
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/system/src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/GDToolkit.php
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/system/src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/GDToolkit.php
  3. 11.x core/modules/system/src/Plugin/ImageToolkit/GDToolkit.php





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namespace Drupal\system\Plugin\ImageToolkit;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Color;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\File\Exception\FileException;
use Drupal\Core\File\FileExists;
use Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\ImageToolkit\Attribute\ImageToolkit;
use Drupal\Core\ImageToolkit\ImageToolkitBase;
use Drupal\Core\ImageToolkit\ImageToolkitOperationManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\StreamWrapperInterface;
use Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\StreamWrapperManager;
use Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\StreamWrapperManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
// cspell:ignore imagecreatefrom rrggbb

 * Defines the GD2 toolkit for image manipulation within Drupal.
class GDToolkit extends ImageToolkitBase {
     * A GD image.
    protected ?\GdImage $image = NULL;
     * Image type represented by a PHP IMAGETYPE_* constant (e.g. IMAGETYPE_JPEG).
     * @var int
    protected $type;
     * Image information from a file, available prior to loading the GD object.
     * This contains a copy of the array returned by executing getimagesize()
     * on the image file when the image object is instantiated. It gets reset
     * to NULL as soon as the GD object is loaded.
     * @var array|null
     * @see \Drupal\system\Plugin\ImageToolkit\GDToolkit::parseFile()
     * @see \Drupal\system\Plugin\ImageToolkit\GDToolkit::setImage()
     * @see
    protected $preLoadInfo = NULL;
     * The StreamWrapper manager.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\StreamWrapperManagerInterface
    protected $streamWrapperManager;
     * The file system.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface
    protected $fileSystem;
     * Constructs a GDToolkit object.
     * @param array $configuration
     *   A configuration array containing information about the plugin instance.
     * @param string $plugin_id
     *   The plugin ID for the plugin instance.
     * @param array $plugin_definition
     *   The plugin implementation definition.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\ImageToolkit\ImageToolkitOperationManagerInterface $operation_manager
     *   The toolkit operation manager.
     * @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
     *   A logger instance.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
     *   The config factory.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper\StreamWrapperManagerInterface $stream_wrapper_manager
     *   The StreamWrapper manager.
     * @param \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface $file_system
     *   The file system.
    public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, array $plugin_definition, ImageToolkitOperationManagerInterface $operation_manager, LoggerInterface $logger, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, StreamWrapperManagerInterface $stream_wrapper_manager, FileSystemInterface $file_system) {
        parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $operation_manager, $logger, $config_factory);
        $this->streamWrapperManager = $stream_wrapper_manager;
        $this->fileSystem = $file_system;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
        return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container->get('image.toolkit.operation.manager'), $container->get(''), $container->get('config.factory'), $container->get('stream_wrapper_manager'), $container->get('file_system'));
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __get(string $name) {
        if ($name === 'resource') {
            @trigger_error('Accessing the \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::resource property is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::image instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            return $this->image;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __set(string $name, mixed $value) : void {
        if ($name === 'resource') {
            @trigger_error('Setting the \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::resource property is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::image instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            $this->image = $value;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __isset(string $name) : bool {
        if ($name === 'resource') {
            @trigger_error('Checking the \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::resource property is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::image instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
            return isset($this->image);
        return FALSE;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __unset(string $name) : void {
        if ($name === 'resource') {
            @trigger_error('Unsetting the \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::resource property is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::image instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     * Sets the GD image resource.
     * @param \GdImage $resource
     *   The GD image resource.
     * @return $this
     *   An instance of the current toolkit object.
     * @deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use
     *   \Drupal\system\Plugin\ImageToolkit\GDToolkit::setImage() instead.
     * @see
    public function setResource($resource) {
        @trigger_error(__METHOD__ . '() is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::setImage() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        if (!$resource instanceof \GdImage) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid resource argument');
        return $this->setImage($resource);
     * Retrieves the GD image resource.
     * @return \GdImage|null
     *   The GD image resource, or NULL if not available.
     * @deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use
     *   \Drupal\system\Plugin\ImageToolkit\GDToolkit::getImage() instead.
     * @see
    public function getResource() {
        @trigger_error(__METHOD__ . '() is deprecated in drupal:10.2.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\system\\Plugin\\ImageToolkit\\GDToolkit::getImage() instead. See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        return $this->getImage();
     * Sets an image or resets existing one.
     * @param \GdImage|null $image
     *   The GD image object or NULL.
     * @return $this
     *   An instance of the current toolkit object.
    public function setImage(?\GdImage $image) : static {
        $this->preLoadInfo = NULL;
        $this->image = $image;
        return $this;
     * Retrieves the image.
     * @return \GdImage|null
     *   The GD image object, or NULL if not available.
    public function getImage() : ?\GdImage {
        if (!$this->image) {
        return $this->image;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
        $form['image_jpeg_quality'] = [
            '#type' => 'number',
            '#title' => $this->t('JPEG quality'),
            '#description' => $this->t('Define the image quality for JPEG manipulations. Ranges from 0 to 100. Higher values mean better image quality but bigger files.'),
            '#min' => 0,
            '#max' => 100,
            '#default_value' => $this->configFactory
                ->get('jpeg_quality', FALSE),
            '#field_suffix' => $this->t('%'),
        return $form;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function submitConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
            ->set('jpeg_quality', $form_state->getValue([
     * Loads an image from a file.
     * @return bool
     *   TRUE or FALSE, based on success.
    protected function load() {
        // Return immediately if the image file is not valid.
        if (!$this->isValid()) {
            return FALSE;
        // Invalidate the image object and return if there's no function to load the
        // image file.
        $function = 'imagecreatefrom' . image_type_to_extension($this->getType(), FALSE);
        if (!function_exists($function)) {
                ->error("The image toolkit '@toolkit' can not process image '@image'.", [
                '@toolkit' => $this->getPluginId(),
                '@image' => $this->getSource(),
            $this->preLoadInfo = NULL;
            return FALSE;
        // Invalidate the image object and return if the load fails.
        try {
            $image = $function($this->getSource());
        } catch (\Throwable $t) {
                ->error("The image toolkit '@toolkit' failed loading image '@image'. Reported error: @class - @message", [
                '@toolkit' => $this->getPluginId(),
                '@image' => $this->getSource(),
                '@class' => get_class($t),
                '@message' => $t->getMessage(),
            $this->preLoadInfo = NULL;
            return FALSE;
        if (imageistruecolor($image)) {
            return TRUE;
        else {
            // Convert indexed images to truecolor, copying the image to a new
            // truecolor image, so that filters work correctly and don't result
            // in unnecessary dither.
            $data = [
                'width' => imagesx($image),
                'height' => imagesy($image),
                'extension' => image_type_to_extension($this->getType(), FALSE),
                'transparent_color' => $this->getTransparentColor(),
                'is_temp' => TRUE,
            if ($this->apply('create_new', $data)) {
                imagecopy($this->getImage(), $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($image), imagesy($image));
        return (bool) $this->getImage();
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function isValid() {
        return (bool) $this->preLoadInfo || isset($this->image);
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function save($destination) {
        $scheme = StreamWrapperManager::getScheme($destination);
        // Work around lack of stream wrapper support in imagejpeg() and imagepng().
        if ($scheme && $this->streamWrapperManager
            ->isValidScheme($scheme)) {
            // If destination is not local, save image to temporary local file.
            $local_wrappers = $this->streamWrapperManager
            if (!isset($local_wrappers[$scheme])) {
                $permanent_destination = $destination;
                $destination = $this->fileSystem
                    ->tempnam('temporary://', 'gd_');
            // Convert stream wrapper URI to normal path.
            $destination = $this->fileSystem
        $function = 'image' . image_type_to_extension($this->getType(), FALSE);
        if (!function_exists($function)) {
            return FALSE;
        if ($this->getType() == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
            try {
                $success = $function($this->getImage(), $destination, $this->configFactory
            } catch (\Throwable $t) {
                    ->error("The image toolkit '@toolkit' failed saving image '@image'. Reported error: @class - @message", [
                    '@toolkit' => $this->getPluginId(),
                    '@image' => $destination,
                    '@class' => get_class($t),
                    '@message' => $t->getMessage(),
                $success = FALSE;
        else {
            // Image types that support alpha need to be saved accordingly.
            if (in_array($this->getType(), [
            ], TRUE)) {
                imagealphablending($this->getImage(), FALSE);
                imagesavealpha($this->getImage(), TRUE);
            try {
                $success = $function($this->getImage(), $destination);
            } catch (\Throwable $t) {
                    ->error("The image toolkit '@toolkit' failed saving image '@image'. Reported error: @class - @message", [
                    '@toolkit' => $this->getPluginId(),
                    '@image' => $destination,
                    '@class' => get_class($t),
                    '@message' => $t->getMessage(),
                $success = FALSE;
        // Move temporary local file to remote destination.
        if (isset($permanent_destination) && $success) {
            try {
                    ->move($destination, $permanent_destination, FileExists::Replace);
                return TRUE;
            } catch (FileException $e) {
                return FALSE;
        return $success;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function parseFile() {
        $data = @getimagesize($this->getSource());
        if ($data && in_array($data[2], static::supportedTypes())) {
            $this->preLoadInfo = $data;
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
     * Gets the color set for transparency in GIF images.
     * @return string|null
     *   A color string like '#rrggbb', or NULL if not set or not relevant.
    public function getTransparentColor() {
        if (!$this->getImage() || $this->getType() != IMAGETYPE_GIF) {
            return NULL;
        // Find out if a transparent color is set, will return -1 if no
        // transparent color has been defined in the image.
        $transparent = imagecolortransparent($this->getImage());
        if ($transparent >= 0) {
            // Find out the number of colors in the image palette. It will be 0 for
            // truecolor images.
            $palette_size = imagecolorstotal($this->getImage());
            if ($palette_size == 0 || $transparent < $palette_size) {
                // Return the transparent color, either if it is a truecolor image
                // or if the transparent color is part of the palette.
                // Since the index of the transparent color is a property of the
                // image rather than of the palette, it is possible that an image
                // could be created with this index set outside the palette size.
                // (see
                $rgb = imagecolorsforindex($this->getImage(), $transparent);
                return Color::rgbToHex($rgb);
        return NULL;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getWidth() {
        if ($this->preLoadInfo) {
            return $this->preLoadInfo[0];
        elseif ($res = $this->getImage()) {
            return imagesx($res);
        else {
            return NULL;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getHeight() {
        if ($this->preLoadInfo) {
            return $this->preLoadInfo[1];
        elseif ($res = $this->getImage()) {
            return imagesy($res);
        else {
            return NULL;
     * Gets the PHP type of the image.
     * @return int
     *   The image type represented by a PHP IMAGETYPE_* constant (e.g.
    public function getType() {
        return $this->type;
     * Sets the PHP type of the image.
     * @param int $type
     *   The image type represented by a PHP IMAGETYPE_* constant (e.g.
     * @return $this
    public function setType($type) {
        if (in_array($type, static::supportedTypes())) {
            $this->type = $type;
        return $this;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getMimeType() {
        return $this->getType() ? image_type_to_mime_type($this->getType()) : '';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getRequirements() {
        $requirements = [];
        $info = gd_info();
        $requirements['version'] = [
            'title' => $this->t('GD library'),
            'value' => $info['GD Version'],
        // Check if toolkit supported image formats can be actually processed by the
        // GD library installed with PHP.
        $check_formats = [
            IMG_GIF => 'GIF',
            IMG_JPG => 'JPEG',
            IMG_PNG => 'PNG',
            IMG_WEBP => 'WEBP',
        $supported_formats = array_filter($check_formats, fn($type) => imagetypes() & $type, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
        $unsupported_formats = array_diff_key($check_formats, $supported_formats);
        $descriptions = [];
        if ($supported_formats) {
            $descriptions[] = $this->formatPlural(count($supported_formats), 'Supported image file format: %formats.', 'Supported image file formats: %formats.', [
                '%formats' => implode(', ', $supported_formats),
        if ($unsupported_formats) {
            $requirements['version']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
            $unsupported = $this->formatPlural(count($unsupported_formats), 'Unsupported image file format: %formats.', 'Unsupported image file formats: %formats.', [
                '%formats' => implode(', ', $unsupported_formats),
            $fix_info = $this->t('Check the <a href="">PHP GD installation documentation</a> if you want to add support.');
            $descriptions[] = $this->t('@unsupported<br>@ref', [
                '@unsupported' => $unsupported,
                '@ref' => $fix_info,
        // Check for filter and rotate support.
        if (!function_exists('imagefilter') || !function_exists('imagerotate')) {
            $requirements['version']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
            $descriptions[] = $this->t('The GD Library for PHP is enabled, but was compiled without support for functions used by the rotate and desaturate effects. It was probably compiled using the official GD libraries from the <a href="">gdLibrary site</a> instead of the GD library bundled with PHP. You should recompile PHP --with-gd using the bundled GD library. See <a href="">the PHP manual</a>.');
        if (count($descriptions) > 1) {
            $requirements['version']['description'] = [
                '#theme' => 'item_list',
                '#items' => $descriptions,
        else {
            $requirements['version']['description'] = $descriptions[0];
        return $requirements;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function isAvailable() {
        // GD2 support is available.
        return function_exists('imagegd2');
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function getSupportedExtensions() {
        $extensions = [];
        foreach (static::supportedTypes() as $image_type) {
            // @todo Automatically fetch possible extensions for each mime type.
            // @see
            $extension = mb_strtolower(image_type_to_extension($image_type, FALSE));
            $extensions[] = $extension;
            // Add some known similar extensions.
            if ($extension === 'jpeg') {
                $extensions[] = 'jpg';
                $extensions[] = 'jpe';
        return $extensions;
     * Returns the IMAGETYPE_xxx constant for the given extension.
     * This is the reverse of the image_type_to_extension() function.
     * @param string $extension
     *   The extension to get the IMAGETYPE_xxx constant for.
     * @return int
     *   The IMAGETYPE_xxx constant for the given extension, or IMAGETYPE_UNKNOWN
     *   for unsupported extensions.
     * @see image_type_to_extension()
    public function extensionToImageType($extension) {
        if (in_array($extension, [
        ])) {
            $extension = 'jpeg';
        foreach ($this->supportedTypes() as $type) {
            if (image_type_to_extension($type, FALSE) === $extension) {
                return $type;
        return IMAGETYPE_UNKNOWN;
     * Returns a list of image types supported by the toolkit.
     * @return array
     *   An array of available image types. An image type is represented by a PHP
     *   IMAGETYPE_* constant (e.g. IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, etc.).
    protected static function supportedTypes() {
        return [



Title Deprecated Summary
GDToolkit Defines the GD2 toolkit for image manipulation within Drupal.

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