
Same filename in this branch
  1. 9 core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d6/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  2. 9 core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d7/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
Same filename in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d6/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  3. 8.9.x core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d7/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  4. 10 core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  5. 10 core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d6/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  6. 10 core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d7/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  7. 11.x core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Unit/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  8. 11.x core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d6/FieldDiscoveryTest.php
  9. 11.x core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/d7/FieldDiscoveryTest.php





View source

namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Unit;

use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationPluginManagerInterface;
use Drupal\field_discovery_test\FieldDiscoveryTestClass;
use Drupal\migrate_drupal\FieldDiscoveryInterface;
use Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\MigrateFieldPluginManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;

 * Tests the FieldDiscovery Class.
 * @group migrate_drupal
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\migrate_drupal\FieldDiscovery
class FieldDiscoveryTest extends UnitTestCase {
     * A MigrateFieldPluginManager prophecy.
     * @var \Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy
    protected $fieldPluginManager;
     * A MigrationPluginManager prophecy.
     * @var \Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy
    protected $migrationPluginManager;
     * A LoggerChannelInterface prophecy.
     * @var \Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy
    protected $logger;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setUp() : void {
        $this->fieldPluginManager = $this->prophesize(MigrateFieldPluginManagerInterface::class);
        $this->migrationPluginManager = $this->prophesize(MigrationPluginManagerInterface::class);
        $this->logger = $this->prophesize(LoggerChannelInterface::class);
     * Tests the protected getEntityFields method.
     * @param string $entity_type_id
     *   The entity type ID.
     * @param array $expected_fields
     *   The expected fields.
     * @covers ::getEntityFields
     * @dataProvider getEntityFieldsData
    public function testGetEntityFields($entity_type_id, array $expected_fields) {
        $test_data = [
            'getAllFields' => [
                '7' => $this->getAllFieldData(),
        $field_discovery = new FieldDiscoveryTestClass($this->fieldPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->migrationPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->logger
            ->reveal(), $test_data);
        $actual_fields = $field_discovery->getEntityFields('7', $entity_type_id);
        $this->assertSame($expected_fields, $actual_fields);
     * Provides data for testGetEntityFields.
     * @return array
     *   The data.
    public function getEntityFieldsData() {
        return [
            'Node' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'node',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'content_type_1' => [
                        'field_1' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                        'field_2' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_2_data',
                        'field_3' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_3_data',
                    'content_type_2' => [
                        'field_1' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                        'field_4' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_4_data',
                        'field_5' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_5_data',
            'User' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'user',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'user' => [
                        'user_field_1' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'user_field_1_data',
            'Comment' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'comment',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'comment_node_content_type_1' => [
                        'cfield_1' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                        'cfield_2' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_2_data',
                        'cfield_3' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_3_data',
                    'comment_node_content_type_2' => [
                        'cfield_1' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                        'cfield_4' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_4_data',
                        'cfield_5' => [
                            'field_info_key' => 'field_5_data',
            'Non-existent Entity' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'custom_entity',
                'expected_fields' => [],
     * Tests the protected getEntityFields method.
     * @param string $entity_type_id
     *   The entity type ID.
     * @param string $bundle
     *   The bundle.
     * @param array $expected_fields
     *   The expected fields.
     * @covers ::getBundleFields
     * @dataProvider getBundleFieldsData
    public function testGetBundleFields($entity_type_id, $bundle, array $expected_fields) {
        $test_data = [
            'getAllFields' => [
                '7' => $this->getAllFieldData(),
        $field_discovery = new FieldDiscoveryTestClass($this->fieldPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->migrationPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->logger
            ->reveal(), $test_data);
        $actual_fields = $field_discovery->getBundleFields('7', $entity_type_id, $bundle);
        $this->assertSame($expected_fields, $actual_fields);
     * Provides data for testGetBundleFields.
     * @return array
     *   The data.
    public function getBundleFieldsData() {
        return [
            'Node - Content Type 1' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'node',
                'bundle' => 'content_type_1',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'field_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'field_2' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_2_data',
                    'field_3' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_3_data',
            'Node - Content Type 2' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'node',
                'bundle' => 'content_type_2',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'field_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'field_4' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_4_data',
                    'field_5' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_5_data',
            'User' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'user',
                'bundle' => 'user',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'user_field_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'user_field_1_data',
            'Comment - Content Type 1' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'comment',
                'bundle' => 'comment_node_content_type_1',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'cfield_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'cfield_2' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_2_data',
                    'cfield_3' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_3_data',
            'Comment - Content Type 2' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'comment',
                'bundle' => 'comment_node_content_type_2',
                'expected_fields' => [
                    'cfield_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'cfield_4' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_4_data',
                    'cfield_5' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_5_data',
            'Non-existent Entity Type' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'custom_entity',
                'bundle' => 'content_type_1',
                'expected_fields' => [],
            'Non-existent Bundle' => [
                'entity_type_id' => 'node',
                'bundle' => 'content_type_3',
                'expected_fields' => [],
     * Tests the protected getCoreVersion method.
     * @param string[] $tags
     *   The migration tags.
     * @param string|bool $expected_result
     *   The expected return value of the method.
     * @covers ::getCoreVersion
     * @dataProvider getCoreVersionData
    public function testGetCoreVersion(array $tags, $expected_result) {
        $migration = $this->prophesize(MigrationInterface::class);
        $field_discovery = new FieldDiscoveryTestClass($this->fieldPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->migrationPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->logger
        if (!$expected_result) {
        $actual_result = $field_discovery->getCoreVersion($migration->reveal());
        $this->assertEquals($expected_result, $actual_result);
     * Provides data for testGetCoreVersion()
     * @return array
     *   The test data.
    public function getCoreVersionData() {
        return [
            'Drupal 7' => [
                'tags' => [
                    'Drupal 7',
                'result' => '7',
            'Drupal 6' => [
                'tags' => [
                    'Drupal 6',
                'result' => '6',
            'D7 with others' => [
                'tags' => [
                    'Drupal 7',
                    'Other Tag',
                'result' => '7',
            'Both (d7 has priority)' => [
                'tags' => [
                    'Drupal 6',
                    'Drupal 7',
                'result' => '7',
            'Neither' => [
                'tags' => [
                    'drupal 6',
                    'This contains Drupal 7 but is not',
                'result' => FALSE,
     * Returns dummy data to test the field getters.
    protected function getAllFieldData() {
        return [
            'node' => [
                'content_type_1' => [
                    'field_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'field_2' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_2_data',
                    'field_3' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_3_data',
                'content_type_2' => [
                    'field_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'field_4' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_4_data',
                    'field_5' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_5_data',
            'user' => [
                'user' => [
                    'user_field_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'user_field_1_data',
            'comment' => [
                'comment_node_content_type_1' => [
                    'cfield_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'cfield_2' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_2_data',
                    'cfield_3' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_3_data',
                'comment_node_content_type_2' => [
                    'cfield_1' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_1_data',
                    'cfield_4' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_4_data',
                    'cfield_5' => [
                        'field_info_key' => 'field_5_data',
     * Tests the getFieldInstanceStubMigration method.
     * @param mixed $core
     *   The Drupal core version.
     * @param array|bool $expected_definition
     *   The expected migration definition, or false if an exception is expected.
     * @covers ::getFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition
     * @dataProvider getFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition
    public function testGetFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition($core, $expected_definition) {
        $field_discovery = new FieldDiscoveryTestClass($this->fieldPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->migrationPluginManager
            ->reveal(), $this->logger
        if (!$expected_definition) {
            $this->expectExceptionMessage(sprintf("Drupal version %s is not supported. Valid values for Drupal core version are '6' and '7'.", $core));
        $actual_definition = $field_discovery->getFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition($core);
        $this->assertSame($expected_definition, $actual_definition);
     * Provides data for testGetFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition.
     * @return array
     *   The data.
    public function getFieldInstanceStubMigrationDefinition() {
        return [
            'Drupal 6' => [
                'core' => FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_6,
                'expected_definition' => [
                    'destination' => [
                        'plugin' => 'null',
                    'idMap' => [
                        'plugin' => 'null',
                    'source' => [
                        'ignore_map' => TRUE,
                        'plugin' => 'd6_field_instance',
            'Drupal 7' => [
                'core' => FieldDiscoveryInterface::DRUPAL_7,
                'expected_definition' => [
                    'destination' => [
                        'plugin' => 'null',
                    'idMap' => [
                        'plugin' => 'null',
                    'source' => [
                        'ignore_map' => TRUE,
                        'plugin' => 'd7_field_instance',



Title Deprecated Summary
FieldDiscoveryTest Tests the FieldDiscovery Class.

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