
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/views/views.module
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/views/views.module
  3. 10 core/modules/views/views.module



View source

 * @file
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\AlterableInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface;
use Drupal\views\ViewExecutable;
use Drupal\views\Entity\View;
use Drupal\views\Views;

 * Allows view-based node templates if called from a view.
 * The 'modules/' file is a better place for this, but
 * we haven't got a chance to load that file before Drupal builds the
 * node portion of the theme registry.
function views_preprocess_node(&$variables) : void {
    // The 'view' attribute of the node is added in
    // \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\row\EntityRow::preRender().
    if (!empty($variables['node']->view) && $variables['node']->view->storage
        ->id()) {
        $variables['view'] = $variables['node']->view;
        // The view variable is deprecated.
        $variables['deprecations']['view'] = "'view' is deprecated in drupal:11.1.0 and is removed in drupal:12.0.0. There is no replacement. See";
        // If a node is being rendered in a view, and the view does not have a path,
        // prevent drupal from accidentally setting the $page variable:
        if (!empty($variables['view']->current_display) && $variables['page'] && $variables['view_mode'] == 'full' && !$variables['view']->display_handler
            ->hasPath()) {
            $variables['page'] = FALSE;

 * Allows view-based comment templates if called from a view.
function views_preprocess_comment(&$variables) : void {
    // The view data is added to the comment in
    // \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\row\EntityRow::preRender().
    if (!empty($variables['comment']->view) && $variables['comment']->view->storage
        ->id()) {
        $variables['view'] = $variables['comment']->view;

 * Adds contextual links associated with a view display to a renderable array.
 * This function should be called when a view is being rendered in a particular
 * location and you want to attach the appropriate contextual links (e.g.,
 * links for editing the view) to it.
 * The function operates by checking the view's display plugin to see if it has
 * defined any contextual links that are intended to be displayed in the
 * requested location; if so, it attaches them. The contextual links intended
 * for a particular location are defined by the 'contextual links' and
 * 'contextual_links_locations' properties in the plugin annotation; as a
 * result, these hook implementations have full control over where and how
 * contextual links are rendered for each display.
 * In addition to attaching the contextual links to the passed-in array (via
 * the standard #contextual_links property), this function also attaches
 * additional information via the #views_contextual_links_info property. This
 * stores an array whose keys are the names of each module that provided
 * views-related contextual links (same as the keys of the #contextual_links
 * array itself) and whose values are themselves arrays whose keys ('location',
 * 'view_name', and 'view_display_id') store the location, name of the view,
 * and display ID that were passed in to this function. This allows you to
 * access information about the contextual links and how they were generated in
 * a variety of contexts where you might be manipulating the renderable array
 * later on (for example, alter hooks which run later during the same page
 * request).
 * @param array $render_element
 *   The renderable array to which contextual links will be added. This array
 *   should be suitable for passing in to
 *   \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::render() and will normally contain a
 *   representation of the view display whose contextual links are being
 *   requested.
 * @param string $location
 *   The location in which the calling function intends to render the view and
 *   its contextual links. The core system supports three options for this
 *   parameter:
 *   - 'block': Used when rendering a block which contains a view. This
 *     retrieves any contextual links intended to be attached to the block
 *     itself.
 *   - 'page': Used when rendering the main content of a page which contains a
 *     view. This retrieves any contextual links intended to be attached to the
 *     page itself (for example, links which are displayed directly next to the
 *     page title).
 *   - 'view': Used when rendering the view itself, in any context. This
 *     retrieves any contextual links intended to be attached directly to the
 *     view.
 *   If you are rendering a view and its contextual links in another location,
 *   you can pass in a different value for this parameter. However, you will
 *   also need to set 'contextual_links_locations' in your plugin annotation to
 *   indicate which view displays support having their contextual links
 *   rendered in the location you have defined.
 * @param string $display_id
 *   The ID of the display within $view whose contextual links will be added.
 * @param array $view_element
 *   The render array of the view. It should contain the following properties:
 *     - #view_id: The ID of the view.
 *     - #view_display_show_admin_links: A boolean whether the admin links
 *       should be shown.
 *     - #view_display_plugin_id: The plugin ID of the display.
 * @see \Drupal\views\Plugin\Block\ViewsBlock::addContextualLinks()
 * @see template_preprocess_views_view()
function views_add_contextual_links(&$render_element, $location, $display_id, ?array $view_element = NULL) {
    if (!isset($view_element)) {
        $view_element = $render_element;
    $view_element['#cache_properties'] = [
    $view_id = $view_element['#view_id'];
    $show_admin_links = $view_element['#view_display_show_admin_links'];
    $display_plugin_id = $view_element['#view_display_plugin_id'];
    // Do not do anything if the view is configured to hide its administrative
    // links or if the Contextual Links module is not enabled.
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('contextual') && $show_admin_links) {
        // Also do not do anything if the display plugin has not defined any
        // contextual links that are intended to be displayed in the requested
        // location.
        $plugin = Views::pluginManager('display')->getDefinition($display_plugin_id);
        // If contextual_links_locations are not set, provide a sane default. (To
        // avoid displaying any contextual links at all, a display plugin can still
        // set 'contextual_links_locations' to, e.g., {""}.)
        if (!isset($plugin['contextual_links_locations'])) {
            $plugin['contextual_links_locations'] = [
        elseif ($plugin['contextual_links_locations'] == [] || $plugin['contextual_links_locations'] == [
        ]) {
            $plugin['contextual_links_locations'] = [];
        else {
            $plugin += [
                'contextual_links_locations' => [
        // On exposed_forms blocks contextual links should always be visible.
        $plugin['contextual_links_locations'][] = 'exposed_filter';
        $has_links = !empty($plugin['contextual links']) && !empty($plugin['contextual_links_locations']);
        if ($has_links && in_array($location, $plugin['contextual_links_locations'])) {
            foreach ($plugin['contextual links'] as $group => $link) {
                $args = [];
                $valid = TRUE;
                if (!empty($link['route_parameters_names'])) {
                    $view_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('view')
                    foreach ($link['route_parameters_names'] as $parameter_name => $property) {
                        // If the plugin is trying to create an invalid contextual link
                        // (for example, "path/to/{$view->storage->property}", where
                        // $view->storage->{property} does not exist), we cannot construct
                        // the link, so we skip it.
                        if (!property_exists($view_storage, $property)) {
                            $valid = FALSE;
                        else {
                            $args[$parameter_name] = $view_storage->get($property);
                // If the link was valid, attach information about it to the renderable
                // array.
                if ($valid) {
                    $render_element['#views_contextual_links'] = TRUE;
                    $render_element['#contextual_links'][$group] = [
                        'route_parameters' => $args,
                        'metadata' => [
                            'location' => $location,
                            'name' => $view_id,
                            'display_id' => $display_id,
                    // If we're setting contextual links on a page, for a page view, for a
                    // user that may use contextual links, attach Views' contextual links
                    // JavaScript.
                    $render_element['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'user.permissions';

 * Invalidate the views cache, forcing a rebuild on the next grab of table data.
function views_invalidate_cache() {
    // Set the menu as needed to be rebuilt.
    $module_handler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
    // Reset the RouteSubscriber from views.
    // Invalidate the block cache to update views block derivatives.
    if ($module_handler->moduleExists('block')) {
    // Allow modules to respond to the Views cache being cleared.

 * Set the current view.
 * Set the current view that is being built/rendered so that it is
 * easy for other modules or items in drupal_eval to identify
 * @return \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable
 *   The current view object, or NULL if no view is set.
function &views_set_current_view($view = NULL) {
    static $cache = NULL;
    if (isset($view)) {
        $cache = $view;
    return $cache;

 * Find out what, if any, current view is currently in use.
 * Note that this returns a reference, so be careful! You can unintentionally
 * modify the $view object.
 * @return \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable
 *   The current view object.
function &views_get_current_view() {
    return views_set_current_view();

 * Implements hook_hook_info().
function views_hook_info() : array {
    $hooks = [];
    $hooks += array_fill_keys([
    ], [
        'group' => 'views',
    // Register a views_plugins alter hook for all plugin types.
    foreach (ViewExecutable::getPluginTypes() as $type) {
        $hooks['views_plugins_' . $type . '_alter'] = [
            'group' => 'views',
    $hooks += array_fill_keys([
    ], [
        'group' => 'views_execution',
    $hooks['field_views_data'] = [
        'group' => 'views',
    $hooks['field_views_data_alter'] = [
        'group' => 'views',
    return $hooks;

 * Returns whether the view is enabled.
 * @param \Drupal\views\Entity\View $view
 *   The view object to check.
 * @return bool
 *   Returns TRUE if a view is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
function views_view_is_enabled(View $view) {
    return $view->status();

 * Returns whether the view is disabled.
 * @param \Drupal\views\Entity\View $view
 *   The view object to check.
 * @return bool
 *   Returns TRUE if a view is disabled, FALSE otherwise.
function views_view_is_disabled(View $view) {
    return !$view->status();

 * Enables and saves a view.
 * @param \Drupal\views\Entity\View $view
 *   The View object to disable.
function views_enable_view(View $view) {

 * Disables and saves a view.
 * @param \Drupal\views\Entity\View $view
 *   The View object to disable.
function views_disable_view(View $view) {

 * Replaces the substitutions recursive foreach condition.
function _views_query_tag_alter_condition(AlterableInterface $query, &$conditions, $substitutions) {
    foreach ($conditions as $condition_id => &$condition) {
        if (is_numeric($condition_id)) {
            if (is_string($condition['field'])) {
                $condition['field'] = str_replace(array_keys($substitutions), array_values($substitutions), $condition['field']);
            elseif (is_object($condition['field'])) {
                $sub_conditions =& $condition['field']->conditions();
                _views_query_tag_alter_condition($query, $sub_conditions, $substitutions);
            // $condition['value'] is a subquery so alter the subquery recursive.
            // Therefore make sure to get the metadata of the main query.
            if (is_object($condition['value'])) {
                $subquery = $condition['value'];
                $subquery->addMetaData('views_substitutions', $query->getMetaData('views_substitutions'));
                \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invoke('views', 'query_views_alter', [
            elseif (isset($condition['value'])) {
                // We can not use a simple str_replace() here because it always returns
                // a string and we have to keep the type of the condition value intact.
                if (is_array($condition['value'])) {
                    foreach ($condition['value'] as &$value) {
                        if (is_string($value)) {
                            $value = str_replace(array_keys($substitutions), array_values($substitutions), $value);
                elseif (is_string($condition['value'])) {
                    $condition['value'] = str_replace(array_keys($substitutions), array_values($substitutions), $condition['value']);

 * Embed a view using a PHP snippet.
 * This function is meant to be called from PHP snippets, should one wish to
 * embed a view in a node or something. It's meant to provide the simplest
 * solution and doesn't really offer a lot of options, but breaking the function
 * apart is pretty easy, and this provides a worthwhile guide to doing so.
 * Note that this function does NOT display the title of the view. If you want
 * to do that, you will need to do what this function does manually, by
 * loading the view, getting the preview and then getting $view->getTitle().
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the view to embed.
 * @param string $display_id
 *   The display id to embed. If unsure, use 'default', as it will always be
 *   valid. But things like 'page' or 'block' should work here.
 * @param mixed ...$args
 *   Any additional parameters will be passed as arguments.
 * @return array|null
 *   A renderable array containing the view output or NULL if the display ID
 *   of the view to be executed doesn't exist.
function views_embed_view($name, $display_id = 'default', ...$args) {
    $view = Views::getView($name);
    if (!$view || !$view->access($display_id)) {
    return [
        '#type' => 'view',
        '#name' => $name,
        '#display_id' => $display_id,
        '#arguments' => $args,

 * Get the result of a view.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the view to retrieve the data from.
 * @param string $display_id
 *   The display ID. On the edit page for the view in question, you'll find a
 *   list of displays at the left side of the control area. "Default" will be at
 *   the top of that list. Hover your cursor over the name of the display you
 *   want to use. A URL will appear in the status bar of your browser. This is
 *   usually at the bottom of the window, in the chrome. Everything after
 *   #views-tab- is the display ID, e.g. page_1.
 * @param mixed ...$args
 *   Any additional parameters will be passed as arguments.
 * @return array
 *   An array containing an object for each view item.
function views_get_view_result($name, $display_id = NULL, ...$args) {
    $view = Views::getView($name);
    if (is_object($view)) {
        if (is_array($args)) {
        if (is_string($display_id)) {
        else {
        return $view->result;
    else {
        return [];

 * Validation callback for query tags.
function views_element_validate_tags($element, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $values = array_map('trim', explode(',', $element['#value']));
    foreach ($values as $value) {
        if (preg_match("/[^a-z_]/", $value)) {
            $form_state->setError($element, t('The query tags may only contain lower-case alphabetical characters and underscores.'));

 * Determines whether the entity type the field appears in is SQL based.
 * @param \Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface $field_storage
 *   The field storage definition.
 * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage
 *   Returns the entity type storage if supported.
 * @deprecated in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use
 * \Drupal::service('views.field_data_provider')
 * ->getSqlStorageForField($field_storage); instead.
 * @see
function _views_field_get_entity_type_storage(FieldStorageConfigInterface $field_storage) {
    @trigger_error('_views_field_get_entity_type_storage() is deprecated in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use \\Drupal::service(\'views.field_data_provider\')->getSqlStorageForField($field_storage). See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return \Drupal::service('views.field_data_provider')->getSqlStorageForField($field_storage);

 * Default views data implementation for a field.
 * @param \Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface $field_storage
 *   The field definition.
 * @return array
 *   The default views data for the field.
 * @deprecated in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use
 * \Drupal::service('views.field_data_provider')
 * ->defaultFieldImplementation($field_storage); instead.
 * @see
function views_field_default_views_data(FieldStorageConfigInterface $field_storage) {
    @trigger_error('views_field_default_views_data() is deprecated in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use \\Drupal::service(\'views.field_data_provider\')->defaultFieldImplementation($field_storage). See', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return \Drupal::service('views.field_data_provider')->defaultFieldImplementation($field_storage);

 * Returns the label of a certain field.
 * Therefore it looks up in all bundles to find the most used field.
 * @deprecated in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use
 *   \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldLabels() instead.
 * @see
function views_entity_field_label($entity_type, $field_name) {
    @trigger_error("views_entity_field_label() is deprecated in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use \\Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldLabels(). See", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    return \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldLabels($entity_type, $field_name);


Title Deprecated Summary
views_add_contextual_links Adds contextual links associated with a view display to a renderable array.
views_disable_view Disables and saves a view.
views_element_validate_tags Validation callback for query tags.
views_embed_view Embed a view using a PHP snippet.
views_enable_view Enables and saves a view.

in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldLabels() instead.

Returns the label of a certain field.

in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use \Drupal::service('views.field_data_provider') ->defaultFieldImplementation($field_storage); instead.

Default views data implementation for a field.
views_get_current_view Find out what, if any, current view is currently in use.
views_get_view_result Get the result of a view.
views_hook_info Implements hook_hook_info().
views_invalidate_cache Invalidate the views cache, forcing a rebuild on the next grab of table data.
views_preprocess_comment Allows view-based comment templates if called from a view.
views_preprocess_node Allows view-based node templates if called from a view.
views_set_current_view Set the current view.
views_view_is_disabled Returns whether the view is disabled.
views_view_is_enabled Returns whether the view is enabled.

in drupal:11.2.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. Use \Drupal::service('views.field_data_provider') ->getSqlStorageForField($field_storage); instead.

Determines whether the entity type the field appears in is SQL based.
_views_query_tag_alter_condition Replaces the substitutions recursive foreach condition.

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