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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
MediaListBuilder::$thumbnailStyleExists | property | core/ |
Indicates whether the 'thumbnail' image style exists. |
media_library_image_style_access | function | core/ |
Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_access(). |
media_library_post_update_add_media_library_image_style | function | core/ |
Create the 'media_library' image style if necessary. |
MigrateImageStylesTest | class | core/ |
Test image styles migration to config entities. |
MigrateImageStylesTest.php | file | core/ |
MigrateImageStylesTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to enable. |
MigrateImageStylesTest::assertEntity | function | core/ |
Asserts various aspects of an ImageStyle entity. |
MigrateImageStylesTest::setUp | function | core/ |
MigrateImageStylesTest::testImageStylesMigration | function | core/ |
Test the image styles migration. |
Node::rowStyleOptions | function | core/ |
Retrieves row style plugin names. |
NodeRevision::rowStyleOptions | function | core/ |
Overrides Drupal\views\Plugin\views\wizard\WizardPluginBase::rowStyleOptions(). |
PathProcessorImageStyles | class | core/ |
Defines a path processor to rewrite image styles URLs. |
PathProcessorImageStyles.php | file | core/ |
PathProcessorImageStyles::$streamWrapperManager | property | core/ |
The stream wrapper manager service. |
PathProcessorImageStyles::processInbound | function | core/ |
Processes the inbound path. |
PathProcessorImageStyles::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new PathProcessorImageStyles object. |
path_processor.image_styles | service | core/ |
Drupal\image\PathProcessor\PathProcessorImageStyles | | service | core/ |
Drupal\views\Plugin\ViewsPluginManager |
ResponsiveImageFieldDisplayTest::$responsiveImgStyle | property | core/ |
Responsive image style entity instance we test with. |
ResponsiveImageFieldDisplayTest::addTestImageStyleMappings | function | core/ |
Add image style mappings to the responsive image style entity. |
ResponsiveImageFieldDisplayTest::testResponsiveImageFieldFormattersEmptyStyle | function | core/ |
Test responsive image formatters when image style is empty. |
ResponsiveImageFormatter::$imageStyleStorage | property | core/ |
ResponsiveImageFormatter::$responsiveImageStyleStorage | property | core/ |
ResponsiveImageStyle | class | core/ |
Defines the responsive image style entity. |
ResponsiveImageStyle.php | file | core/ |
ResponsiveImageStyle::$breakpoint_group | property | core/ |
The responsive image breakpoint group. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::$fallback_image_style | property | core/ |
The fallback image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::$id | property | core/ |
The responsive image ID (machine name). |
ResponsiveImageStyle::$image_style_mappings | property | core/ |
The image style mappings. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::$keyedImageStyleMappings | property | core/ |
ResponsiveImageStyle::$label | property | core/ |
The responsive image label. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::addImageStyleMapping | function | core/ |
Adds a image style mapping to the responsive image configuration entity. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::calculateDependencies | function | core/ |
Calculates dependencies and stores them in the dependency property. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::getBreakpointGroup | function | core/ |
Returns the breakpoint group for the responsive image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::getFallbackImageStyle | function | core/ |
Returns the fallback image style ID for the responsive image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::getImageStyleIds | function | core/ |
Gets all the image styles IDs involved in the responsive image mapping. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::getImageStyleMapping | function | core/ |
Gets the image style mapping for a breakpoint ID and multiplier. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::getImageStyleMappings | function | core/ |
Returns the image style mappings for the responsive image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::getKeyedImageStyleMappings | function | core/ |
Returns the mappings of breakpoint ID and multiplier to image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::hasImageStyleMappings | function | core/ |
Checks if there is at least one mapping defined. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::isEmptyImageStyleMapping | function | core/ |
Checks if there is at least one image style mapping defined. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::removeImageStyleMappings | function | core/ |
Removes all image style mappings from the responsive image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::setBreakpointGroup | function | core/ |
Sets the breakpoint group for the responsive image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::setFallbackImageStyle | function | core/ |
Sets the fallback image style for the responsive image style. |
ResponsiveImageStyle::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs an Entity object. |
ResponsiveImageStyleConfigEntityUnitTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\responsive_image\Entity\ResponsiveImageStyle @group block |
ResponsiveImageStyleConfigEntityUnitTest.php | file | core/ |
ResponsiveImageStyleConfigEntityUnitTest::$breakpointManager | property | core/ |
The breakpoint manager used for testing. |
ResponsiveImageStyleConfigEntityUnitTest::$entityType | property | core/ |
The entity type used for testing. |
ResponsiveImageStyleConfigEntityUnitTest::$entityTypeManager | property | core/ |
The entity type manager used for testing. |
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