173 string references to 'Renderer'
- AccessPermissionTest::testRenderCaching in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ AccessPermissionTest.php - Tests access on render caching.
- AccessRoleTest::testRenderCaching in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ AccessRoleTest.php - Tests access on render caching.
- AreaDisplayLinkTest::renderDisplayLink in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ AreaDisplayLinkTest.php - Render a display link.
- AreaEntityTest::doTestRender in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ AreaEntityTest.php - Tests rendering the entity area handler.
- AreaTextTest::testAreaText in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ AreaTextTest.php - AreaTextTokenTest::testAreaTextToken in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ AreaTextTokenTest.php - Tests the token into text area plugin within header.
- AreaViewTest::testViewArea in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ AreaViewTest.php - Tests the view area handler.
- ArgumentSummaryTest::testArgumentSummary in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ ArgumentSummaryTest.php - Tests the argument summary feature.
- AssertContentTrait::assertThemeOutput in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ AssertContentTrait.php - Asserts themed output.
- AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait::assertViewsCacheTags in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Tests/ AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait.php - Asserts a view's result & render cache items' cache tags.
- AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait::assertViewsCacheTagsFromStaticRenderArray in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Tests/ AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait.php - Asserts a view's result & render cache items' cache tags.
- AttachedAssetsTest::setUp in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Asset/ AttachedAssetsTest.php - BlockViewBuilderTest::setUp in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ BlockViewBuilderTest.php - BreakLockLink::create in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ TempStore/ Element/ BreakLockLink.php - BubbleableMetadataTest::testMerge in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Render/ BubbleableMetadataTest.php - @covers ::merge @dataProvider providerTestMerge
- CacheTagTest::testTagCaching in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Plugin/ CacheTagTest.php - Tests the tag cache plugin.
- CacheTest::testArgumentDefaultCache in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ CacheTest.php - Tests that cacheability metadata is carried over from argument defaults.
- CacheTest::testHeaderStorage in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ CacheTest.php - Tests css/js storage and restoring mechanism.
- CollectRoutesTest::setUp in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Unit/ CollectRoutesTest.php - CommentAdminViewTest::doTestFilters in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ CommentAdminViewTest.php - Tests comment admin view display.
- CommentDefaultFormatterCacheTagsTest::testCacheTags in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ CommentDefaultFormatterCacheTagsTest.php - Tests the bubbling of cache tags.
- CommentFieldNameTest::testCommentFieldName in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ CommentFieldNameTest.php - Tests comment field name.
- CommentForm::create in core/
modules/ comment/ src/ CommentForm.php - CommentOrphanTest::testOrphan in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ CommentOrphanTest.php - Test loading/deleting/rendering orphaned comments.
- CommentUserNameTest::testUsername in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ CommentUserNameTest.php - Tests the username formatter.
- ComponentKernelTestBase::renderComponentRenderArray in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Theme/ Component/ ComponentKernelTestBase.php - Renders a component for testing sake.
- ComponentRendererTrait::renderComponentRenderArray in core/
modules/ sdc/ tests/ src/ Traits/ ComponentRendererTrait.php - Renders a component for testing sake.
- ConfigSingleImportForm::create in core/
modules/ config/ src/ Form/ ConfigSingleImportForm.php - ConfigSync::create in core/
modules/ config/ src/ Form/ ConfigSync.php - ConfigTranslationController::create in core/
modules/ config_translation/ src/ Controller/ ConfigTranslationController.php - ContextualController::create in core/
modules/ contextual/ src/ ContextualController.php - core.services.yml in core/
core.services.yml - core/core.services.yml
- DisplayPageTest::testReadMore in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ DisplayPageTest.php - Tests the readmore functionality.
- DisplayTest::testDisplayPlugin in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Plugin/ DisplayTest.php - Tests the display test plugin.
- DisplayTest::testReadMoreCustomURL in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Plugin/ DisplayTest.php - Tests the readmore with custom URL.
- DrupalKernelTest::testResetContainer in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ DrupalKernel/ DrupalKernelTest.php - @covers ::resetContainer
- EarlyRenderingTestController::create in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ early_rendering_controller_test/ src/ EarlyRenderingTestController.php - ElementsLabelsTest::testFormsInThemeLessEnvironments in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Form/ ElementsLabelsTest.php - Tests forms in theme-less environments.
- EntityController::create in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ Controller/ EntityController.php - EntityDisplayBase::__construct in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ EntityDisplayBase.php - EntityField::create in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ field/ EntityField.php - EntityFormDisplayAccessControlHandlerTest::setUp in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Entity/ Access/ EntityFormDisplayAccessControlHandlerTest.php - EntityReferenceFormatterTest::testCustomCacheTagFormatter in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntityReference/ EntityReferenceFormatterTest.php - Tests the merging of cache metadata.
- EntityReferenceFormatterTest::testEntityFormatter in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntityReference/ EntityReferenceFormatterTest.php - Tests the entity formatter.
- EntityReferenceFormatterTest::testEntityFormatterRecursiveRendering in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntityReference/ EntityReferenceFormatterTest.php - Tests the recursive rendering protection of the entity formatter.
- EntityReferenceFormatterTest::testLabelFormatter in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntityReference/ EntityReferenceFormatterTest.php - Tests the label formatter.
- EntityTranslationTest::doTestLanguageFallback in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityTranslationTest.php - Executes the language fallback test for the given entity type.
- EntityViewBuilderTest::testEntityViewBuilderCache in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewBuilderTest.php - Tests entity render cache handling.
- EntityViewBuilderTest::testEntityViewBuilderCacheWithReferences in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewBuilderTest.php - Tests entity render cache with references.
- EntityViewBuilderTest::testEntityViewBuilderWeight in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewBuilderTest.php - Tests weighting of display components.
- EntityViewBuilderTest::testExternalEntity in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewBuilderTest.php - Tests an entity type with an external canonical rel.
- EntityViewBuilderTest::testViewField in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewBuilderTest.php - Tests EntityViewBuilder::viewField() language awareness.
- EntityViewController::create in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ Controller/ EntityViewController.php - EntityViewHookTest::testHookEntityDisplayBuildAlter in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityViewHookTest.php - Tests hook_entity_display_build_alter().
- ExtensionViewsFieldTest::testFileExtensionTarOption in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ ExtensionViewsFieldTest.php - Tests file extension views field handler extension_detect_tar option.
- Feed::buildResponse in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ display/ Feed.php - Feed::create in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ display/ Feed.php - FieldCustomTest::testFieldCustomTokens in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldCustomTest.php - Ensure that custom fields can use tokens.
- FieldDisplayTest::testFieldVisualHidden in core/
modules/ field/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldDisplayTest.php - Tests that visually hidden works with core.
- FieldDropbuttonTest::testDropbuttonMarkupShouldNotLeakBetweenRows in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldDropbuttonTest.php - Tests that dropbutton markup doesn't leak between rows.
- FieldFieldAccessTestBase::assertFieldAccess in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldFieldAccessTestBase.php - Checks views field access for a given entity type and field name.
- FieldFieldTest::testFieldApiClassesRender in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldFieldTest.php - Tests the result of a view field with field_api_classes enabled.
- FieldGroupRowsTest::testGroupRows in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldGroupRowsTest.php - Testing the "Grouped rows" functionality.
- FieldKernelTest::testArgumentTokens in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests the arguments tokens on field level.
- FieldKernelTest::testExclude in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests the exclude setting.
- FieldKernelTest::testFieldTokens in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests the field tokens, row level and field level.
- FieldKernelTest::testRender in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests that the render function is called.
- FieldKernelTest::testRewrite in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests general rewriting of the output.
- FieldKernelTest::testRewriteHtmlWithTokens in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests rewriting of the output with HTML.
- FieldKernelTest::testRewriteHtmlWithTokensAndAggregation in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests rewriting of the output with HTML and aggregation.
- FieldKernelTest::_testEmptyText in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests the usage of the empty text.
- FieldKernelTest::_testHideIfEmpty in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldKernelTest.php - Tests the hide if empty functionality.
- FieldPluginBase::getRenderer in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ field/ FieldPluginBase.php - Returns the render API renderer.
- FieldPluginBaseTest::setUp in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Plugin/ field/ FieldPluginBaseTest.php - FieldRenderedEntityTest::testRenderedEntityWithoutAndWithField in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ FieldRenderedEntityTest.php - Tests the default rendered entity output.
- FieldWebTest::testAlterUrl in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Handler/ FieldWebTest.php - Tests rewriting the output to a link.
- FieldWebTest::testFieldClasses in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Handler/ FieldWebTest.php - Tests the field/label/wrapper classes.
- FieldWebTest::testTextRendering in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Handler/ FieldWebTest.php - Tests trimming/read-more/ellipses.
- FileUploadForm::create in core/
modules/ media_library/ src/ Form/ FileUploadForm.php - file_save_upload in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Saves file uploads to a new location.
- FilterCaptionTwigDebugTest::testCaptionFilter in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FilterCaptionTwigDebugTest.php - Tests the caption filter with Twig debugging on.
- FilterKernelTest::testAlignAndCaptionFilters in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FilterKernelTest.php - Tests the combination of the align and caption filters.
- FilterKernelTest::testCaptionFilter in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FilterKernelTest.php - Tests the caption filter.
- FormAjaxSubscriberTest::testOnExceptionBrokenPostRequest in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Form/ EventSubscriber/ FormAjaxSubscriberTest.php - @covers ::onException
- ForumController::create in core/
modules/ forum/ src/ Controller/ ForumController.php - FrameworkTest::testOrder in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Ajax/ FrameworkTest.php - Tests AjaxResponse::prepare() AJAX commands ordering.
- HandlerFieldUserNameTest::testNoAdditionalFields in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ HandlerFieldUserNameTest.php - Tests that the field handler works when no additional fields are added.
- HandlerFieldUserNameTest::testUserName in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ HandlerFieldUserNameTest.php - HelpTopicSection::create in core/
modules/ help/ src/ Plugin/ HelpSection/ HelpTopicSection.php - IconBuilderTest::testBuild in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Layout/ IconBuilderTest.php - @covers ::build @covers ::buildRenderArray @covers ::calculateSvgValues @covers ::getLength @covers ::getOffset
- ImageFieldDisplayTest::testImageFieldDefaultImage in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Tests use of a default image with an image field.
- ImageFieldDisplayTest::testImageFieldSettings in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Tests for image field settings.
- ImageFieldDisplayTest::testImageLoadingAttribute in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Tests for image loading attribute settings.
- ImageFieldDisplayTest::_testImageFieldFormatters in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Tests image formatters on node display.
- ImageFormatterTest::testImageFormatterSvg in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ImageFormatterTest.php - Tests ImageFormatter's handling of SVG images.
- ImageFormatterTest::testImageFormatterUrlOptions in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ImageFormatterTest.php - Tests Image Formatter URL options handling.
- ImageThemeFunctionTest::testImageAltFunctionality in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ImageThemeFunctionTest.php - Tests image alt attribute functionality.
- ImageThemeFunctionTest::testImageFormatterTheme in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ImageThemeFunctionTest.php - Tests usage of the image field formatters.
- ImageThemeFunctionTest::testImageStyleTheme in core/
modules/ image/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ImageThemeFunctionTest.php - Tests usage of the image style theme function.
- InlineFormErrorsServiceProvider::alter in core/
modules/ inline_form_errors/ src/ InlineFormErrorsServiceProvider.php - LinkBaseTest::setUp in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Plugin/ views/ field/ LinkBaseTest.php - LinkGenerationTest::testHookLinkAlter in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Url/ LinkGenerationTest.php - Tests how hook_link_alter() can affect escaping of the link text.
- LocalActionManagerTest::testCacheability in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Menu/ LocalActionManagerTest.php - Tests the cacheability of local actions.
- ManagedFile::uploadAjaxCallback in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Element/ ManagedFile.php - #ajax callback for managed_file upload forms.
- MediaEmbed::create in core/
modules/ media/ src/ Plugin/ Filter/ MediaEmbed.php - MediaFilterController::create in core/
modules/ media/ src/ Controller/ MediaFilterController.php - MediaThumbnailFormatter::create in core/
modules/ media/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldFormatter/ MediaThumbnailFormatter.php - MenuLinkContentCacheabilityBubblingTest::testOutboundPathAndRouteProcessing in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MenuLinkContentCacheabilityBubblingTest.php - Tests bubbleable metadata of menu links' outbound route/path processing.
- MessageAction::create in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Action/ Plugin/ Action/ MessageAction.php - ModuleTest::testViewsEmbedView in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ModuleTest.php - Tests views.module: views_embed_view().
- NavigationMenuBlockTest::setUp in core/
modules/ navigation/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ NavigationMenuBlockTest.php - NavigationMenuMarkupTest::setUp in core/
modules/ navigation/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ NavigationMenuMarkupTest.php - NodePreviewController::create in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Controller/ NodePreviewController.php - NodeSearch::create in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ Search/ NodeSearch.php - NodeViewBuilderTest::setUp in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ NodeViewBuilderTest.php - NodeViewController::create in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Controller/ NodeViewController.php - node_query_node_access_alter in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
- OEmbedIframeController::create in core/
modules/ media/ src/ Controller/ OEmbedIframeController.php - OverviewTerms::create in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Form/ OverviewTerms.php - PathPluginTest::testPathPlugin in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ PathPluginTest.php - Tests the node path plugin functionality when converted to entity link.
- PluginBase::getRenderer in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ PluginBase.php - Returns the render API renderer.
- RendererBubblingTest::testBubblingWithoutPreRender in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Render/ RendererBubblingTest.php - Tests bubbling of assets when NOT using #pre_render callbacks.
- RendererPlaceholdersTest::generatePlaceholdersWithChildrenTestElement in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Render/ RendererPlaceholdersTest.php - Generates an element with placeholders at 3 levels.
- RendererTestBase::setUp in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Render/ RendererTestBase.php - RenderPlaceholderMessageTestController::create in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ render_placeholder_message_test/ src/ RenderPlaceholderMessageTestController.php - ResponsiveImageFieldDisplayTest::doTestResponsiveImageFieldFormatters in core/
modules/ responsive_image/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ResponsiveImageFieldDisplayTest.php - Tests responsive image formatters on node display.
- RestExport::buildResponse in core/
modules/ rest/ src/ Plugin/ views/ display/ RestExport.php - RestExport::create in core/
modules/ rest/ src/ Plugin/ views/ display/ RestExport.php - RowPluginTest::testRowPlugin in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ RowPluginTest.php - Tests the node row plugin.
- RssFieldsTest::testRssFields in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ RssFieldsTest.php - Tests correct processing of RSS fields.
- SearchBlockForm::create in core/
modules/ search/ src/ Form/ SearchBlockForm.php - SettingsForm::create in core/
modules/ navigation/ src/ Form/ SettingsForm.php - SiteSettingsForm::create in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Installer/ Form/ SiteSettingsForm.php - SortRandomTest::testRandomOrderingWithRenderCaching in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Handler/ SortRandomTest.php - Tests random ordering with tags based caching.
- StatisticsPopularBlock::create in core/
modules/ statistics/ src/ Plugin/ Block/ StatisticsPopularBlock.php - StyleFieldsTest::testInlineFields in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ StyleFieldsTest.php - Tests inline fields and separator.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::setUp in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - StyleSerializerTest::setUp in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerTest.php - StyleTest::testStyle in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ StyleTest.php - Tests the general rendering of styles.
- SummaryLengthTest::testSummaryLength in core/
modules/ node/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ SummaryLengthTest.php - Tests the node summary length functionality.
- TaxonomyFieldTidTest::testViewsHandlerTidField in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ TaxonomyFieldTidTest.php - Tests the taxonomy field handler.
- TaxonomyFieldVidTest::testViewsHandlerVidField in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ TaxonomyFieldVidTest.php - Tests the field handling for the Vocabulary ID.
- template_preprocess_system_modules_details in core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Prepares variables for the module details templates.
- TextProcessed::getRenderer in core/
modules/ text/ src/ TextProcessed.php - Returns the renderer service.
- ThemeRenderAndAutoescapeTest::testBubblingMetadata in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Theme/ ThemeRenderAndAutoescapeTest.php - Ensure cache metadata is bubbled when using theme_render_and_autoescape().
- ThemeRenderAndAutoescapeTest::testBubblingMetadataWithRenderable in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Theme/ ThemeRenderAndAutoescapeTest.php - Ensure cache metadata is bubbled when using theme_render_and_autoescape().
- ThemeRenderAndAutoescapeTest::testThemeRenderAndAutoescape in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Theme/ ThemeRenderAndAutoescapeTest.php - @dataProvider providerTestThemeRenderAndAutoescape
- ToolbarController::preRenderGetRenderedSubtrees in core/
modules/ toolbar/ src/ Controller/ ToolbarController.php - #pre_render callback for toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees().
- toolbar_get_rendered_subtrees in core/
modules/ toolbar/ toolbar.module - Returns the rendered subtree of each top-level toolbar link.
- TwigDebugMarkupTest::testTwigDebugMarkup in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Theme/ TwigDebugMarkupTest.php - Tests debug markup added to Twig template output.
- TwigEnvironmentTest::testInlineTemplate in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Theme/ TwigEnvironmentTest.php - Tests inline templates.
- TwigIncludeTest::testTemplateInclusion in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Theme/ TwigIncludeTest.php - Tests template inclusion extension checking.
- TwigMarkupInterfaceTest::renderObjectWithTwig in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Theme/ TwigMarkupInterfaceTest.php - TwigTransTest::testEmptyTwigTransTags in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Theme/ TwigTransTest.php - Tests empty Twig "trans" tags.
- UnpublishByKeywordComment::create in core/
modules/ action/ src/ Plugin/ Action/ UnpublishByKeywordComment.php - UrlTest::testLinkAttributes in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Common/ UrlTest.php - Tests that default and custom attributes are handled correctly on links.
- UrlTest::testLinkRenderArrayText in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Common/ UrlTest.php - Tests that link functions support render arrays as 'text'.
- UserLoginForm::create in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Form/ UserLoginForm.php - VersionHistoryController::create in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ Controller/ VersionHistoryController.php - ViewAjaxController::create in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Controller/ ViewAjaxController.php - ViewAjaxControllerTest::setUp in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Controller/ ViewAjaxControllerTest.php - ViewElementTest::testInvalidView in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ViewElementTest.php - Tests that an exception is thrown when an invalid View is passed.
- ViewElementTest::testViewElement in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ViewElementTest.php - Tests the rendered output and form output of a view element.
- ViewElementTest::testViewElementEmbed in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ViewElementTest.php - Tests the rendered output and form output of the "embed" display plugin.
- ViewsFormBase::ajaxFormWrapper in core/
modules/ views_ui/ src/ Form/ Ajax/ ViewsFormBase.php - Wrapper for handling AJAX forms.
- ViewsPreprocessTest::testCssClassCleaning in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ViewsPreprocessTest.php - Tests css classes on displays are cleaned correctly.
- ViewsSelection::create in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ EntityReferenceSelection/ ViewsSelection.php - ViewsTemplateTest::testTemplate in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ ViewsTemplateTest.php - Tests render functionality.
- VocabularyListBuilder::createInstance in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ VocabularyListBuilder.php - WhoIsOnlineBlockTest::setUp in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ WhoIsOnlineBlockTest.php - WorkspaceCacheContextTest::testWorkspaceCacheContext in core/
modules/ workspaces/ tests/ src/ Functional/ WorkspaceCacheContextTest.php - Tests the 'workspace' cache context.
- WorkspaceListBuilder::createInstance in core/
modules/ workspaces/ src/ WorkspaceListBuilder.php - _update_ckeditor5_html_filter in core/
modules/ ckeditor5/ ckeditor5.module - AJAX callback handler for filter_format_form().
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