
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/filter/tests/src/Kernel/FilterAPITest.php
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/filter/tests/src/Kernel/FilterAPITest.php
  3. 11.x core/modules/filter/tests/src/Kernel/FilterAPITest.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\filter\Kernel;

use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AnonymousUserSession;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\OptionsProviderInterface;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinition;
use Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat;
use Drupal\filter\Plugin\DataType\FilterFormat as FilterFormatDataType;
use Drupal\filter\Plugin\FilterInterface;
use Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Entity\EntityKernelTestBase;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface;

 * Tests the behavior of the API of the Filter module.
 * @group filter
class FilterAPITest extends EntityKernelTestBase {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected static $modules = [
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
     * Tests that the filter order is respected.
    public function testCheckMarkupFilterOrder() : void {
        // Create crazy HTML format.
        $crazy_format = FilterFormat::create([
            'format' => 'crazy',
            'name' => 'Crazy',
            'weight' => 1,
            'filters' => [
                'filter_html_escape' => [
                    'weight' => 10,
                    'status' => 1,
                'filter_html' => [
                    'weight' => -10,
                    'status' => 1,
                    'settings' => [
                        'allowed_html' => '<p>',
        $text = "<p>Llamas are <not> awesome!</p>";
        $expected_filtered_text = "&lt;p&gt;Llamas are  awesome!&lt;/p&gt;";
        $this->assertEquals($expected_filtered_text, check_markup($text, 'crazy'), 'Filters applied in correct order.');
     * Tests the ability to apply only a subset of filters.
    public function testCheckMarkupFilterSubset() : void {
        $text = "Text with <marquee>evil content and</marquee> a URL:!";
        $expected_filtered_text = "Text with evil content and a URL: <a href=\"\"></a>!";
        $expected_filter_text_without_html_generators = "Text with evil content and a URL:!";
        $actual_filtered_text = check_markup($text, 'filtered_html', '', []);
        $this->assertSame($expected_filtered_text, (string) $actual_filtered_text, 'Expected filter result.');
        $actual_filtered_text_without_html_generators = check_markup($text, 'filtered_html', '', [
        $this->assertSame($expected_filter_text_without_html_generators, (string) $actual_filtered_text_without_html_generators, 'Expected filter result when skipping FilterInterface::TYPE_MARKUP_LANGUAGE filters.');
        // Related to @see FilterSecurityTest.php/testSkipSecurityFilters(), but
        // this check focuses on the ability to filter multiple filter types at once.
        // Drupal core only ships with these two types of filters, so this is the
        // most extensive test possible.
        $actual_filtered_text_without_html_generators = check_markup($text, 'filtered_html', '', [
        $this->assertSame($expected_filter_text_without_html_generators, (string) $actual_filtered_text_without_html_generators, 'Expected filter result when skipping FilterInterface::TYPE_MARKUP_LANGUAGE filters, even when trying to disable filters of the FilterInterface::TYPE_HTML_RESTRICTOR type.');
     * Tests that HTML restrictions and filter types are correct.
     * @covers \Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat::getHtmlRestrictions
     * @covers \Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat::getFilterTypes
    public function testFilterFormatAPI() : void {
        // Test on filtered_html.
        $filtered_html_format = FilterFormat::load('filtered_html');
        $this->assertSame($filtered_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
            'allowed' => [
                'p' => FALSE,
                'br' => FALSE,
                'strong' => FALSE,
                'a' => [
                    'href' => TRUE,
                    'hreflang' => TRUE,
                '*' => [
                    'style' => FALSE,
                    'on*' => FALSE,
                    'lang' => TRUE,
                    'dir' => [
                        'ltr' => TRUE,
                        'rtl' => TRUE,
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the filtered_html format.');
        $this->assertSame($filtered_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the filtered_html format.');
        // Test on full_html.
        $full_html_format = FilterFormat::load('full_html');
        $this->assertSame($full_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), FALSE, 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the full_html format.');
        $this->assertSame($full_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the full_html format.');
        // Test on stupid_filtered_html, where nothing is allowed.
        $stupid_filtered_html_format = FilterFormat::create([
            'format' => 'stupid_filtered_html',
            'name' => 'Stupid Filtered HTML',
            'filters' => [
                'filter_html' => [
                    'status' => 1,
                    'settings' => [
                        // Nothing is allowed.
'allowed_html' => '',
        $this->assertSame($stupid_filtered_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
            'allowed' => [
                '*' => [
                    'style' => FALSE,
                    'on*' => FALSE,
                    'lang' => TRUE,
                    'dir' => [
                        'ltr' => TRUE,
                        'rtl' => TRUE,
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the stupid_filtered_html format.');
        $this->assertSame($stupid_filtered_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the stupid_filtered_html format.');
        // Test on very_restricted_html, where there's two different filters of the
        // FilterInterface::TYPE_HTML_RESTRICTOR type, each restricting in different ways.
        $very_restricted_html_format = FilterFormat::create([
            'format' => 'very_restricted_html',
            'name' => 'Very Restricted HTML',
            'filters' => [
                'filter_html' => [
                    'status' => 1,
                    'settings' => [
                        'allowed_html' => '<p> <br> <a href> <strong>',
                'filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes' => [
                    'status' => 1,
                    'settings' => [
                        'restrictions' => [
                            'allowed' => [
                                'p' => TRUE,
                                'br' => FALSE,
                                'a' => [
                                    'href' => TRUE,
                                'em' => TRUE,
        $this->assertSame($very_restricted_html_format->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
            'allowed' => [
                'p' => FALSE,
                'br' => FALSE,
                'a' => [
                    'href' => TRUE,
                '*' => [
                    'style' => FALSE,
                    'on*' => FALSE,
                    'lang' => TRUE,
                    'dir' => [
                        'ltr' => TRUE,
                        'rtl' => TRUE,
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the very_restricted_html format.');
        $this->assertSame($very_restricted_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the very_restricted_html format.');
        // Test on nonsensical_restricted_html, where the allowed attribute values
        // contain asterisks, which do not have any meaning, but which we also
        // cannot prevent because configuration can be modified outside of forms.
        $nonsensical_restricted_html = FilterFormat::create([
            'format' => 'nonsensical_restricted_html',
            'name' => 'Nonsensical Restricted HTML',
            'filters' => [
                'filter_html' => [
                    'status' => 1,
                    'settings' => [
                        'allowed_html' => '<a> <b class> <c class="*"> <d class="foo bar-* *"> <e *>',
        $this->assertSame($nonsensical_restricted_html->getHtmlRestrictions(), [
            'allowed' => [
                'a' => FALSE,
                'b' => [
                    'class' => TRUE,
                'c' => [
                    'class' => TRUE,
                'd' => [
                    'class' => [
                        'foo' => TRUE,
                        'bar-*' => TRUE,
                'e' => [
                    '*' => TRUE,
                '*' => [
                    'style' => FALSE,
                    'on*' => FALSE,
                    'lang' => TRUE,
                    'dir' => [
                        'ltr' => TRUE,
                        'rtl' => TRUE,
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getHtmlRestrictions() works as expected for the nonsensical_restricted_html format.');
        $this->assertSame($very_restricted_html_format->getFilterTypes(), [
        ], 'FilterFormatInterface::getFilterTypes() works as expected for the very_restricted_html format.');
     * Tests the 'processed_text' element.
     * Function check_markup() is a wrapper for the 'processed_text' element, for
     * use in simple scenarios; the 'processed_text' element has more advanced
     * features: it lets filters attach assets, associate cache tags and define
     * #lazy_builder callbacks.
     * This test focuses solely on those advanced features.
    public function testProcessedTextElement() : void {
            'format' => 'element_test',
            'name' => 'processed_text element test format',
            'filters' => [
                'filter_test_assets' => [
                    'weight' => -1,
                    'status' => TRUE,
                'filter_test_cache_tags' => [
                    'weight' => 0,
                    'status' => TRUE,
                'filter_test_cache_contexts' => [
                    'weight' => 0,
                    'status' => TRUE,
                'filter_test_cache_merge' => [
                    'weight' => 0,
                    'status' => TRUE,
                'filter_test_placeholders' => [
                    'weight' => 1,
                    'status' => TRUE,
                // Run the HTML corrector filter last, because it has the potential to
                // break the placeholders added by the filter_test_placeholders filter.
'filter_htmlcorrector' => [
                    'weight' => 10,
                    'status' => TRUE,
        $build = [
            '#type' => 'processed_text',
            '#text' => '<p>Hello, world!</p>',
            '#format' => 'element_test',
        // Verify the attachments and cacheability metadata.
        $expected_attachments = [
            // The assets attached by the filter_test_assets filter.
'library' => [
            // The placeholders attached that still need to be processed.
'placeholders' => [],
        $this->assertEquals($expected_attachments, $build['#attached'], 'Expected attachments present');
        $expected_cache_tags = [
            // The cache tag set by the processed_text element itself.
            // The cache tags set by the filter_test_cache_tags filter.
            // The cache tags set by the filter_test_cache_merge filter.
        $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected_cache_tags, $build['#cache']['tags'], 'Expected cache tags present.');
        $expected_cache_contexts = [
            // The cache context set by the filter_test_cache_contexts filter.
'languages:' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT,
            // The default cache contexts for Renderer.
'languages:' . LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE,
            // The cache tags set by the filter_test_cache_merge filter.
        $this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected_cache_contexts, $build['#cache']['contexts'], 'Expected cache contexts present.');
        $expected_markup = '<p>Hello, world!</p><p>This is a dynamic llama.</p><p>This is a static llama.</p>';
        $this->assertSame($expected_markup, (string) $build['#markup'], 'Expected #lazy_builder callback has been applied.');
     * Tests the function of the typed data type.
    public function testTypedDataAPI() : void {
        $definition = DataDefinition::create('filter_format');
        $data = \Drupal::typedDataManager()->create($definition);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(OptionsProviderInterface::class, $data);
        $filtered_html_user = $this->createUser([
        ], NULL, FALSE, [
            'uid' => 2,
        // Test with anonymous user.
        $user = new AnonymousUserSession();
        $expected_available_options = [
            'filtered_html' => 'Filtered HTML',
            'full_html' => 'Full HTML',
            'filter_test' => 'Test format',
            'plain_text' => 'Plain text',
        $available_values = $data->getPossibleValues();
        $this->assertEquals(array_keys($expected_available_options), $available_values);
        $available_options = $data->getPossibleOptions();
        $this->assertEquals($expected_available_options, $available_options);
        $allowed_values = $data->getSettableValues($user);
        ], $allowed_values);
        $allowed_options = $data->getSettableOptions($user);
            'plain_text' => 'Plain text',
        ], $allowed_options);
        $violations = $data->validate();
        $this->assertFilterFormatViolation($violations, 'foo');
        // Make sure the information provided by a violation is correct.
        $violation = $violations[0];
        $this->assertEquals($data, $violation->getRoot(), 'Violation root is filter format.');
        $this->assertEquals('', $violation->getPropertyPath(), 'Violation property path is correct.');
        $this->assertEquals('foo', $violation->getInvalidValue(), 'Violation contains invalid value.');
        $violations = $data->validate();
        $this->assertCount(0, $violations, "No validation violation for format 'plain_text' found");
        // Anonymous doesn't have access to the 'filtered_html' format.
        $violations = $data->validate();
        $this->assertFilterFormatViolation($violations, 'filtered_html');
        // Set user with access to 'filtered_html' format.
        $violations = $data->validate();
        $this->assertCount(0, $violations, "No validation violation for accessible format 'filtered_html' found.");
        $allowed_values = $data->getSettableValues($filtered_html_user);
        ], $allowed_values);
        $allowed_options = $data->getSettableOptions($filtered_html_user);
        $expected_allowed_options = [
            'filtered_html' => 'Filtered HTML',
            'plain_text' => 'Plain text',
        $this->assertEquals($expected_allowed_options, $allowed_options);
     * Tests that FilterFormat::preSave() only saves customized plugins.
    public function testFilterFormatPreSave() : void {
        /** @var \Drupal\filter\FilterFormatInterface $crazy_format */
        $crazy_format = FilterFormat::create([
            'format' => 'crazy',
            'name' => 'Crazy',
            'weight' => 1,
            'filters' => [
                'filter_html_escape' => [
                    'weight' => 10,
                    'status' => 1,
                'filter_html' => [
                    'weight' => -10,
                    'status' => 1,
                    'settings' => [
                        'allowed_html' => '<p>',
        // Use config to directly load the configuration and check that only enabled
        // or customized plugins are saved to configuration.
        $filters = $this->config('filter.format.crazy')
        ], array_keys($filters));
        // Disable a plugin to ensure that disabled plugins with custom settings are
        // stored in configuration.
        $crazy_format->setFilterConfig('filter_html_escape', [
            'status' => FALSE,
        $filters = $this->config('filter.format.crazy')
        ], array_keys($filters));
        // Set the settings as per default to ensure that disable plugins in this
        // state are not stored in configuration.
        $crazy_format->setFilterConfig('filter_html_escape', [
            'weight' => -10,
        $filters = $this->config('filter.format.crazy')
        ], array_keys($filters));
     * Checks if an expected violation exists in the given violations.
     * @param \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface $violations
     *   The violations to assert.
     * @param string $invalid_value
     *   The expected invalid value.
     * @internal
    public function assertFilterFormatViolation(ConstraintViolationListInterface $violations, string $invalid_value) : void {
        $filter_format_violation_found = FALSE;
        foreach ($violations as $violation) {
            if ($violation->getRoot() instanceof FilterFormatDataType && $violation->getInvalidValue() === $invalid_value) {
                $filter_format_violation_found = TRUE;
        $this->assertTrue($filter_format_violation_found, 'Validation violation for invalid value "' . $invalid_value . '" found');
     * Tests that filter format dependency removal works.
     * Ensure that modules providing filter plugins are required when the plugin
     * is in use, and that only disabled plugins are removed from format
     * configuration entities rather than the configuration entities being
     * deleted.
     * @see \Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat::onDependencyRemoval()
     * @see filter_system_info_alter()
    public function testDependencyRemoval() : void {
        $this->installSchema('user', [
        $filter_format = FilterFormat::load('filtered_html');
        // Disable the filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes filter plugin but
        // have custom configuration so that the filter plugin is still configured
        // in filtered_html the filter format.
        $filter_config = [
            'weight' => 20,
            'status' => 0,
        $filter_format->setFilterConfig('filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes', $filter_config)
        // Use the get method to match the assert after the module has been
        // uninstalled.
        $filters = $filter_format->get('filters');
        $this->assertTrue(isset($filters['filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes']), 'The filter plugin filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes is configured by the filtered_html filter format.');
        $module_data = \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getList();
        $this->assertFalse(isset($module_data['filter_test']->info['required']), 'The filter_test module is required.');
        // Verify that a dependency exists on the module that provides the filter
        // plugin since it has configuration for the disabled plugin.
            'module' => [
        ], $filter_format->getDependencies());
        // Uninstall the module.
        // Verify the filter format still exists but the dependency and filter is
        // gone.
        $filter_format = FilterFormat::load('filtered_html');
        $this->assertEquals([], $filter_format->getDependencies());
        // Use the get method since the FilterFormat::filters() method only returns
        // existing plugins.
        $filters = $filter_format->get('filters');
        $this->assertFalse(isset($filters['filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes']), 'The filter plugin filter_test_restrict_tags_and_attributes is not configured by the filtered_html filter format.');
     * Tests that format entities are serialized without their plugin collection.
    public function testSleep() : void {
        $filter_format = FilterFormat::load('filtered_html');
        $vars = $filter_format->__sleep();
        $this->assertContains('filters', $vars);
        $this->assertNotContains('filterCollection', $vars);



Title Deprecated Summary
FilterAPITest Tests the behavior of the API of the Filter module.

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