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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Table | class | core/ |
Style plugin to render each item as a row in a table. |
Table | class | core/ |
Provides a render element for a table. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidator::create | function | core/ |
Instantiates a new instance of this class. |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidator::validate | function | core/ |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidator::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs an ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidator object. |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidatorTest | class | core/ |
@group Entity @group Validation |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidatorTest.php | file | core/ |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidatorTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidatorTest::testImmutablePropertyCannotBeChanged | function | core/ |
Tests that changing a config entity's immutable property raises an error. |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidatorTest::testValidatedEntityMustHaveAnId | function | core/ |
Tests that entities without an ID will raise an exception. |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidatorTest::testValidatorRejectsANonExistentProperty | function | core/ |
Tests that the validator throws an exception for non-existent properties. |
ImmutablePropertiesConstraintValidatorTest::testValidatorRequiresAConfigEntity | function | core/ |
Tests that only config entities are accepted by the validator. |
ImportableEntityStorageInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides an interface for responding to configuration imports. |
ImportableEntityStorageInterface.php | file | core/ |
ImportableEntityStorageInterface::importCreate | function | core/ |
Creates entities upon synchronizing configuration changes. |
ImportableEntityStorageInterface::importDelete | function | core/ |
Delete entities upon synchronizing configuration changes. |
ImportableEntityStorageInterface::importRename | function | core/ |
Renames entities upon synchronizing configuration changes. |
ImportableEntityStorageInterface::importUpdate | function | core/ |
Updates entities upon synchronizing configuration changes. |
IncorrectConfigTargetForm::getEditableConfigNames | function | core/ |
Gets the configuration names that will be editable. |
InsertTrait::$table | property | core/ |
The table on which to insert. |
JoinPluginBase::$leftTable | property | core/ |
The table we join to. |
JoinPluginBase::$table | property | core/ |
The table to join (right table). |
JSInteractionTest::testFieldValueNotSettable | function | core/ |
Assert an exception is thrown when the field is never enabled. |
JsonApiPatchRegressionTest::testNonTranslatableEntityUpdatesFromIssue3043168 | function | core/ |
Ensure non-translatable entities can be PATCHed with an alternate language. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint | class | core/ |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint.php | file | core/ |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint::$missingMessage | property | core/ |
The error message if this config object is missing a `langcode`. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint::$superfluousMessage | property | core/ |
The error message if this config object contains a superfluous `langcode`. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraintValidator | class | core/ |
Validates the LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValues constraint. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraintValidator.php | file | core/ |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraintValidator::validate | function | core/ |
language-content-settings-table.html.twig | file | core/ |
Theme override to display a language content settings table. |
language-content-settings-table.html.twig | file | core/ |
Default theme implementation to display a language content settings table. |
LanguageItem::getSettableOptions | function | core/ |
Returns an array of settable values with labels for display. |
LanguageItem::getSettableValues | function | core/ |
Returns an array of settable values. |
LanguageNegotiationContentEntityTest::createTranslatableEntity | function | core/ |
Creates a translated entity. |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest | class | core/ |
Tests the content translation settings language selector options. |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest.php | file | core/ |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest::$administrator | property | core/ |
The user with administrator privileges. |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest::getAdministratorPermissions | function | core/ |
Returns an array of permissions needed for the translator. |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest::setUp | function | core/ |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest::testContentTranslationPageTitle | function | core/ |
Tests that correct title is displayed for content translation page. |
LanguageSelectorTranslatableTest::testLanguageStringSelector | function | core/ |
Tests content translation language selectors are correctly translated. |
LanguageTestTrait::setFieldTranslatable | function | core/ |
Sets and saves a given field instance translation status. |
LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplayValidationTest::testImmutableProperties | function | core/ |
Tests that immutable properties cannot be changed. |
LayoutBuilderSortTrait::sortableUpdate | function | core/ |
Define to provide any necessary callback following layout change. |
layout_builder_preprocess_language_content_settings_table | function | core/ |
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for language-content-settings-table.html.twig. |
LegacyMatcherDumperTest::testConstructorDeprecationWithLegacyTableNameParam | function | core/ |
Tests the constructor deprecations. |
ListItemBase::getSettableOptions | function | core/ |
Returns an array of settable values with labels for display. |
ListItemBase::getSettableValues | function | core/ |
Returns an array of settable values. |
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