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  1. 10 core/modules/ckeditor5/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/MediaPreviewTest.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\ckeditor5\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewDisplay;
use Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat;
// cspell:ignore drupalmediaediting

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Media
 * @group ckeditor5
 * @group #slow
 * @internal
class MediaPreviewTest extends MediaTestBase {
     * Tests that failed media embed preview requests inform the end user.
    public function testErrorMessages() : void {
        // This test currently frequently causes the SQLite database to lock, so
        // skip the test on SQLite until the issue can be resolved.
        // @todo
        if (Database::getConnection()->driver() === 'sqlite') {
            $this->markTestSkipped('Test frequently causes a locked database on SQLite');
        // Assert that a request to the `media.filter.preview` route that does not
        // result in a 200 response (due to server error or network error) is
        // handled in the JavaScript by displaying the expected error message.
        // @see core/modules/media/js/media_embed_ckeditor.theme.js
        // @see js/ckeditor5_plugins/drupalMedia/src/drupalmediaediting.js
            ->set('test_media_filter_controller_throw_error', TRUE);
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', '.ck-widget.drupal-media');
        $this->assertEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]', 1000));
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.ck-widget.drupal-media .media');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForText('An error occurred while trying to preview the media. Save your work and reload this page.'));
        // Now assert that the error doesn't appear when the override to force an
        // error is removed.
            ->set('test_media_filter_controller_throw_error', FALSE);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        // There's a second kind of error message that comes from the back end
        // that happens when the media uuid can't be converted to a media preview.
        // In this case, the error will appear in a the themeable
        // media-embed-error.html template.  We have a hook altering the css
        // classes to test the twig template is working properly and picking up our
        // extra class.
        // @see \Drupal\media\Plugin\Filter\MediaEmbed::renderMissingMediaIndicator()
        // @see core/modules/media/templates/media-embed-error.html.twig
        // @see media_test_embed_preprocess_media_embed_error()
        $original_value = $this->host->body->value;
        $this->host->body->value = str_replace($this->media
            ->uuid(), 'invalid_uuid', $original_value);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-widget.drupal-media .this-error-message-is-themeable'));
        // Test when using the starterkit_theme theme, an additional class is added
        // to the error, which is supported by
        // stable9/templates/content/media-embed-error.html.twig.
            ->set('default', 'starterkit_theme')
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-widget.drupal-media .this-error-message-is-themeable'));
        // Test that restoring a valid UUID results in the media embed preview
        // displaying.
        $this->host->body->value = $original_value;
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '.ck-widget.drupal-media .this-error-message-is-themeable');
     * The CKEditor Widget must load a preview generated using the default theme.
    public function testPreviewUsesDefaultThemeAndIsClientCacheable() : void {
        // Make the node edit form use the admin theme, like on most Drupal sites.
            ->set('use_admin_theme', TRUE)
        // Allow the test user to view the admin theme.
            'view the administration theme',
        // Configure a different default and admin theme, like on most Drupal sites.
            ->set('default', 'stable9')
            ->set('admin', 'starterkit_theme')
        // Assert that when looking at an embedded entity in the CKEditor Widget,
        // the preview is generated using the default theme, not the admin theme.
        // @see media_test_embed_entity_view_alter()
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        $element = $assert_session->elementExists('css', '[data-media-embed-test-active-theme]');
        $this->assertSame('stable9', $element->getAttribute('data-media-embed-test-active-theme'));
        // Assert that the first preview request transferred >500 B over the wire.
        // Then toggle source mode on and off. This causes the CKEditor widget to be
        // destroyed and then reconstructed. Assert that during this reconstruction,
        // a second request is sent. This second request should have transferred 0
        // bytes: the browser should have cached the response, thus resulting in a
        // much better user experience.
        $this->assertGreaterThan(500, $this->getLastPreviewRequestTransferSize());
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElement('css', '.ck-source-editing-area'));
        // CKEditor 5 is very smart: if no changes were made in the Source Editing
        // Area, it will not rerender the contents. In this test, we
        // want to verify that Media preview responses are cached on the client side
        // so it is essential that rerendering occurs. To achieve this, we append a
        // single space.
        $source_text_area = $this->getSession()
            ->find('css', '[name="body[0][value]"] + .ck-editor textarea');
        $source_text_area->setValue($source_text_area->getValue() . ' ');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', 'img[src*="image-test.png"]'));
        $this->assertSame(0, $this->getLastPreviewRequestTransferSize());
     * Tests preview route access.
     * @param bool $media_embed_enabled
     *   Whether to test with media_embed filter enabled on the text format.
     * @param bool $can_use_format
     *   Whether the logged in user is allowed to use the text format.
     * @dataProvider previewAccessProvider
    public function testEmbedPreviewAccess($media_embed_enabled, $can_use_format) : void {
        // Reconfigure the host entity's text format to suit our needs.
        /** @var \Drupal\filter\FilterFormatInterface $format */
        $format = FilterFormat::load($this->host->body->format);
        $format->set('filters', [
            'filter_align' => [
                'status' => TRUE,
            'filter_caption' => [
                'status' => TRUE,
            'media_embed' => [
                'status' => $media_embed_enabled,
        $permissions = [
            'bypass node access',
        if ($can_use_format) {
            $permissions[] = $format->getPermissionName();
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        if ($can_use_format) {
            if ($media_embed_enabled) {
                // The preview rendering, which in this test will use Starterkit theme's
                // media.html.twig template, will fail without the CSRF token/header.
                // @see ::testEmbeddedMediaPreviewWithCsrfToken()
                $this->assertNotEmpty($assert_session->waitForElementVisible('css', ''));
            else {
                // If the filter isn't enabled, there won't be an error, but the
                // preview shouldn't be rendered.
                $assert_session->elementNotExists('css', '');
        else {
            $assert_session->pageTextContains('This field has been disabled because you do not have sufficient permissions to edit it.');
     * Data provider for ::testEmbedPreviewAccess.
    public static function previewAccessProvider() {
        return [
            'media_embed filter enabled' => [
            'media_embed filter disabled' => [
            'media_embed filter enabled, user not allowed to use text format' => [
     * Ensure media preview isn't clickable.
    public function testMediaPointerEvent() : void {
        $entityViewDisplay = EntityViewDisplay::load('media.image.view_mode_1');
        $thumbnail = $entityViewDisplay->getComponent('thumbnail');
        $thumbnail['settings']['image_link'] = 'file';
        $entityViewDisplay->setComponent('thumbnail', $thumbnail);
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        $page = $this->getSession()
        $url = $this->host
        $assert_session->waitForLink('default alt');
        $page->find('css', '.ck .drupal-media')
        // Assert that the media preview is not clickable by comparing the URL.
        $this->assertEquals($url->toString(), $this->getUrl());



Title Deprecated Summary
MediaPreviewTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Media @group ckeditor5 @group #slow @internal

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