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  1. 9 core/modules/migrate_drupal_ui/tests/src/Functional/MigrateUpgradeTestBase.php
  2. 10 core/modules/migrate_drupal_ui/tests/src/Functional/MigrateUpgradeTestBase.php
  3. 11.x core/modules/migrate_drupal_ui/tests/src/Functional/MigrateUpgradeTestBase.php





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namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal_ui\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateIdMapInterface;
use Drupal\migrate_drupal\MigrationConfigurationTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Traits\CreateTestContentEntitiesTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\WebAssert;

 * Provides a base class for testing migration upgrades in the UI.
abstract class MigrateUpgradeTestBase extends BrowserTestBase {
    use MigrationConfigurationTrait;
    use CreateTestContentEntitiesTrait;
     * Use the Standard profile to test help implementations of many core modules.
     * @var string
    protected $profile = 'standard';
     * The source database connection.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
    protected $sourceDatabase;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() {
        $this->sourceDatabase = Database::getConnection('default', 'migrate_drupal_ui');
        // Log in as user 1. Migrations in the UI can only be performed as user 1.
     * Loads a database fixture into the source database connection.
     * @param string $path
     *   Path to the dump file.
    protected function loadFixture($path) {
        $default_db = Database::getConnection()->getKey();
        if (substr($path, -3) == '.gz') {
            $path = 'compress.zlib://' . $path;
        require $path;
     * Changes the database connection to the prefixed one.
     * @todo Remove when we don't use global. https://www.drupal.org/node/2552791
    protected function createMigrationConnection() {
        $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default')['default'];
        if ($connection_info['driver'] === 'sqlite') {
            // Create database file in the test site's public file directory so that
            // \Drupal\simpletest\TestBase::restoreEnvironment() will delete this once
            // the test is complete.
            $file = $this->publicFilesDirectory . '/' . $this->testId . '-migrate.db.sqlite';
            $connection_info['database'] = $file;
            $connection_info['prefix'] = '';
        else {
            $prefix = is_array($connection_info['prefix']) ? $connection_info['prefix']['default'] : $connection_info['prefix'];
            // Simpletest uses fixed length prefixes. Create a new prefix for the
            // source database. Adding to the end of the prefix ensures that
            // \Drupal\simpletest\TestBase::restoreEnvironment() will remove the
            // additional tables.
            $connection_info['prefix'] = $prefix . '0';
        Database::addConnectionInfo('migrate_drupal_ui', 'default', $connection_info);
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function tearDown() {
     * Tests the displayed upgrade paths.
     * @param \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $session
     *   The web-assert session.
     * @param array $available_paths
     *   An array of modules that will be upgraded.
     * @param array $missing_paths
     *   An array of modules that will not be upgraded.
    protected function assertUpgradePaths(WebAssert $session, array $available_paths, array $missing_paths) {
        // Test the available migration paths.
        foreach ($available_paths as $available) {
            $session->elementExists('xpath', "//span[contains(@class, 'checked') and text() = '{$available}']");
            $session->elementNotExists('xpath', "//span[contains(@class, 'error') and text() = '{$available}']");
        // Test the missing migration paths.
        foreach ($missing_paths as $missing) {
            $session->elementExists('xpath', "//span[contains(@class, 'error') and text() = '{$missing}']");
            $session->elementNotExists('xpath', "//span[contains(@class, 'checked') and text() = '{$missing}']");
        // Test the total count of missing and available paths.
        $session->elementsCount('xpath', "//span[contains(@class, 'upgrade-analysis-report__status-icon--error')]", count($missing_paths));
        $session->elementsCount('xpath', "//span[contains(@class, 'upgrade-analysis-report__status-icon--checked')]", count($available_paths));
     * Gets the source base path for the concrete test.
     * @return string
     *   The source base path.
    protected abstract function getSourceBasePath();
     * Gets the expected number of entities per entity type after migration.
     * @return int[]
     *   An array of expected counts keyed by entity type ID.
    protected abstract function getEntityCounts();
     * Gets the available upgrade paths.
     * @return string[]
     *   An array of available upgrade paths.
    protected abstract function getAvailablePaths();
     * Gets the missing upgrade paths.
     * @return string[]
     *   An array of missing upgrade paths.
    protected abstract function getMissingPaths();
     * Gets expected number of entities per entity after incremental migration.
     * @return int[]
     *   An array of expected counts keyed by entity type ID.
    protected abstract function getEntityCountsIncremental();
     * Helper method to assert the text on the 'Upgrade analysis report' page.
     * @param \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $session
     *   The web-assert session.
     * @param array $available_paths
     *   An array of modules that will be upgraded.
     * @param array $missing_paths
     *   An array of modules that will not be upgraded.
    protected function assertReviewPage(WebAssert $session, array $available_paths, array $missing_paths) {
        $this->assertText('What will be upgraded?');
        // Ensure there are no errors about the missing modules from the test module.
        $session->pageTextNotContains(t('Source module not found for migration_provider_no_annotation.'));
        $session->pageTextNotContains(t('Source module not found for migration_provider_test.'));
        $session->pageTextNotContains(t('Destination module not found for migration_provider_test'));
        // Ensure there are no errors about any other missing migration providers.
        $session->pageTextNotContains(t('module not found'));
        $this->assertUpgradePaths($session, $available_paths, $missing_paths);
     * Helper method that asserts text on the ID conflict form.
     * @param \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $session
     *   The current session.
     * @param array $entity_types
     *   An array of entity types
    protected function assertIdConflict(WebAssert $session, array $entity_types) {
        /** @var \Drupal\ $entity_type_manager */
        $entity_type_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager');
        $session->pageTextContains('WARNING: Content may be overwritten on your new site.');
        $session->pageTextContains('There is conflicting content of these types:');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($entity_types, 'No entity types provided to \\Drupal\\Tests\\migrate_drupal_ui\\Functional\\MigrateUpgradeTestBase::assertIdConflict()');
        foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type) {
            $label = $entity_type_manager->getDefinition($entity_type)
        $session->pageTextContainsOnce('content items');
        $session->pageTextContains('There is translated content of these types:');
     * Checks that migrations have been performed successfully.
     * @param array $expected_counts
     *   The expected counts of each entity type.
     * @param int $version
     *   The Drupal version.
    protected function assertMigrationResults(array $expected_counts, $version) {
        // Have to reset all the statics after migration to ensure entities are
        // loadable.
        // Check that the expected number of entities is the same as the actual
        // number of entities.
        $entity_definitions = array_keys(\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getDefinitions());
        $expected_count_keys = array_keys($expected_counts);
        $this->assertSame($expected_count_keys, $entity_definitions);
        // Assert the correct number of entities exist.
        foreach ($entity_definitions as $entity_type) {
            $real_count = (int) \Drupal::entityQuery($entity_type)->count()
            $expected_count = $expected_counts[$entity_type];
            $this->assertSame($expected_count, $real_count, "Found {$real_count} {$entity_type} entities, expected {$expected_count}.");
        $plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migration');
        /** @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Migration[] $all_migrations */
        $all_migrations = $plugin_manager->createInstancesByTag('Drupal ' . $version);
        foreach ($all_migrations as $migration) {
            $id_map = $migration->getIdMap();
            foreach ($id_map as $source_id => $map) {
                // Convert $source_id into a keyless array so that
                // \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\id_map\Sql::getSourceHash() works as
                // expected.
                $source_id_values = array_values(unserialize($source_id));
                $row = $id_map->getRowBySource($source_id_values);
                $destination = serialize($id_map->currentDestination());
                $message = "Migration of {$source_id} to {$destination} as part of the {$migration->id()} migration. The source row status is " . $row['source_row_status'];
                // A completed migration should have maps with
                // MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IGNORED or
                // MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IMPORTED.
                $this->assertNotSame(MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_FAILED, $row['source_row_status'], $message);
                $this->assertNotSame(MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_NEEDS_UPDATE, $row['source_row_status'], $message);



Title Deprecated Summary
MigrateUpgradeTestBase Provides a base class for testing migration upgrades in the UI.

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