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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Table | class | core/ |
Style plugin to render each item as a row in a table. |
Table | class | core/ |
Provides a render element for a table. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
FieldUiTable.php | file | core/ |
FieldUiTable::getInfo | function | core/ |
Returns the element properties for this element. |
FieldUiTable::preRenderRegionRows | function | core/ |
Performs pre-render to move #regions to rows. |
FieldUiTable::reduceOrder | function | core/ |
Determines the rendering order of an array representing a tree. |
FieldUiTable::tablePreRender | function | core/ |
Performs pre-render tasks on field_ui_table elements. |
FieldUiTableTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\field_ui\Element\FieldUiTable |
FieldUiTableTest.php | file | core/ |
FieldUiTableTest::providerTestReduceOrder | function | core/ |
Provides test data for testReduceOrder(). |
FieldUiTableTest::testReduceOrder | function | core/ |
@covers ::reduceOrder |
FieldUiTestTrait::assertTableHeaderExistsByLabel | function | core/ |
Asserts that a header cell appears on a table. |
field_test_entity_info_translatable | function | core/ |
Helper function to enable entity translations. |
field_ui_display_mode_table.css | file | core/ |
.display-mode-table th:first-child { width: 30%; } .display-mode-table th:nth-child(2) { width: 50%; } .display-mode-table th:last-child { width: 20%; } .display-mode-table td { max-width: 50px; word-wrap: break-word; } |
field_ui_display_mode_table.css | file | core/ |
.display-mode-table th:first-child { width: 30%; } .display-mode-table th:nth-child(2) { width: 50%; } .display-mode-table th:last-child { width: 20%; } .display-mode-table td { max-width: 50px; word-wrap: break-word; } |
FileCopyTest::testNonWritableDestination | function | core/ |
Tests that non-writable destination throw an exception. |
FileStorageSchema::getSharedTableFieldSchema | function | core/ |
Gets the schema for a single field definition. |
FILE_EXECUTABLE | constant | core/ |
File permission check -- File is executable. |
FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE | constant | core/ |
File permission check -- File is not executable. |
FILE_NOT_WRITABLE | constant | core/ |
File permission check -- File is not writable. |
FILE_WRITABLE | constant | core/ |
File permission check -- File is writable. |
FilterBaseTestableClass | class | core/ |
A class extending FilterBase for testing purposes. |
FilterBaseTestableClass::process | function | core/ |
Performs the filter processing. |
FilterFormat::getSettableOptions | function | core/ |
Returns an array of settable values with labels for display. |
FilterFormat::getSettableValues | function | core/ |
Returns an array of settable values. |
FilterHtmlTest::testTableTags | function | core/ |
Tests restricting HTML to table tags. |
FilterIdTest::$executable | property | core/ |
The mocked MigrateExecutable. |
FilterPluginBase::$tableAliases | property | core/ |
Keyed array by alias of table relations. |
FormattableMarkup | class | core/ |
Formats a string for HTML display by replacing variable placeholders. |
FormattableMarkup.php | file | core/ |
FormattableMarkup::$arguments | property | core/ |
The arguments to replace placeholders with. |
FormattableMarkup::$string | property | core/ |
The string containing placeholders. |
FormattableMarkup::count | function | core/ |
Returns the string length. |
FormattableMarkup::jsonSerialize | function | core/ |
Returns a representation of the object for use in JSON serialization. |
FormattableMarkup::placeholderEscape | function | core/ |
Escapes a placeholder replacement value if needed. |
FormattableMarkup::placeholderFormat | function | core/ |
Replaces placeholders in a string with values. |
FormattableMarkup::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new class instance. |
FormattableMarkup::__toString | function | core/ |
Returns markup. |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest | class | core/ |
Provides a test covering integration of FormattableMarkup with other systems. |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest.php | file | core/ |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest::getFormattableMarkupUriArgs | function | core/ |
Gets arguments for FormattableMarkup based on Url::fromUri() parameters. |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest::providerTestFormattableMarkupUri | function | core/ |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest::providerTestFormattableMarkupUriWithException | function | core/ |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest::testFormattableMarkupUri | function | core/ |
Tests URL ":placeholders" in \Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup. |
FormattableMarkupKernelTest::testFormattableMarkupUriWithExceptionUri | function | core/ |
@dataProvider providerTestFormattableMarkupUriWithException |
FormattableMarkupTest | class | core/ |
Tests the TranslatableMarkup class. |
FormattableMarkupTest.php | file | core/ |
FormattableMarkupTest::$lastErrorMessage | property | core/ |
The error message of the last error in the error handler. |
FormattableMarkupTest::$lastErrorNumber | property | core/ |
The error number of the last error in the error handler. |
FormattableMarkupTest::errorHandler | function | core/ |
Custom error handler that saves the last error. |
FormattableMarkupTest::providerTestUnexpectedPlaceholder | function | core/ |
Data provider for FormattableMarkupTest::testUnexpectedPlaceholder(). |
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