have group by enabled? |
EntityField::buildGroupByForm | function | core/ |
Extend the group by form with group columns. |
EntityField::createEntityForGroupBy | function | core/ |
Creates a fake entity with grouped field values. |
EntityField::submitGroupByForm | function | core/ |
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. |
EntityOperations::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
EntityOperationsUnitTest::testUsesGroupBy | function | core/ |
@covers ::usesGroupBy |
EntityReferenceRelationshipTest::testGroupByWithEmptyRelationships | function | core/ |
Tests group by with optional and empty relationship. |
FieldHandlerInterface::useStringGroupBy | function | core/ |
Determines if this field can be grouped in the results. |
FieldPluginBase::useStringGroupBy | function | core/ |
Determines if this field can be grouped in the results. |
FieldTest::testQueryWithGroupByForBaseField | function | core/ |
@covers ::query |
FieldTest::testQueryWithGroupByForConfigField | function | core/ |
@covers ::query |
GroupByNumeric | class | core/ |
Simple handler for arguments using group by. |
GroupByNumeric | class | core/ |
Simple filter to handle greater than/less than filters. |
GroupByNumeric | class | core/ |
Handler for GROUP BY on simple numeric fields. |
GroupByNumeric.php | file | core/ |
GroupByNumeric.php | file | core/ |
GroupByNumeric.php | file | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::$handler | property | core/ |
The original handler. |
GroupByNumeric::adminLabel | function | core/ |
Return a string representing this handler's name in the UI. |
GroupByNumeric::adminLabel | function | core/ |
Return a string representing this handler's name in the UI. |
GroupByNumeric::adminLabel | function | core/ |
Return a string representing this handler's name in the UI. |
GroupByNumeric::canGroup | function | core/ |
Can this filter be used in OR groups? |
GroupByNumeric::getSortName | function | core/ |
Return a description of how the argument would normally be sorted. |
GroupByNumeric::init | function | core/ |
Initialize the plugin. |
GroupByNumeric::opBetween | function | core/ |
Filters by operator between. |
GroupByNumeric::opEmpty | function | core/ |
Adds a where clause for the operation, 'EMPTY'. |
GroupByNumeric::opSimple | function | core/ |
Filters by a simple operator. |
GroupByNumeric::query | function | core/ |
Add this filter to the query. |
GroupByNumeric::query | function | core/ |
Called to add the field to a query. |
GroupByNumeric::query | function | core/ |
Set up the query for this argument. |
GroupByTest | class | core/ |
Tests UI of aggregate functionality.. |
GroupByTest.php | file | core/ |
GroupByTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
GroupByTest::$testViews | property | core/ |
Views used by this test. |
GroupByTest::testGroupBySave | function | core/ |
Tests whether basic saving works. |
HandlerBase::buildGroupByForm | function | core/ |
Provide a form for aggregation settings. |
HandlerBase::submitGroupByForm | function | core/ |
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. |
HandlerBase::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
HistoryUserTimestamp::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
HistoryUserTimestamp::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
LinkBase::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
Links::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
NodeNewComments::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
Query::$sqlGroupBy | property | core/ |
An array of strings for the SQL 'group by' operation. |
QueryAggregate::addGroupBy | function | core/ |
Adds the group by values to the actual query. |
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