class views_plugin_access_perm

Access plugin that provides permission-based access control.


Expanded class hierarchy of views_plugin_access_perm

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1 string reference to 'views_plugin_access_perm'
views_views_plugins in includes/
Implements hook_views_plugins().


plugins/, line 13

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class views_plugin_access_perm extends views_plugin_access {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function access($account) {
        return views_check_perm($this->options['perm'], $account);
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function get_access_callback() {
        return array(
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function summary_title() {
        $permissions = module_invoke_all('permission');
        if (isset($permissions[$this->options['perm']])) {
            return $permissions[$this->options['perm']]['title'];
        return t($this->options['perm']);
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function option_definition() {
        $options = parent::option_definition();
        $options['perm'] = array(
            'default' => 'access content',
        return $options;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
        parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
        $perms = array();
        $module_info = system_get_info('module');
        // Get list of permissions.
        foreach (module_implements('permission') as $module) {
            $permissions = module_invoke($module, 'permission');
            foreach ($permissions as $name => $perm) {
                $perms[$module_info[$module]['name']][$name] = strip_tags($perm['title']);
        $form['perm'] = array(
            '#type' => 'select',
            '#options' => $perms,
            '#title' => t('Permission'),
            '#default_value' => $this->options['perm'],
            '#description' => t('Only users with the selected permission flag will be able to access this display. Note that users with "access all views" can see any view, regardless of other permissions.'),



Title Sort descending Deprecated Modifiers Object type Summary Overriden Title Overrides
views_object::$definition public property Handler's definition.
views_object::$options public property Except for displays, options for the object will be held here. 1
views_object::altered_option_definition public function Collect this handler's option definition and alter them, ready for use.
views_object::construct public function Views handlers use a special construct function. 4
views_object::destroy public function Destructor. 2
views_object::export_option public function 1
views_object::export_options public function
views_object::export_option_always public function Always exports the option, regardless of the default value.
views_object::options Deprecated public function Set default options on this object. 1
views_object::set_default_options public function Set default options.
views_object::set_definition public function Let the handler know what its full definition is.
views_object::unpack_options public function Unpack options over our existing defaults, drilling down into arrays so
that defaults don't get totally blown away.
views_object::unpack_translatable public function Unpack a single option definition.
views_object::unpack_translatables public function Unpacks each handler to store translatable texts.
views_object::_set_option_defaults public function
views_plugin::$display public property The current used views display.
views_plugin::$plugin_name public property The plugin name of this plugin, for example table or full.
views_plugin::$plugin_type public property The plugin type of this plugin, for example style or query.
views_plugin::$view public property The top object of a view. Overrides views_object::$view 1
views_plugin::additional_theme_functions public function Provide a list of additional theme functions for the theme info page.
views_plugin::plugin_title public function Return the human readable name of the display.
views_plugin::query public function Add anything to the query that we might need to. 7
views_plugin::theme_functions public function Provide a full list of possible theme templates used by this style.
views_plugin::validate public function Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. 3
views_plugin_access::init public function Initialize the plugin.
views_plugin_access::options_submit public function Provide the default form form for submitting options. Overrides views_plugin::options_submit 1
views_plugin_access::options_validate public function Provide the default form form for validating options. Overrides views_plugin::options_validate 1
views_plugin_access_perm::access public function Determine if the current user has access or not. Overrides views_plugin_access::access
views_plugin_access_perm::get_access_callback public function Determine the access callback and arguments. Overrides views_plugin_access::get_access_callback
views_plugin_access_perm::options_form public function Provide the default form for setting options. Overrides views_plugin_access::options_form
views_plugin_access_perm::option_definition public function Retrieve the options when this is a new access control plugin. Overrides views_plugin_access::option_definition
views_plugin_access_perm::summary_title public function Return a string to display as the clickable title for the access control. Overrides views_plugin_access::summary_title