trait ResourceResponseTestTrait
Same name in other branches
- 9 core/modules/jsonapi/tests/src/Functional/ResourceResponseTestTrait.php \Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Functional\ResourceResponseTestTrait
- 8.9.x core/modules/jsonapi/tests/src/Functional/ResourceResponseTestTrait.php \Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Functional\ResourceResponseTestTrait
- 10 core/modules/jsonapi/tests/src/Functional/ResourceResponseTestTrait.php \Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Functional\ResourceResponseTestTrait
Utility methods for handling resource responses.
- trait \Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Functional\ResourceResponseTestTrait
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ResourceResponseTestTrait.php, line 26
Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\FunctionalView source
trait ResourceResponseTestTrait {
* Merges individual responses into a collection response.
* Here, a collection response refers to a response with multiple resource
* objects. Not necessarily to a response to a collection route. In both
* cases, the document should indistinguishable.
* @param \Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceResponse[] $responses
* An array or ResourceResponses to be merged.
* @param string|null $self_link
* The self link for the merged document if one should be set.
* @param bool $is_multiple
* Whether the responses are for a multiple cardinality field. This cannot
* be deduced from the number of responses, because a multiple cardinality
* field may have only one value.
* @return \Drupal\jsonapi\CacheableResourceResponse
* The merged ResourceResponse.
protected static function toCollectionResourceResponse(array $responses, $self_link, $is_multiple) {
assert(count($responses) > 0);
$merged_document = [];
$merged_cacheability = new CacheableMetadata();
foreach ($responses as $response) {
$response_document = $response->getResponseData();
// If any of the response documents had top-level errors, we should later
// expect the merged document to have all errors as omitted links under
// the 'meta.omitted' member.
if (!empty($response_document['errors'])) {
static::addOmittedObject($merged_document, static::errorsToOmittedObject($response_document['errors']));
if (!empty($response_document['meta']['omitted'])) {
static::addOmittedObject($merged_document, $response_document['meta']['omitted']);
elseif (isset($response_document['data'])) {
$response_data = $response_document['data'];
if (!isset($merged_document['data'])) {
$merged_document['data'] = static::isResourceIdentifier($response_data) && $is_multiple ? [
] : $response_data;
else {
$response_resources = static::isResourceIdentifier($response_data) ? [
] : $response_data;
foreach ($response_resources as $response_resource) {
$merged_document['data'][] = $response_resource;
$merged_document['jsonapi'] = [
'meta' => [
'links' => [
'self' => [
// Until we can reasonably know what caused an error, we shouldn't include
// 'self' links in error documents. For example, a 404 shouldn't have a
// 'self' link because HATEOAS links shouldn't point to resources which do
// not exist.
if (isset($merged_document['errors'])) {
else {
if (!isset($merged_document['data'])) {
$merged_document['data'] = $is_multiple ? [] : NULL;
$merged_document['links'] = [
'self' => [
'href' => $self_link,
// All collections should be 200, without regard for the status of the
// individual resources in those collections, which means any '4xx-response'
// cache tags on the individual responses should also be omitted.
$merged_cacheability->setCacheTags(array_diff($merged_cacheability->getCacheTags(), [
return (new CacheableResourceResponse($merged_document, 200))->addCacheableDependency($merged_cacheability);
* Gets an array of expected ResourceResponses for the given include paths.
* @param array $include_paths
* The list of relationship include paths for which to get expected data.
* @param array $request_options
* Request options to apply.
* @return \Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceResponse
* The expected ResourceResponse.
* @see \GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::request()
protected function getExpectedIncludedResourceResponse(array $include_paths, array $request_options) {
$resource_type = $this->resourceType;
$resource_data = array_reduce($include_paths, function ($data, $path) use ($request_options, $resource_type) {
$field_names = explode('.', $path);
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
$entity = $this->entity;
$collected_responses = [];
foreach ($field_names as $public_field_name) {
$resource_type = $this->container
->get($entity->getEntityTypeId(), $entity->bundle());
$field_name = $resource_type->getInternalName($public_field_name);
$field_access = static::entityFieldAccess($entity, $field_name, 'view', $this->account);
if (!$field_access->isAllowed()) {
if (!$entity->access('view') && $entity->access('view label') && $field_access instanceof AccessResultReasonInterface && empty($field_access->getReason())) {
$field_access->setReason("The user only has authorization for the 'view label' operation.");
$via_link = Url::fromRoute(sprintf('jsonapi.%s.%s.related', $entity->getEntityTypeId() . '--' . $entity->bundle(), $public_field_name), [
'entity' => $entity->uuid(),
$collected_responses[] = static::getAccessDeniedResponse($entity, $field_access, $via_link, $field_name, 'The current user is not allowed to view this relationship.', $field_name);
if ($target_entity = $entity->{$field_name}->entity) {
$target_access = static::entityAccess($target_entity, 'view', $this->account);
if (!$target_access->isAllowed()) {
$target_access = static::entityAccess($target_entity, 'view label', $this->account)
if (!$target_access->isAllowed()) {
$resource_identifier = static::toResourceIdentifier($target_entity);
if (!static::collectionHasResourceIdentifier($resource_identifier, $data['already_checked'])) {
$data['already_checked'][] = $resource_identifier;
$via_link = Url::fromRoute(sprintf('jsonapi.%s.individual', $resource_identifier['type']), [
'entity' => $resource_identifier['id'],
$collected_responses[] = static::getAccessDeniedResponse($entity, $target_access, $via_link, NULL, NULL, '/data');
$psr_responses = $this->getResponses([
static::getRelatedLink(static::toResourceIdentifier($entity), $public_field_name),
], $request_options);
$collected_responses[] = static::toCollectionResourceResponse(static::toResourceResponses($psr_responses), NULL, TRUE);
$entity = $entity->{$field_name}->entity;
if (!empty($collected_responses)) {
$data['responses'][$path] = static::toCollectionResourceResponse($collected_responses, NULL, TRUE);
return $data;
}, [
'responses' => [],
'already_checked' => [],
$individual_document = $this->getExpectedDocument();
$expected_base_url = Url::fromRoute(sprintf('jsonapi.%s.individual', static::$resourceTypeName), [
'entity' => $this->entity
$include_url = clone $expected_base_url;
$query = [
'include' => implode(',', $include_paths),
$include_url->setOption('query', $query);
$individual_document['links']['self']['href'] = $include_url->toString();
// The test entity reference field should always be present.
if (!isset($individual_document['data']['relationships']['field_jsonapi_test_entity_ref'])) {
if (static::$resourceTypeIsVersionable) {
assert($this->entity instanceof RevisionableInterface);
$version_identifier = 'id:' . $this->entity
$version_query_string = '?resourceVersion=' . urlencode($version_identifier);
else {
$version_query_string = '';
$individual_document['data']['relationships']['field_jsonapi_test_entity_ref'] = [
'data' => [],
'links' => [
'related' => [
'href' => $expected_base_url->toString() . '/field_jsonapi_test_entity_ref' . $version_query_string,
'self' => [
'href' => $expected_base_url->toString() . '/relationships/field_jsonapi_test_entity_ref' . $version_query_string,
$basic_cacheability = (new CacheableMetadata())->addCacheTags($this->getExpectedCacheTags())
return static::decorateExpectedResponseForIncludedFields(new CacheableResourceResponse($individual_document), $resource_data['responses'])->addCacheableDependency($basic_cacheability);
* Maps an array of PSR responses to JSON:API ResourceResponses.
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface[] $responses
* The PSR responses to be mapped.
* @return \Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceResponse[]
* The ResourceResponses.
protected static function toResourceResponses(array $responses) : array {
return array_map([
], $responses);
* Maps a response object to a JSON:API ResourceResponse.
* This helper can be used to ease comparing, recording and merging
* cacheable responses and to have easier access to the JSON:API document as
* an array instead of a string.
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
* A PSR response to be mapped.
* @return \Drupal\jsonapi\CacheableResourceResponse
* The ResourceResponse.
protected static function toResourceResponse(ResponseInterface $response) {
$cacheability = new CacheableMetadata();
if ($cache_tags = $response->getHeader('X-Drupal-Cache-Tags')) {
$cacheability->addCacheTags(explode(' ', $cache_tags[0]));
if (!empty($response->getHeaderLine('X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts'))) {
$cacheability->addCacheContexts(explode(' ', $response->getHeader('X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts')[0]));
if ($dynamic_cache = $response->getHeader('X-Drupal-Dynamic-Cache')) {
$cacheability->setCacheMaxAge(str_contains($dynamic_cache[0], 'UNCACHEABLE') && $response->getStatusCode() < 400 ? 0 : Cache::PERMANENT);
$related_document = Json::decode($response->getBody());
$resource_response = new CacheableResourceResponse($related_document, $response->getStatusCode());
return $resource_response->addCacheableDependency($cacheability);
* Maps an entity to a resource identifier.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The entity to map to a resource identifier.
* @return array
* A resource identifier for the given entity.
protected static function toResourceIdentifier(EntityInterface $entity) : array {
return [
'type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId() . '--' . $entity->bundle(),
'id' => $entity->uuid(),
* Checks if a given array is a resource identifier.
* @param array $data
* An array to check.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the array has a type and ID, FALSE otherwise.
protected static function isResourceIdentifier(array $data) : bool {
return array_key_exists('type', $data) && array_key_exists('id', $data);
* Sorts a collection of resources or resource identifiers.
* This is useful for asserting collections or resources where order cannot
* be known in advance.
* @param array $resources
* The resource or resource identifier.
protected static function sortResourceCollection(array &$resources) {
usort($resources, function ($a, $b) {
return strcmp("{$a['type']}:{$a['id']}", "{$b['type']}:{$b['id']}");
* Determines if a given resource exists in a list of resources.
* @param array $needle
* The resource or resource identifier.
* @param array $haystack
* The list of resources or resource identifiers to search.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the needle exists is present in the haystack, FALSE otherwise.
protected static function collectionHasResourceIdentifier(array $needle, array $haystack) : bool {
foreach ($haystack as $resource) {
if ($resource['type'] == $needle['type'] && $resource['id'] == $needle['id']) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Turns a list of relationship field names into an array of link paths.
* @param array $relationship_field_names
* The relationships field names for which to build link paths.
* @param string $type
* The type of link to get. Either 'relationship' or 'related'.
* @return array
* An array of link paths, keyed by relationship field name.
protected static function getLinkPaths(array $relationship_field_names, $type) {
assert($type === 'relationship' || $type === 'related');
return array_reduce($relationship_field_names, function ($link_paths, $relationship_field_name) use ($type) {
$tail = $type === 'relationship' ? 'self' : $type;
$link_paths[$relationship_field_name] = "data.relationships.{$relationship_field_name}.links.{$tail}.href";
return $link_paths;
}, []);
* Extracts links from a document using a list of relationship field names.
* @param array $link_paths
* A list of paths to link values keyed by a name.
* @param array $document
* A JSON:API document.
* @return array
* The extracted links, keyed by the original associated key name.
protected static function extractLinks(array $link_paths, array $document) : array {
return array_map(function ($link_path) use ($document) {
$link = array_reduce(explode('.', $link_path), 'array_column', [
return $link ? reset($link) : NULL;
}, $link_paths);
* Creates individual resource links for a list of resource identifiers.
* @param array $resource_identifiers
* A list of resource identifiers for which to create links.
* @return string[]
* The resource links.
protected static function getResourceLinks(array $resource_identifiers) : array {
return array_map([
], $resource_identifiers);
* Creates an individual resource link for a given resource identifier.
* @param array $resource_identifier
* A resource identifier for which to create a link.
* @return string
* The resource link.
protected static function getResourceLink(array $resource_identifier) {
$resource_type = $resource_identifier['type'];
$resource_id = $resource_identifier['id'];
$url = Url::fromRoute(sprintf('jsonapi.%s.individual', $resource_type), [
'entity' => $resource_id,
return $url->setAbsolute()
* Creates a relationship link for a given resource identifier and field.
* @param array $resource_identifier
* A resource identifier for which to create a link.
* @param string $relationship_field_name
* The relationship field for which to create a link.
* @return string
* The relationship link.
protected static function getRelationshipLink(array $resource_identifier, $relationship_field_name) : string {
return static::getResourceLink($resource_identifier) . "/relationships/{$relationship_field_name}";
* Creates a related resource link for a given resource identifier and field.
* @param array $resource_identifier
* A resource identifier for which to create a link.
* @param string $relationship_field_name
* The relationship field for which to create a link.
* @return string
* The related resource link.
protected static function getRelatedLink(array $resource_identifier, $relationship_field_name) : string {
return static::getResourceLink($resource_identifier) . "/{$relationship_field_name}";
* Gets an array of related responses for the given field names.
* @param array $relationship_field_names
* The list of relationship field names for which to get responses.
* @param array $request_options
* Request options to apply.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface|null $entity
* (optional) The entity for which to get expected related responses.
* @return array
* The related responses, keyed by relationship field names.
* @see \GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::request()
protected function getRelatedResponses(array $relationship_field_names, array $request_options, ?EntityInterface $entity = NULL) {
$entity = $entity ?: $this->entity;
$links = array_map(function ($relationship_field_name) use ($entity) {
return static::getRelatedLink(static::toResourceIdentifier($entity), $relationship_field_name);
}, array_combine($relationship_field_names, $relationship_field_names));
return $this->getResponses($links, $request_options);
* Gets an array of relationship responses for the given field names.
* @param array $relationship_field_names
* The list of relationship field names for which to get responses.
* @param array $request_options
* Request options to apply.
* @return array
* The relationship responses, keyed by relationship field names.
* @see \GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::request()
protected function getRelationshipResponses(array $relationship_field_names, array $request_options) {
$links = array_map(function ($relationship_field_name) {
return static::getRelationshipLink(static::toResourceIdentifier($this->entity), $relationship_field_name);
}, array_combine($relationship_field_names, $relationship_field_names));
return $this->getResponses($links, $request_options);
* Gets responses from an array of links.
* @param array $links
* A keyed array of links.
* @param array $request_options
* Request options to apply.
* @return array
* The fetched array of responses, keys are preserved.
* @see \GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::request()
protected function getResponses(array $links, array $request_options) {
return array_reduce(array_keys($links), function ($related_responses, $key) use ($links, $request_options) {
$related_responses[$key] = $this->request('GET', Url::fromUri($links[$key]), $request_options);
return $related_responses;
}, []);
* Gets a generic forbidden response.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The entity for which to generate the forbidden response.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface $access
* The denied AccessResult. This can carry a reason and cacheability data.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Url $via_link
* The source URL for the errors of the response.
* @param string|null $relationship_field_name
* (optional) The field name to which the forbidden result applies. Useful
* for testing related/relationship routes and includes.
* @param string|null $detail
* (optional) Details for the JSON:API error object.
* @param string|bool|null $pointer
* (optional) Document pointer for the JSON:API error object. FALSE to omit
* the pointer.
* @return \Drupal\jsonapi\CacheableResourceResponse
* The forbidden ResourceResponse.
protected static function getAccessDeniedResponse(EntityInterface $entity, AccessResultInterface $access, Url $via_link, $relationship_field_name = NULL, $detail = NULL, $pointer = NULL) {
$detail = $detail ? $detail : 'The current user is not allowed to GET the selected resource.';
if ($access instanceof AccessResultReasonInterface && ($reason = $access->getReason())) {
$detail .= ' ' . $reason;
$error = [
'status' => '403',
'title' => 'Forbidden',
'detail' => $detail,
'links' => [
'info' => [
'href' => HttpExceptionNormalizer::getInfoUrl(403),
if ($pointer || $pointer !== FALSE && $relationship_field_name) {
$error['source']['pointer'] = $pointer ? $pointer : $relationship_field_name;
if ($via_link) {
$error['links']['via']['href'] = $via_link->setAbsolute()
return (new CacheableResourceResponse([
'jsonapi' => static::$jsonApiMember,
'errors' => [
], 403))->addCacheableDependency((new CacheableMetadata())->addCacheTags([
* Gets a generic empty collection response.
* @param int $cardinality
* The cardinality of the resource collection. 1 for a to-one related
* resource collection; -1 for an unlimited cardinality.
* @param string $self_link
* The self link for collection ResourceResponse.
* @return \Drupal\jsonapi\CacheableResourceResponse
* The empty collection ResourceResponse.
protected function getEmptyCollectionResponse($cardinality, $self_link) {
// If the entity type is revisionable, add a resource version cache context.
$cache_contexts = Cache::mergeContexts([
// Cache contexts for JSON:API URL query parameters.
// Drupal defaults.
], $this->entity
->isRevisionable() ? [
] : []);
$cacheability = (new CacheableMetadata())->addCacheContexts($cache_contexts)
return (new CacheableResourceResponse([
// Empty to-one relationships should be NULL and empty to-many
// relationships should be an empty array.
'data' => $cardinality === 1 ? NULL : [],
'jsonapi' => static::$jsonApiMember,
'links' => [
'self' => [
'href' => $self_link,
* Add the omitted object to the document or merges it if one already exists.
* @param array $document
* The JSON:API response document.
* @param array $omitted
* The omitted object.
protected static function addOmittedObject(array &$document, array $omitted) {
if (isset($document['meta']['omitted'])) {
$document['meta']['omitted'] = static::mergeOmittedObjects($document['meta']['omitted'], $omitted);
else {
$document['meta']['omitted'] = $omitted;
* Maps error objects into an omitted object.
* @param array $errors
* An array of error objects.
* @return array
* A new omitted object.
protected static function errorsToOmittedObject(array $errors) : array {
$omitted = [
'detail' => 'Some resources have been omitted because of insufficient authorization.',
'links' => [
'help' => [
'href' => '',
foreach ($errors as $error) {
$omitted['links']['item--' . substr(Crypt::hashBase64($error['links']['via']['href']), 0, 7)] = [
'href' => $error['links']['via']['href'],
'meta' => [
'detail' => $error['detail'],
'rel' => 'item',
return $omitted;
* Merges the links of two omitted objects and returns a new omitted object.
* @param array $a
* The first omitted object.
* @param array $b
* The second omitted object.
* @return mixed
* A new, merged omitted object.
protected static function mergeOmittedObjects(array $a, array $b) {
$merged['detail'] = 'Some resources have been omitted because of insufficient authorization.';
$merged['links']['help']['href'] = '';
$a_links = array_diff_key($a['links'], array_flip([
$b_links = array_diff_key($b['links'], array_flip([
foreach (array_merge(array_values($a_links), array_values($b_links)) as $link) {
$merged['links'][$link['href'] . $link['meta']['detail']] = $link;
return $merged;
* Sorts an omitted link object array by href.
* @param array $omitted
* An array of JSON:API omitted link objects.
protected static function sortOmittedLinks(array &$omitted) {
$help = $omitted['links']['help'];
$links = array_diff_key($omitted['links'], array_flip([
uasort($links, function ($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a['href'], $b['href']);
$omitted['links'] = [
'help' => $help,
] + $links;
* Resets omitted link keys.
* Omitted link keys are a link relation type + a random string. This string
* is meaningless and only serves to differentiate link objects. Given that
* these are random, we can't assert their value.
* @param array $omitted
* An array of JSON:API omitted link objects.
protected static function resetOmittedLinkKeys(array &$omitted) {
$help = $omitted['links']['help'];
$reindexed = [];
$links = array_diff_key($omitted['links'], array_flip([
foreach (array_values($links) as $index => $link) {
$reindexed['item--' . $index] = $link;
$omitted['links'] = [
'help' => $help,
] + $reindexed;
Title Sort descending | Modifiers | Object type | Summary |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::addOmittedObject | protected static | function | Add the omitted object to the document or merges it if one already exists. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::collectionHasResourceIdentifier | protected static | function | Determines if a given resource exists in a list of resources. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::errorsToOmittedObject | protected static | function | Maps error objects into an omitted object. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::extractLinks | protected static | function | Extracts links from a document using a list of relationship field names. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getAccessDeniedResponse | protected static | function | Gets a generic forbidden response. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getEmptyCollectionResponse | protected | function | Gets a generic empty collection response. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getExpectedIncludedResourceResponse | protected | function | Gets an array of expected ResourceResponses for the given include paths. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getLinkPaths | protected static | function | Turns a list of relationship field names into an array of link paths. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getRelatedLink | protected static | function | Creates a related resource link for a given resource identifier and field. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getRelatedResponses | protected | function | Gets an array of related responses for the given field names. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getRelationshipLink | protected static | function | Creates a relationship link for a given resource identifier and field. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getRelationshipResponses | protected | function | Gets an array of relationship responses for the given field names. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getResourceLink | protected static | function | Creates an individual resource link for a given resource identifier. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getResourceLinks | protected static | function | Creates individual resource links for a list of resource identifiers. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::getResponses | protected | function | Gets responses from an array of links. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::isResourceIdentifier | protected static | function | Checks if a given array is a resource identifier. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::mergeOmittedObjects | protected static | function | Merges the links of two omitted objects and returns a new omitted object. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::resetOmittedLinkKeys | protected static | function | Resets omitted link keys. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::sortOmittedLinks | protected static | function | Sorts an omitted link object array by href. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::sortResourceCollection | protected static | function | Sorts a collection of resources or resource identifiers. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::toCollectionResourceResponse | protected static | function | Merges individual responses into a collection response. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::toResourceIdentifier | protected static | function | Maps an entity to a resource identifier. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::toResourceResponse | protected static | function | Maps a response object to a JSON:API ResourceResponse. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::toResourceResponses | protected static | function | Maps an array of PSR responses to JSON:API ResourceResponses. |
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