AggregatorTestCase::createFeed in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates an aggregator feed.
AggregatorTestCase::getFeedEditArray in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Returns a randomly generated feed edit array.
AggregatorTestCase::getValidOpml in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates a valid OPML file from an array of feeds.
AggregatorUpdatePathTestCase::testAggregatorUpdate in modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/update.aggregator.test
Tests that the aggregator.module update is successful.
aggregator_aggregator_parse in modules/aggregator/
Implements hook_aggregator_parse().
aggregator_form_feed_validate in modules/aggregator/
Form validation handler for aggregator_form_feed().
aggregator_schema in modules/aggregator/aggregator.install
Implements hook_schema().
aggregator_update_7003 in modules/aggregator/aggregator.install
Increase the length of {aggregator_feed}.url.
AJAXFrameworkTestCase::testAJAXRender in modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test
Test that ajax_render() returns JavaScript settings generated during the page request.
announcements_feed_filter_announcements in modules/announcements_feed/
Filter the announcements relevant to the Drupal version used with valid URL controlled by
announcements_feed_get_all_announcements in modules/announcements_feed/
Generate an array of announcements with keys.
batch_process in includes/
Processes the batch.
BootstrapOverrideServerVariablesTestCase::testDrupalOverrideServerVariablesProvidedURL in modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
Test providing a direct URL to to drupal_override_server_variables().
CategorizeFeedTestCase::testCategorizeFeed in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates a feed and makes sure you can add/delete categories to it.
DrupalWebTestCase::checkForMetaRefresh in modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Check for meta refresh tag and if found call drupalGet() recursively. This function looks for the http-equiv attribute to be set to "Refresh" and is case-sensitive.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalPostAJAX in modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Execute an Ajax submission.
DrupalWebTestCase::handleForm in modules/simpletest/drupal_web_test_case.php
Handle form input related to drupalPost(). Ensure that the specified fields exist and attempt to create POST data in the correct manner for the particular field type.
drupal_add_feed in includes/
Adds a feed URL for the current page.
drupal_common_theme in includes/
Provides theme registration for themes across .inc files.
drupal_override_server_variables in includes/
Sets appropriate server variables needed for command line scripts to work.
FeedIconTest::testFeedIconEscaping in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Check that special characters are correctly escaped. Test for issue #1211668.
forum_help in modules/forum/forum.module
Implements hook_help().
ImportOPMLTestCase::submitImportForm in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Submits form with invalid, empty, and valid OPML files.
node_tokens in modules/node/
Implements hook_tokens().
node_token_info in modules/node/
Implements hook_token_info().
ProfileTestFields::testProfileFields in modules/profile/profile.test
Test each of the field types. List selection and date fields are tested separately because they need some special handling.
StatisticsTestCase::setUp in modules/statistics/statistics.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
statistics_top_referrers in modules/statistics/
Page callback: Displays the "top referrers" in the access logs.
system_goto_action in modules/system/system.module
Redirects to a different URL.
system_goto_action_form in modules/system/system.module
Settings form for system_goto_action().
system_goto_action_submit in modules/system/system.module
UpdateFeedItemTestCase::testUpdateFeedItem in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Tests running "update items" from 'admin/config/services/aggregator' page.
UpdateFeedTestCase::testUpdateFeed in modules/aggregator/aggregator.test
Creates a feed and attempts to update it.
user_tokens in modules/user/
Implements hook_tokens().
user_token_info in modules/user/
Implements hook_token_info().