47 calls to Drupal::config()
- AccountForm::form in core/
modules/ user/ src/ AccountForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- AnnouncementsFeedHooks::cron in core/
modules/ announcements_feed/ src/ Hook/ AnnouncementsFeedHooks.php - Implements hook_cron().
- announcements_feed_cron in core/
modules/ announcements_feed/ announcements_feed.module - Implements hook_cron().
- AutomatedCronHooks::formSystemCronSettingsAlter in core/
modules/ automated_cron/ src/ Hook/ AutomatedCronHooks.php - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for the system_cron_settings() form.
- book_breadcrumb_test_node_access in core/
modules/ book/ tests/ modules/ book_breadcrumb_test/ book_breadcrumb_test.module - Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_access().
- ConfigInstallWebTest::testIntegrationModuleReinstallation in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ConfigInstallWebTest.php - Tests module re-installation.
- ConfigLanguageOverrideTest::testConfigLanguageOverride in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigLanguageOverrideTest.php - Tests locale override based on language.
- ConfigOverrideTest::testConfOverride in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigOverrideTest.php - Tests configuration override.
- DrupalTest::testConfig in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ DrupalTest.php - Tests the config() method.
- FileHooks::formSystemFileSystemSettingsAlter in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Hook/ FileHooks.php - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- FileWidget::process in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldWidget/ FileWidget.php - Form API callback: Processes a file_generic field element.
- hook_entity_bundle_delete in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ entity.api.php - Act on entity_bundle_delete().
- hook_user_login in core/
modules/ user/ user.api.php - The user just logged in.
- InputConfigurator::getDefaultValue in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Recipe/ InputConfigurator.php - Returns the default value for an input definition.
- InstallerTranslationMultipleLanguageNonInteractiveTest::testTranslationsLoaded in core/
tests/ Drupal/ FunctionalTests/ Installer/ InstallerTranslationMultipleLanguageNonInteractiveTest.php - Tests that translations ended up at the expected places.
- InstallerTranslationMultipleLanguageTest::testTranslationsLoaded in core/
tests/ Drupal/ FunctionalTests/ Installer/ InstallerTranslationMultipleLanguageTest.php - Tests that translations ended up at the expected places.
- InstallerTranslationTest::testInstaller in core/
tests/ Drupal/ FunctionalTests/ Installer/ InstallerTranslationTest.php - Verifies the expected behaviors of the installation result.
- language_get_browser_drupal_langcode_mappings in core/
modules/ language/ language.module - Returns language mappings between browser and Drupal language codes.
- locale_cron_fill_queue in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.translation.inc - Populate a queue with project to check for translation updates.
- locale_uninstall in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.install - Implements hook_uninstall().
- RegisterAccessCheck::access in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Access/ RegisterAccessCheck.php - Checks access.
- StatusTest::testErrorElementCount in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ System/ StatusTest.php - Tests that the Error counter matches the displayed number of errors.
- StatusTest::testWarningElementCount in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ System/ StatusTest.php - Tests that the Warning counter matches the displayed number of warnings.
- SystemTokensHooks::tokens in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Hook/ SystemTokensHooks.php - Implements hook_tokens().
- system_requirements in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Implements hook_requirements().
- system_tokens in core/
modules/ system/ system.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- template_preprocess_html in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for HTML document templates.
- template_preprocess_maintenance_page in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for maintenance page templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_opml in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for OPML feed templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_rss in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for RSS feed templates.
- TokenReplaceKernelTest::testSystemSiteTokenReplacement in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Token/ TokenReplaceKernelTest.php - Tests the generation of all system site information tokens.
- UpdateHooks::cron in core/
modules/ update/ src/ Hook/ UpdateHooks.php - Implements hook_cron().
- User::postSave in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Entity/ User.php - Acts on a saved entity before the insert or update hook is invoked.
- UserHooks::formSystemRegionalSettingsAlter in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Hook/ UserHooks.php - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for \Drupal\system\Form\RegionalForm.
- UserHooks::mail in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Hook/ UserHooks.php - Implements hook_mail().
- UserHooks::userLogin in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Hook/ UserHooks.php - Implements hook_user_login().
- UserHooks::userPresave in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Hook/ UserHooks.php - Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave() for user entities.
- UserTokenReplaceTest::testUserTokenReplacement in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserTokenReplaceTest.php - Creates a user, then tests the tokens generated from it.
- UserTokensHooks::tokens in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Hook/ UserTokensHooks.php - Implements hook_tokens().
- user_cancel_methods in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Helper function to return available account cancellation methods.
- user_tokens in core/
modules/ user/ user.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- ViewUI::renderPreview in core/
modules/ views_ui/ src/ ViewUI.php - _drupal_maintenance_theme in core/
includes/ theme.maintenance.inc - Sets up the theming system for maintenance page.
- _install_config_locale_overrides_process_batch in core/
includes/ install.core.inc - Batch operation callback for install_config_locale_overrides().
- _locale_rebuild_js in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.module - (Re-)Creates the JavaScript translation file for a language.
- _locale_translation_default_update_options in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.translation.inc - Returns default import options for translation update.
- _update_cron_notify in core/
modules/ update/ update.fetch.inc - Performs any notifications that should be done once cron fetches new data.
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