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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AccountForm::alterPreferredLangcodeDescription | function | core/ |
Alters the preferred language widget description. |
AccountForm::syncUserLangcode | function | core/ |
Synchronizes preferred language and entity language. |
AccountInterface::getPreferredAdminLangcode | function | core/ |
Returns the preferred administrative language code of the account. |
AccountInterface::getPreferredLangcode | function | core/ |
Returns the preferred language code of the account. |
AccountProxy::getPreferredAdminLangcode | function | core/ |
Returns the preferred administrative language code of the account. |
AccountProxy::getPreferredLangcode | function | core/ |
Returns the preferred language code of the account. |
AliasManager::$langcodePreloaded | property | core/ |
Whether preloaded path lookups has already been loaded. |
AliasManagerTest::testGetPathByAliasLangcode | function | core/ |
Tests the getPathByAlias method when a langcode is passed explicitly. |
BlockLanguageCacheTest::$langcodes | property | core/ |
List of langcodes. |
BookMultilingualTest::LANGCODE | constant | core/ |
The translation langcode. |
BookMultilingualTest::langcodesProvider | function | core/ |
Data provider for ::testMultilingualBooks(). |
ConfigEntityBase::$langcode | property | core/ |
The language code of the entity's default language. |
ConfigEntityValidationTestBase::testLangcode | function | core/ |
Tests that the config entity's langcode is validated. |
ConfigMapperInterface::getLangcode | function | core/ |
Returns the original language code of the configuration. |
ConfigMapperInterface::getLangcodeFromConfig | function | core/ |
Returns the language code of a configuration object given its name. |
ConfigMapperInterface::setLangcode | function | core/ |
Sets the original language code. |
ConfigNamesMapper::$langcode | property | core/ |
The language code of the language this mapper, if any. |
ConfigNamesMapper::getLangcode | function | core/ |
Returns the original language code of the configuration. |
ConfigNamesMapper::getLangcodeFromConfig | function | core/ |
Returns the language code of a configuration object given its name. |
ConfigNamesMapper::setLangcode | function | core/ |
Sets the original language code. |
ConfigNamesMapperTest::testGetLangcode | function | core/ |
Tests ConfigNamesMapper::getLangcode(). |
ConfigSchemaTest::testLangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraintError | function | core/ |
ConfigTranslationCacheTest::$langcodes | property | core/ |
Languages to enable. |
ConfigTranslationInstallTest::$langcode | property | core/ |
The language code in which to install Drupal. |
ConfigTranslationOverviewTest::$langcodes | property | core/ |
Languages to enable. |
ConfigTranslationUiTestBase::$langcodes | property | core/ |
Languages to enable. |
ConfigTranslationUiThemeTest::$langcodes | property | core/ |
Languages to enable. |
ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode | function | core/ |
Creates a configurable language object from a langcode. |
ConfigurableLanguage::getDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Gets the default langcode. |
ConfigurableLanguageRenderer::$langcode | property | core/ |
A specific language code for rendering if available. |
ConfigurableLanguageRenderer::getLangcode | function | core/ |
ContentEntityBase::$activeLangcode | property | core/ |
Language code identifying the entity active language. |
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcode | property | core/ |
Local cache for the default language code. |
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcodeKey | property | core/ |
The default langcode entity key. |
ContentEntityBase::$langcodeKey | property | core/ |
The language entity key. |
ContentEntityBase::setDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Populates the local cache for the default language code. |
ContentEntityBase::updateFieldLangcodes | function | core/ |
Updates language for already instantiated fields. |
ContentEntityForm::getFormLangcode | function | core/ |
ContentEntityForm::initFormLangcodes | function | core/ |
Initializes form language code values. |
ContentEntityForm::isDefaultFormLangcode | function | core/ |
ContentEntityForm::updateFormLangcode | function | core/ |
Updates the form language to reflect any change to the entity language. |
ContentEntityFormInterface::getFormLangcode | function | core/ |
Gets the code identifying the active form language. |
ContentEntityFormInterface::isDefaultFormLangcode | function | core/ |
Checks whether the current form language matches the entity one. |
ContentLanguageSettings::$default_langcode | property | core/ |
The default language code. |
ContentLanguageSettings::getAllValidDefaultLangcodes | function | core/ |
Returns all valid values for the `default_langcode` property. |
ContentLanguageSettings::getDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Gets the default language code. |
ContentLanguageSettings::setDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Sets the default language code. |
ContentLanguageSettingsInterface::getDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Gets the default language code. |
ContentLanguageSettingsInterface::setDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Sets the default language code. |
ContentLanguageSettingsUnitTest::providerDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
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