CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheContexts |
protected |
property |
Cache contexts. |
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheMaxAge |
protected |
property |
Cache max-age. |
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheTags |
protected |
property |
Cache tags. |
CacheableDependencyTrait::setCacheability |
protected |
function |
Sets cacheability; useful for value object constructors. |
ContentEntityBase::$activeLangcode |
protected |
property |
Language code identifying the entity active language. |
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcode |
protected |
property |
Local cache for the default language code. |
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcodeKey |
protected |
property |
The default langcode entity key. |
ContentEntityBase::$enforceDefaultTranslation |
protected |
property |
Override the result of isDefaultTranslation(). |
ContentEntityBase::$enforceRevisionTranslationAffected |
protected |
property |
Whether the revision translation affected flag has been enforced. |
ContentEntityBase::$entityKeys |
protected |
property |
Holds untranslatable entity keys such as the ID, bundle, and revision ID. |
ContentEntityBase::$fieldDefinitions |
protected |
property |
Local cache for field definitions. |
ContentEntityBase::$fields |
protected |
property |
The array of fields, each being an instance of FieldItemListInterface. |
ContentEntityBase::$fieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck |
protected static |
property |
Local cache for fields to skip from the checking for translation changes. |
ContentEntityBase::$isDefaultRevision |
protected |
property |
Indicates whether this is the default revision. |
ContentEntityBase::$langcodeKey |
protected |
property |
The language entity key. |
ContentEntityBase::$languages |
protected |
property |
Local cache for the available language objects. |
ContentEntityBase::$loadedRevisionId |
protected |
property |
The loaded revision ID before the new revision was set. |
ContentEntityBase::$newRevision |
protected |
property |
Boolean indicating whether a new revision should be created on save. |
ContentEntityBase::$revisionTranslationAffectedKey |
protected |
property |
The revision translation affected entity key. |
ContentEntityBase::$translatableEntityKeys |
protected |
property |
Holds translatable entity keys such as the label. |
ContentEntityBase::$translationInitialize |
protected |
property |
A flag indicating whether a translation object is being initialized. |
ContentEntityBase::$translations |
protected |
property |
An array of entity translation metadata. |
ContentEntityBase::$validated |
protected |
property |
Whether entity validation was performed. |
ContentEntityBase::$validationRequired |
protected |
property |
Whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. |
ContentEntityBase::$values |
protected |
property |
The plain data values of the contained fields. |
ContentEntityBase::access |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::access |
1 |
ContentEntityBase::addTranslation |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::bundle |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::bundle |
ContentEntityBase::bundleFieldDefinitions |
public static |
function |
5 |
ContentEntityBase::clearTranslationCache |
protected |
function |
Clears entity translation object cache to remove stale references. |
ContentEntityBase::create |
public static |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::create |
ContentEntityBase::createDuplicate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::createDuplicate |
1 |
ContentEntityBase::get |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getEntityKey |
protected |
function |
Gets the value of the given entity key, if defined. |
1 |
ContentEntityBase::getFieldDefinition |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getFieldDefinitions |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getFields |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getFieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck |
protected |
function |
Returns an array of field names to skip in ::hasTranslationChanges. |
1 |
ContentEntityBase::getIterator |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getLanguages |
protected |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getLoadedRevisionId |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getRevisionId |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslatableFields |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslatedField |
protected |
function |
Gets a translated field. |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslation |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslationLanguages |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::getTranslationStatus |
public |
function |
Overrides TranslationStatusInterface::getTranslationStatus |
ContentEntityBase::getUntranslated |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::hasField |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::hasTranslation |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::hasTranslationChanges |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::id |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::id |
ContentEntityBase::initializeTranslation |
protected |
function |
Instantiates a translation object for an existing translation. |
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultRevision |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultTranslation |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultTranslationAffectedOnly |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isLatestRevision |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isLatestTranslationAffectedRevision |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isNewRevision |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isNewTranslation |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isRevisionTranslationAffected |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isRevisionTranslationAffectedEnforced |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isTranslatable |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::isValidationRequired |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::label |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::label |
4 |
ContentEntityBase::language |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::language |
ContentEntityBase::onChange |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::postCreate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::postCreate |
1 |
ContentEntityBase::postSave |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::postSave |
8 |
ContentEntityBase::preSave |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::preSave |
8 |
ContentEntityBase::preSaveRevision |
public |
function |
3 |
ContentEntityBase::referencedEntities |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::referencedEntities |
1 |
ContentEntityBase::removeTranslation |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::set |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::setDefaultLangcode |
protected |
function |
Populates the local cache for the default language code. |
ContentEntityBase::setDefaultTranslationEnforced |
public |
function |
Set or clear an override of the isDefaultTranslation() result. |
ContentEntityBase::setNewRevision |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::setRevisionTranslationAffected |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::setRevisionTranslationAffectedEnforced |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::setValidationRequired |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::toArray |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::toArray |
ContentEntityBase::updateFieldLangcodes |
protected |
function |
Updates language for already instantiated fields. |
ContentEntityBase::updateLoadedRevisionId |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::updateOriginalValues |
public |
function |
Updates the original values with the interim changes. |
ContentEntityBase::uuid |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::uuid |
ContentEntityBase::validate |
public |
function |
1 |
ContentEntityBase::wasDefaultRevision |
public |
function |
ContentEntityBase::__clone |
public |
function |
Magic method: Implements a deep clone. |
ContentEntityBase::__construct |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::__construct |
ContentEntityBase::__get |
public |
function |
Implements the magic method for getting object properties. |
ContentEntityBase::__isset |
public |
function |
Implements the magic method for isset(). |
ContentEntityBase::__set |
public |
function |
Implements the magic method for setting object properties. |
ContentEntityBase::__sleep |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityBase::__sleep |
ContentEntityBase::__unset |
public |
function |
Implements the magic method for unset(). |
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages |
protected |
property |
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds |
protected |
property |
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep |
public |
function |
Aliased as: traitSleep |
1 |
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup |
public |
function |
2 |
EntityBase::$enforceIsNew |
protected |
property |
Boolean indicating whether the entity should be forced to be new. |
EntityBase::$entityTypeId |
protected |
property |
The entity type. |
EntityBase::$typedData |
protected |
property |
A typed data object wrapping this entity. |
EntityBase::delete |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::delete |
1 |
EntityBase::enforceIsNew |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::enforceIsNew |
EntityBase::entityTypeBundleInfo |
protected |
function |
Gets the entity type bundle info service. |
EntityBase::entityTypeManager |
protected |
function |
Gets the entity type manager. |
EntityBase::getCacheContexts |
public |
function |
Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheContexts |
EntityBase::getCacheMaxAge |
public |
function |
Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheMaxAge |
EntityBase::getCacheTags |
public |
function |
Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheTags |
EntityBase::getCacheTagsToInvalidate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getCacheTagsToInvalidate |
3 |
EntityBase::getConfigDependencyKey |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigDependencyKey |
EntityBase::getConfigDependencyName |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigDependencyName |
1 |
EntityBase::getConfigTarget |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigTarget |
1 |
EntityBase::getEntityType |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getEntityType |
EntityBase::getEntityTypeId |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getEntityTypeId |
EntityBase::getListCacheTagsToInvalidate |
protected |
function |
The list cache tags to invalidate for this entity. |
EntityBase::getOriginalId |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getOriginalId |
1 |
EntityBase::getTypedData |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::getTypedData |
EntityBase::getTypedDataClass |
private |
function |
Returns the typed data class name for this entity. |
EntityBase::hasLinkTemplate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::hasLinkTemplate |
EntityBase::invalidateTagsOnDelete |
protected static |
function |
Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon delete. |
1 |
EntityBase::invalidateTagsOnSave |
protected |
function |
Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon save. |
2 |
EntityBase::isNew |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::isNew |
2 |
EntityBase::languageManager |
protected |
function |
Gets the language manager. |
EntityBase::linkTemplates |
protected |
function |
Gets an array link templates. |
1 |
EntityBase::load |
public static |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::load |
EntityBase::loadMultiple |
public static |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::loadMultiple |
EntityBase::postDelete |
public static |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::postDelete |
17 |
EntityBase::postLoad |
public static |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::postLoad |
3 |
EntityBase::preCreate |
public static |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::preCreate |
6 |
EntityBase::preDelete |
public static |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::preDelete |
7 |
EntityBase::save |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::save |
3 |
EntityBase::setOriginalId |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::setOriginalId |
1 |
EntityBase::toLink |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::toLink |
EntityBase::toUrl |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::toUrl |
2 |
EntityBase::uriRelationships |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityInterface::uriRelationships |
EntityBase::urlRouteParameters |
protected |
function |
Gets an array of placeholders for this entity. |
2 |
EntityBase::uuidGenerator |
protected |
function |
Gets the UUID generator. |
EntityChangesDetectionTrait::getFieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck |
protected |
function |
Returns an array of field names to skip when checking for changes. |
Aliased as: traitGetFieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheableDependency |
public |
function |
1 |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheContexts |
public |
function |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheTags |
public |
function |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::mergeCacheMaxAge |
public |
function |
SynchronizableEntityTrait::$isSyncing |
protected |
property |
Is entity being created updated or deleted through synchronization process. |
SynchronizableEntityTrait::isSyncing |
public |
function |
SynchronizableEntityTrait::setSyncing |
public |
function |
TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_CREATED |
constant |
Status code identifying a newly created translation. |
TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_EXISTING |
constant |
Status code identifying an existing translation. |
TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_REMOVED |
constant |
Status code identifying a removed translation. |
ViewsTestEntity::$mockedBaseFieldDefinitions |
protected static |
property |
The mocked base fields for test entity types. |
ViewsTestEntity::baseFieldDefinitions |
public static |
function |
Overrides ContentEntityBase::baseFieldDefinitions |
ViewsTestEntity::setMockedBaseFieldDefinitions |
public static |
function |
Sets up the mocked base field definitions. |