function ConfigSingleImportForm::buildForm

Same name in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSingleImportForm::buildForm()
  2. 10 core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSingleImportForm::buildForm()
  3. 11.x core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php \Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSingleImportForm::buildForm()

Overrides ConfirmFormBase::buildForm


core/modules/config/src/Form/ConfigSingleImportForm.php, line 242


Provides a form for importing a single configuration file.




public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    // When this is the confirmation step fall through to the confirmation form.
    if ($this->data) {
        return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
    $entity_types = [];
    foreach ($this->entityTypeManager
        ->getDefinitions() as $entity_type => $definition) {
        if ($definition->entityClassImplements(ConfigEntityInterface::class)) {
            $entity_types[$entity_type] = $definition->getLabel();
    // Sort the entity types by label, then add the simple config to the top.
    uasort($entity_types, 'strnatcasecmp');
    $config_types = [
        'system.simple' => $this->t('Simple configuration'),
    ] + $entity_types;
    $form['config_type'] = [
        '#title' => $this->t('Configuration type'),
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $config_types,
        '#required' => TRUE,
    $form['config_name'] = [
        '#title' => $this->t('Configuration name'),
        '#description' => $this->t('Enter the name of the configuration file without the <em>.yml</em> extension. (e.g. <em></em>)'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#states' => [
            'required' => [
                ':input[name="config_type"]' => [
                    'value' => 'system.simple',
            'visible' => [
                ':input[name="config_type"]' => [
                    'value' => 'system.simple',
    $form['import'] = [
        '#title' => $this->t('Paste your configuration here'),
        '#type' => 'textarea',
        '#rows' => 24,
        '#required' => TRUE,
    $form['advanced'] = [
        '#type' => 'details',
        '#title' => $this->t('Advanced'),
    $form['advanced']['custom_entity_id'] = [
        '#title' => $this->t('Custom Entity ID'),
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#description' => $this->t('Specify a custom entity ID. This will override the entity ID in the configuration above.'),
    $form['actions'] = [
        '#type' => 'actions',
    $form['actions']['submit'] = [
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => $this->t('Import'),
        '#button_type' => 'primary',
    return $form;

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