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Title Object type File name Summary
relationship-representative.html file help/relationship-representative.html
relationship.html file help/relationship.html
view::$relationship property includes/ Stores the relationship handlers which are initialized on this view.
view::fix_missing_relationships function includes/ Attempt to discover if the view has handlers missing relationships.
Views relationship handlers group handlers/ Handlers to tell Views how to create alternate relationships.
ViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest class tests/taxonomy/views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test Tests the relationship_node_term_data handler.
ViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest::createTerm function tests/taxonomy/views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test Returns a new term with random properties in vocabulary $vid.
ViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest::getInfo function tests/taxonomy/views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test
ViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest::setUp function tests/taxonomy/views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
ViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest::testViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermData function tests/taxonomy/views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test
ViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest::view_taxonomy_node_term_data function tests/taxonomy/views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test
ViewsNodeRevisionRelationsTestCase::testNodeRevisionRelationship function tests/node/views_node_revision_relations.test Create a node with revision and rest result count for both views.
ViewsUserTestCase::testRelationship function tests/user/views_user.test Add a view which has no explicit relationship to the author.
ViewsUserTestCase::test_view_user_relationship function tests/user/views_user.test
views_handler::$relationship property includes/ The relationship used for this field.
views_handler::set_relationship function includes/ Called just prior to query(), this lets a handler set up any relationship
it needs.
views_handler_relationship class handlers/ Relationship handler, allows a new version of the primary table to be linked. file handlers/ Definition of views_handler_relationship.
views_handler_relationship::init function handlers/ Let relationships live on tables other than the table they operate on.
views_handler_relationship::label function handlers/ Get this field's label.
views_handler_relationship::options_form function handlers/ Provide the label widget that all fields should have.
views_handler_relationship::option_definition function handlers/ Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
views_handler_relationship::query function handlers/ Called to implement a relationship in a query.
views_handler_relationship::use_group_by function handlers/ You can't groupby a relationship.
views_handler_relationship_broken class handlers/ A special handler to take the place of missing or broken handlers.
views_handler_relationship_broken::broken function handlers/ Determine if the handler is considered 'broken'.
views_handler_relationship_broken::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_handler_relationship_broken::options_form function handlers/ Provide the label widget that all fields should have.
views_handler_relationship_broken::query function handlers/ Called to implement a relationship in a query.
views_handler_relationship_broken::ui_name function handlers/ Return a string representing this handler's name in the UI.
views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse class modules/field/ A relationship handlers which reverse entity references. file modules/field/ Definition of views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse.
views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse::init function modules/field/ Let relationships live on tables other than the table they operate on.
views_handler_relationship_entity_reverse::query function modules/field/ Called to implement a relationship in a query.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max class handlers/ Relationship handler that allows a groupwise maximum of the linked in table. file handlers/ Definition of views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::alter_subquery_condition function handlers/ Recursive helper to add a namespace to conditions.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::condition_namespace function handlers/ Helper function to namespace query pieces.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::get_temporary_view function handlers/ Helper function to create a pseudo view.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::left_query function handlers/ Generate a subquery given the user options, as set in the options.
These are passed in rather than picked up from the object because we
generate the subquery when the options are saved, rather than when the view
is run. This saves considerable time.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::options_form function handlers/ Extends the relationship's basic options.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::options_form_submit function handlers/ When the form is submitted, take sure to clear the subquery string cache.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::option_definition function handlers/ Defines default values for options.
views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::query function handlers/ Called to implement a relationship in a query.
This is mostly a copy of our parent's query() except for this bit with
the join class.
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data class modules/taxonomy/ Relationship handler to return the taxonomy terms of nodes. file modules/taxonomy/ Definition of views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test file tests/taxonomy/views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test Definition of ViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest.
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data::init function modules/taxonomy/ Let relationships live on tables other than the table they operate on.
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data::options_form function modules/taxonomy/ Provide the label widget that all fields should have.
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data::option_definition function modules/taxonomy/ Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.