class FileWidget
Same name in other branches
- 9 core/modules/file/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/FileWidget.php \Drupal\file\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\FileWidget
- 8.9.x core/modules/file/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/FileWidget.php \Drupal\file\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\FileWidget
- 10 core/modules/file/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/FileWidget.php \Drupal\file\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\FileWidget
Plugin implementation of the 'file_generic' widget.
- class \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase implements \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginInspectionInterface, \Drupal\Component\Plugin\DerivativeInspectionInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase extends \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase uses \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait, \Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\DependencySerializationTrait, \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsBase extends \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase implements \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsInterface, \Drupal\Component\Plugin\DependentPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase extends \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsBase implements \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetInterface, \Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\file\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\FileWidget extends \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase extends \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsBase implements \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetInterface, \Drupal\Core\Plugin\ContainerFactoryPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsBase extends \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase implements \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsInterface, \Drupal\Component\Plugin\DependentPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase extends \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase uses \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait, \Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\DependencySerializationTrait, \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of FileWidget
1 file declares its use of FileWidget
- ImageWidget.php in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldWidget/ ImageWidget.php
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldWidget/ FileWidget.php, line 23
Drupal\file\Plugin\Field\FieldWidgetView source
class FileWidget extends WidgetBase {
* The element info manager.
protected ElementInfoManagerInterface $elementInfo;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition, array $settings, array $third_party_settings, ElementInfoManagerInterface $element_info) {
parent::__construct($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $field_definition, $settings, $third_party_settings);
$this->elementInfo = $element_info;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
return new static($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $configuration['field_definition'], $configuration['settings'], $configuration['third_party_settings'], $container->get('element_info'));
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function defaultSettings() {
return [
'progress_indicator' => 'throbber',
] + parent::defaultSettings();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$element['progress_indicator'] = [
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => $this->t('Progress indicator'),
'#options' => [
'throbber' => $this->t('Throbber'),
'bar' => $this->t('Bar with progress meter'),
'#default_value' => $this->getSetting('progress_indicator'),
'#description' => $this->t('The throbber display does not show the status of uploads but takes up less space. The progress bar is helpful for monitoring progress on large uploads.'),
'#weight' => 16,
'#access' => extension_loaded('uploadprogress'),
return $element;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function settingsSummary() {
$summary = [];
$summary[] = $this->t('Progress indicator: @progress_indicator', [
'@progress_indicator' => $this->getSetting('progress_indicator'),
return $summary;
* Overrides \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase::formMultipleElements().
* Special handling for draggable multiple widgets and 'add more' button.
protected function formMultipleElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$field_name = $this->fieldDefinition
$parents = $form['#parents'];
// Load the items for form rebuilds from the field state as they might not
// be in $form_state->getValues() because of validation limitations. Also,
// they are only passed in as $items when editing existing entities.
$field_state = static::getWidgetState($parents, $field_name, $form_state);
if (isset($field_state['items'])) {
// Determine the number of widgets to display.
$cardinality = $this->fieldDefinition
switch ($cardinality) {
case FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED:
$max = count($items);
$is_multiple = TRUE;
$max = $cardinality - 1;
$is_multiple = $cardinality > 1;
$title = $this->fieldDefinition
$description = $this->getFilteredDescription();
$elements = [];
$delta = 0;
// Add an element for every existing item.
foreach ($items as $item) {
$element = [
'#title' => $title,
'#description' => $description,
$element = $this->formSingleElement($items, $delta, $element, $form, $form_state);
if ($element) {
// Input field for the delta (drag-n-drop reordering).
if ($is_multiple) {
// We name the element '_weight' to avoid clashing with elements
// defined by widget.
$element['_weight'] = [
'#type' => 'weight',
'#title' => $this->t('Weight for row @number', [
'@number' => $delta + 1,
'#title_display' => 'invisible',
// Note: this 'delta' is the FAPI #type 'weight' element's property.
'#delta' => $max,
'#default_value' => $item->_weight ?: $delta,
'#weight' => 100,
$elements[$delta] = $element;
$empty_single_allowed = $cardinality == 1 && $delta == 0;
$empty_multiple_allowed = ($cardinality == FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED || $delta < $cardinality) && !$form_state->isProgrammed();
// Add one more empty row for new uploads except when this is a programmed
// multiple form as it is not necessary.
if ($empty_single_allowed || $empty_multiple_allowed) {
// Create a new empty item.
$element = [
'#title' => $title,
'#description' => $description,
$element = $this->formSingleElement($items, $delta, $element, $form, $form_state);
if ($element) {
$element['#required'] = $element['#required'] && $delta == 0;
$elements[$delta] = $element;
if ($is_multiple) {
// The group of elements all-together need some extra functionality after
// building up the full list (like draggable table rows).
$elements['#file_upload_delta'] = $delta;
$elements['#type'] = 'details';
$elements['#open'] = TRUE;
$elements['#theme'] = 'file_widget_multiple';
$elements['#theme_wrappers'] = [
$elements['#process'] = [
$elements['#title'] = $title;
$elements['#description'] = $description;
$elements['#field_name'] = $field_name;
$elements['#language'] = $items->getLangcode();
// The field settings include defaults for the field type. However, this
// widget is a base class for other widgets (e.g., ImageWidget) that may
// act on field types without these expected settings.
$field_settings = $this->getFieldSettings() + [
'display_field' => NULL,
$elements['#display_field'] = (bool) $field_settings['display_field'];
// Add some properties that will eventually be added to the file upload
// field. These are added here so that they may be referenced easily
// through a hook_form_alter().
$elements['#file_upload_title'] = $this->t('Add a new file');
$elements['#file_upload_description'] = [
'#theme' => 'file_upload_help',
'#description' => '',
'#upload_validators' => $elements[0]['#upload_validators'],
'#cardinality' => $cardinality,
return $elements;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function formElement(FieldItemListInterface $items, $delta, array $element, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$field_settings = $this->getFieldSettings();
// The field settings include defaults for the field type. However, this
// widget is a base class for other widgets (e.g., ImageWidget) that may act
// on field types without these expected settings.
$field_settings += [
'display_default' => NULL,
'display_field' => NULL,
'description_field' => NULL,
$cardinality = $this->fieldDefinition
$defaults = [
'fids' => [],
'display' => (bool) $field_settings['display_default'],
'description' => '',
// Essentially we use the managed_file type, extended with some
// enhancements.
$element_info = $this->elementInfo
$element += [
'#type' => 'managed_file',
'#upload_location' => $items[$delta]->getUploadLocation(),
'#upload_validators' => $items[$delta]->getUploadValidators(),
'#value_callback' => [
'#process' => array_merge($element_info['#process'], [
'#progress_indicator' => $this->getSetting('progress_indicator'),
// Allows this field to return an array instead of a single value.
'#extended' => TRUE,
// Add properties needed by value() and process() methods.
'#field_name' => $this->fieldDefinition
'#entity_type' => $items->getEntity()
'#display_field' => (bool) $field_settings['display_field'],
'#display_default' => $field_settings['display_default'],
'#description_field' => $field_settings['description_field'],
'#cardinality' => $cardinality,
$element['#weight'] = $delta;
// Field stores FID value in a single mode, so we need to transform it for
// form element to recognize it correctly.
if (!isset($items[$delta]->fids) && isset($items[$delta]->target_id)) {
$items[$delta]->fids = [
$element['#default_value'] = $items[$delta]->getValue() + $defaults;
$default_fids = $element['#extended'] ? $element['#default_value']['fids'] : $element['#default_value'];
if (empty($default_fids)) {
$file_upload_help = [
'#theme' => 'file_upload_help',
'#description' => $element['#description'],
'#upload_validators' => $element['#upload_validators'],
'#cardinality' => $cardinality,
$element['#description'] = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderInIsolation($file_upload_help);
$element['#multiple'] = $cardinality != 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ($cardinality != 1 && $cardinality != -1) {
$element['#element_validate'] = [
return $element;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function massageFormValues(array $values, array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Since file upload widget now supports uploads of more than one file at a
// time it always returns an array of fids. We have to translate this to a
// single fid, as field expects single value.
$new_values = [];
foreach ($values as &$value) {
foreach ($value['fids'] as $fid) {
$new_value = $value;
$new_value['target_id'] = $fid;
$new_values[] = $new_value;
return $new_values;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function extractFormValues(FieldItemListInterface $items, array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
parent::extractFormValues($items, $form, $form_state);
// Update reference to 'items' stored during upload to take into account
// changes to values like 'alt' etc.
// @see \Drupal\file\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\FileWidget::submit()
$field_name = $this->fieldDefinition
$field_state = static::getWidgetState($form['#parents'], $field_name, $form_state);
$field_state['items'] = $items->getValue();
static::setWidgetState($form['#parents'], $field_name, $form_state, $field_state);
* Form API callback. Retrieves the value for the file_generic field element.
* This method is assigned as a #value_callback in formElement() method.
public static function value($element, $input, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
if ($input) {
if (empty($input['display'])) {
// Updates the display field with the default value because
// #display_field is invisible.
if (empty($input['fids'])) {
$input['display'] = $element['#display_default'];
else {
$input['display'] = $element['#display_field'] ? 0 : 1;
// We depend on the managed file element to handle uploads.
$return = ManagedFile::valueCallback($element, $input, $form_state);
// Ensure that all the required properties are returned even if empty.
$return += [
'fids' => [],
'display' => 1,
'description' => '',
return $return;
* Validates the number of uploaded files.
* This validator is used only when cardinality not set to 1 or unlimited.
public static function validateMultipleCount($element, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form) {
$values = NestedArray::getValue($form_state->getValues(), $element['#parents']);
$array_parents = $element['#array_parents'];
$previously_uploaded_count = count(Element::children(NestedArray::getValue($form, $array_parents))) - 1;
$field_storage_definitions = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldStorageDefinitions($element['#entity_type']);
$field_storage = $field_storage_definitions[$element['#field_name']];
$newly_uploaded_count = count($values['fids']);
$total_uploaded_count = $newly_uploaded_count + $previously_uploaded_count;
if ($total_uploaded_count > $field_storage->getCardinality()) {
$keep = $newly_uploaded_count - $total_uploaded_count + $field_storage->getCardinality();
$removed_files = array_slice($values['fids'], $keep);
$removed_names = [];
foreach ($removed_files as $fid) {
$file = File::load($fid);
$removed_names[] = $file->getFilename();
$args = [
'%field' => $field_storage->getName(),
'@max' => $field_storage->getCardinality(),
'@count' => $total_uploaded_count,
'%list' => implode(', ', $removed_names),
$message = new TranslatableMarkup('Field %field can only hold @max values but there were @count uploaded. The following files have been omitted as a result: %list.', $args);
$values['fids'] = array_slice($values['fids'], 0, $keep);
NestedArray::setValue($form_state->getValues(), $element['#parents'], $values);
* Form API callback: Processes a file_generic field element.
* Expands the file_generic type to include the description and display
* fields.
* This method is assigned as a #process callback in formElement() method.
public static function process($element, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form) {
$item = $element['#value'];
$item['fids'] = $element['fids']['#value'];
// Add the display field if enabled.
if ($element['#display_field']) {
$element['display'] = [
'#type' => empty($item['fids']) ? 'hidden' : 'checkbox',
'#title' => new TranslatableMarkup('Include file in display'),
'#attributes' => [
'class' => [
if (isset($item['display'])) {
$element['display']['#value'] = $item['display'] ? '1' : '';
else {
$element['display']['#value'] = $element['#display_default'];
else {
$element['display'] = [
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => '1',
// Add the description field if enabled.
if ($element['#description_field'] && $item['fids']) {
$config = \Drupal::config('file.settings');
$element['description'] = [
'#type' => $config->get('description.type'),
'#title' => new TranslatableMarkup('Description'),
'#value' => $item['description'] ?? '',
'#maxlength' => $config->get('description.length'),
'#description' => new TranslatableMarkup('The description may be used as the label of the link to the file.'),
// Adjust the Ajax settings so that on upload and remove of any individual
// file, the entire group of file fields is updated together.
if ($element['#cardinality'] != 1) {
$parents = array_slice($element['#array_parents'], 0, -1);
$new_options = [
'query' => [
'element_parents' => implode('/', $parents),
$field_element = NestedArray::getValue($form, $parents);
$new_wrapper = $field_element['#id'] . '-ajax-wrapper';
foreach (Element::children($element) as $key) {
if (isset($element[$key]['#ajax'])) {
$element[$key]['#ajax']['options'] = $new_options;
$element[$key]['#ajax']['wrapper'] = $new_wrapper;
unset($element['#prefix'], $element['#suffix']);
// Add another submit handler to the upload and remove buttons, to implement
// functionality needed by the field widget. This submit handler, along with
// the rebuild logic in file_field_widget_form() requires the entire field,
// not just the individual item, to be valid.
foreach ([
] as $key) {
$element[$key]['#submit'][] = [
$element[$key]['#limit_validation_errors'] = [
array_slice($element['#parents'], 0, -1),
return $element;
* Form API callback: Processes a group of file_generic field elements.
* Adds the weight field to each row so it can be ordered and adds a new Ajax
* wrapper around the entire group so it can be replaced all at once.
* This method on is assigned as a #process callback in formMultipleElements()
* method.
public static function processMultiple($element, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form) {
$element_children = Element::children($element, TRUE);
$count = count($element_children);
// Count the number of already uploaded files, in order to display new
// items in \Drupal\file\Element\ManagedFile::uploadAjaxCallback().
if (!$form_state->isRebuilding()) {
$count_items_before = 0;
foreach ($element_children as $children) {
if (!empty($element[$children]['#default_value']['fids'])) {
$form_state->set('file_upload_delta_initial', $count_items_before);
foreach ($element_children as $delta => $key) {
if ($key != $element['#file_upload_delta']) {
$description = static::getDescriptionFromElement($element[$key]);
$element[$key]['_weight'] = [
'#type' => 'weight',
'#title' => $description ? new TranslatableMarkup('Weight for @title', [
'@title' => $description,
]) : new TranslatableMarkup('Weight for new file'),
'#title_display' => 'invisible',
'#delta' => $count,
'#default_value' => $delta,
else {
// The title needs to be assigned to the upload field so that validation
// errors include the correct widget label.
$element[$key]['#title'] = $element['#title'];
$element[$key]['_weight'] = [
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#default_value' => $delta,
// Add a new wrapper around all the elements for Ajax replacement.
$element['#prefix'] = '<div id="' . $element['#id'] . '-ajax-wrapper">';
$element['#suffix'] = '</div>';
return $element;
* Retrieves the file description from a field element.
* This helper static method is used by processMultiple() method.
* @param array $element
* An associative array with the element being processed.
* @return array|false
* A description of the file suitable for use in the administrative
* interface.
protected static function getDescriptionFromElement($element) {
// Use the actual file description, if it's available.
if (!empty($element['#default_value']['description'])) {
return $element['#default_value']['description'];
// Otherwise, fall back to the filename.
if (!empty($element['#default_value']['filename'])) {
return $element['#default_value']['filename'];
// This is probably a newly uploaded file; no description is available.
return FALSE;
* Form submission handler for upload/remove button of formElement().
* This runs in addition to and after file_managed_file_submit().
* @see file_managed_file_submit()
public static function submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// During the form rebuild, formElement() will create field item widget
// elements using re-indexed deltas, so clear out FormState::$input to
// avoid a mismatch between old and new deltas. The rebuilt elements will
// have #default_value set appropriately for the current state of the field,
// so nothing is lost in doing this.
$button = $form_state->getTriggeringElement();
$parents = array_slice($button['#parents'], 0, -2);
NestedArray::setValue($form_state->getUserInput(), $parents, NULL);
// Go one level up in the form, to the widgets container.
$element = NestedArray::getValue($form, array_slice($button['#array_parents'], 0, -1));
$field_name = $element['#field_name'];
$parents = $element['#field_parents'];
$submitted_values = NestedArray::getValue($form_state->getValues(), array_slice($button['#parents'], 0, -2));
foreach ($submitted_values as $delta => $submitted_value) {
if (empty($submitted_value['fids'])) {
// If there are more files uploaded via the same widget, we have to separate
// them, as we display each file in its own widget.
$new_values = [];
foreach ($submitted_values as $delta => $submitted_value) {
if (is_array($submitted_value['fids'])) {
foreach ($submitted_value['fids'] as $fid) {
$new_value = $submitted_value;
$new_value['fids'] = [
$new_values[] = $new_value;
else {
$new_value = $submitted_value;
// Re-index deltas after removing empty items.
$submitted_values = array_values($new_values);
// Update form_state values.
NestedArray::setValue($form_state->getValues(), array_slice($button['#parents'], 0, -2), $submitted_values);
// Update items.
$field_state = static::getWidgetState($parents, $field_name, $form_state);
$field_state['items'] = $submitted_values;
static::setWidgetState($parents, $field_name, $form_state, $field_state);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function flagErrors(FieldItemListInterface $items, ConstraintViolationListInterface $violations, array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Never flag validation errors for the remove button.
$clicked_button = end($form_state->getTriggeringElement()['#parents']);
if ($clicked_button !== 'remove_button') {
parent::flagErrors($items, $violations, $form, $form_state);
Title Sort descending | Modifiers | Object type | Summary | Overriden Title | Overrides |
FileWidget::$elementInfo | protected | property | The element info manager. | ||
FileWidget::create | public static | function | Creates an instance of the plugin. | Overrides WidgetBase::create | |
FileWidget::defaultSettings | public static | function | Defines the default settings for this plugin. | Overrides PluginSettingsBase::defaultSettings | 1 |
FileWidget::extractFormValues | public | function | Extracts field values from submitted form values. | Overrides WidgetBase::extractFormValues | |
FileWidget::flagErrors | public | function | Reports field-level validation errors against actual form elements. | Overrides WidgetBase::flagErrors | |
FileWidget::formElement | public | function | Returns the form for a single field widget. | Overrides WidgetInterface::formElement | 1 |
FileWidget::formMultipleElements | protected | function | Overrides \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase::formMultipleElements(). | Overrides WidgetBase::formMultipleElements | 1 |
FileWidget::getDescriptionFromElement | protected static | function | Retrieves the file description from a field element. | ||
FileWidget::massageFormValues | public | function | Massages the form values into the format expected for field values. | Overrides WidgetBase::massageFormValues | |
FileWidget::process | public static | function | Form API callback: Processes a file_generic field element. | 1 | |
FileWidget::processMultiple | public static | function | Form API callback: Processes a group of file_generic field elements. | ||
FileWidget::settingsForm | public | function | Returns a form to configure settings for the widget. | Overrides WidgetBase::settingsForm | 1 |
FileWidget::settingsSummary | public | function | Returns a short summary for the current widget settings. | Overrides WidgetBase::settingsSummary | 1 |
FileWidget::submit | public static | function | Form submission handler for upload/remove button of formElement(). | ||
FileWidget::validateMultipleCount | public static | function | Validates the number of uploaded files. | ||
FileWidget::value | public static | function | Form API callback. Retrieves the value for the file_generic field element. | ||
FileWidget::__construct | public | function | Constructs a WidgetBase object. | Overrides WidgetBase::__construct | 1 |
PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition | public | function | Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. | 7 | |
PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId | public | function | Gets the plugin ID of the plugin instance. | 3 | |
PluginSettingsBase::$defaultSettingsMerged | protected | property | Whether default settings have been merged into the current $settings. | ||
PluginSettingsBase::$thirdPartySettings | protected | property | The plugin settings injected by third party modules. | ||
PluginSettingsBase::calculateDependencies | public | function | Calculates dependencies for the configured plugin. | Overrides DependentPluginInterface::calculateDependencies | 6 |
PluginSettingsBase::getSetting | public | function | Returns the value of a setting, or its default value if absent. | Overrides PluginSettingsInterface::getSetting | |
PluginSettingsBase::getSettings | public | function | Returns the array of settings, including defaults for missing settings. | Overrides PluginSettingsInterface::getSettings | |
PluginSettingsBase::getThirdPartyProviders | public | function | Gets the list of third parties that store information. | Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::getThirdPartyProviders | |
PluginSettingsBase::getThirdPartySetting | public | function | Gets the value of a third-party setting. | Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::getThirdPartySetting | |
PluginSettingsBase::getThirdPartySettings | public | function | Gets all third-party settings of a given module. | Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::getThirdPartySettings | |
PluginSettingsBase::mergeDefaults | protected | function | Merges default settings values into $settings. | ||
PluginSettingsBase::onDependencyRemoval | public | function | Informs the plugin that some configuration it depends on will be deleted. | Overrides PluginSettingsInterface::onDependencyRemoval | 3 |
PluginSettingsBase::setSetting | public | function | Sets the value of a setting for the plugin. | Overrides PluginSettingsInterface::setSetting | |
PluginSettingsBase::setSettings | public | function | Sets the settings for the plugin. | Overrides PluginSettingsInterface::setSettings | |
PluginSettingsBase::setThirdPartySetting | public | function | Sets the value of a third-party setting. | Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::setThirdPartySetting | |
PluginSettingsBase::unsetThirdPartySetting | public | function | Unsets a third-party setting. | Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface::unsetThirdPartySetting | |
WidgetBase::$fieldDefinition | protected | property | The field definition. | ||
WidgetBase::$settings | protected | property | The widget settings. | Overrides PluginSettingsBase::$settings | |
WidgetBase::addMoreAjax | public static | function | Ajax callback for the "Add another item" button. | ||
WidgetBase::addMoreSubmit | public static | function | Submission handler for the "Add another item" button. | ||
WidgetBase::afterBuild | public static | function | After-build handler for field elements in a form. | ||
WidgetBase::deleteAjax | public static | function | Ajax refresh callback for the "Remove" button. | ||
WidgetBase::deleteSubmit | public static | function | Ajax submit callback for the "Remove" button. | ||
WidgetBase::errorElement | public | function | Assigns a field-level validation error to the right widget sub-element. | Overrides WidgetInterface::errorElement | 8 |
WidgetBase::form | public | function | Creates a form element for a field. | Overrides WidgetBaseInterface::form | 3 |
WidgetBase::formSingleElement | protected | function | Generates the form element for a single copy of the widget. | ||
WidgetBase::getFieldSetting | protected | function | Returns the value of a field setting. | ||
WidgetBase::getFieldSettings | protected | function | Returns the array of field settings. | ||
WidgetBase::getFilteredDescription | protected | function | Returns the filtered field description. | ||
WidgetBase::getWidgetState | public static | function | Retrieves processing information about the widget from $form_state. | Overrides WidgetBaseInterface::getWidgetState | |
WidgetBase::getWidgetStateParents | protected static | function | Returns the location of processing information within $form_state. | ||
WidgetBase::handlesMultipleValues | protected | function | Returns whether the widget handles multiple values. | ||
WidgetBase::isApplicable | public static | function | Returns if the widget can be used for the provided field. | Overrides WidgetInterface::isApplicable | 4 |
WidgetBase::isDefaultValueWidget | protected | function | Returns whether the widget used for default value form. | ||
WidgetBase::setWidgetState | public static | function | Stores processing information about the widget in $form_state. | Overrides WidgetBaseInterface::setWidgetState |
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