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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
GetTest::integerValuesDataProvider | function | core/ |
Provides data for the successful lookup test. |
GetTest::testIntegerValues | function | core/ |
Tests the Get plugin when source has integer values. |
GroupedExposedFilterTest::testGroupedFilterValuesUI | function | core/ |
Tests if the right fields are shown and the right values set. |
HandleMultiplesTest::scalarAndMultipleValuesProviderSource | function | core/ |
Provides the source data with scalar and multiple values. |
HandleMultiplesTest::testScalarAndMultipleValues | function | core/ |
Tests process pipelines with scalar and multiple values handling. |
hook_entity_field_values_init | function | core/ |
Acts when initializing a fieldable entity object. |
hook_ENTITY_TYPE_field_values_init | function | core/ |
Acts when initializing a fieldable entity object. |
IconExtractorSettingsFormTest::testGenerateSettingsFormWithValues | function | core/ |
Test the IconExtractorSettingsForm::generateSettingsForm method. |
IconTest::testPreRenderIconEmptyValues | function | core/ |
Test the Icon::preRenderIcon method. |
Importer::setFieldValues | function | core/ |
Sets field values based on the normalized data. |
InOperator::operatorValues | function | core/ |
Gets the operators that have a given number of values. |
InOperator::valueSubmit | function | core/ |
InputConfigurator::$values | property | core/ |
The collected input values. |
InputConfigurator::getValues | function | core/ |
Returns the collected input values, keyed by name. |
InsertTrait::$insertValues | property | core/ |
A nested array of values to insert. |
InsertTrait::values | function | core/ |
Adds another set of values to the query to be inserted. |
JsonSchemaTestTrait::testNormalizedValuesAgainstJsonSchema | function | core/ |
Test normalized values against the JSON schema. |
KeyValueContentEntityStorage::createWithSampleValues | function | core/ |
Creates an entity with sample field values. |
KeyValueEntityStorage::$keyValueStore | property | core/ |
The key value store. |
KeyValueEntityStorageTest::$keyValueStore | property | core/ |
The key value store. |
KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface | interface | core/ |
Defines the interface for expiring data in a key/value store. |
KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface.php | file | core/ |
KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface::setMultipleWithExpire | function | core/ |
Saves an array of values with a time to live. |
KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface::setWithExpire | function | core/ |
Saves a value for a given key with a time to live. |
KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface::setWithExpireIfNotExists | function | core/ |
Sets a value for a given key with a time to live if it does not yet exist. |
KeyValueStoreInterface | interface | core/ |
Defines the interface for key/value store implementations. |
KeyValueStoreInterface.php | file | core/ |
KeyValueStoreInterface::delete | function | core/ |
Deletes an item from the key/value store. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::deleteAll | function | core/ |
Deletes all items from the key/value store. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::deleteMultiple | function | core/ |
Deletes multiple items from the key/value store. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::get | function | core/ |
Returns the stored value for a given key. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::getAll | function | core/ |
Returns all stored key/value pairs in the collection. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::getCollectionName | function | core/ |
Returns the name of this collection. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::getMultiple | function | core/ |
Returns the stored key/value pairs for a given set of keys. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::has | function | core/ |
Returns whether a given key exists in the store. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::rename | function | core/ |
Renames a key. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::set | function | core/ |
Saves a value for a given key. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::setIfNotExists | function | core/ |
Saves a value for a given key if it does not exist yet. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::setMultiple | function | core/ |
Saves key/value pairs. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint | class | core/ |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint.php | file | core/ |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint::$missingMessage | property | core/ |
The error message if this config object is missing a `langcode`. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraint::$superfluousMessage | property | core/ |
The error message if this config object contains a superfluous `langcode`. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraintValidator | class | core/ |
Validates the LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValues constraint. |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraintValidator.php | file | core/ |
LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValuesConstraintValidator::validate | function | core/ |
Language::$defaultValues | property | core/ |
The values to use to instantiate the default language. |
LanguageAddForm::copyFormValuesToEntity | function | core/ |
Copies top-level form values to entity properties. |
LanguageItem::getPossibleValues | function | core/ |
Returns an array of possible values. |
LanguageItem::getSettableValues | function | core/ |
Returns an array of settable values. |
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