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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
LayoutBuilderNestedFormUiTest::testAddingFormBlocksToDefaults | function | core/ |
Tests blocks containing forms can be successfully saved editing defaults. |
LayoutBuilderNestedFormUiTest::testAddingFormBlocksToOverrides | function | core/ |
Tests blocks containing forms can be successfully saved editing overrides. |
LayoutBuilderTest::openAddBlockForm | function | core/ |
Opens the add block form in the off-canvas dialog. |
LayoutBuilderTranslationTest::addEntityTranslation | function | core/ |
Adds an entity translation. |
LayoutBuilderTranslationTest::addLayoutOverride | function | core/ |
Adds a layout override. |
LayoutBuilderUiTest::testAddHighlights | function | core/ |
Tests that elements that open the dialog are properly highlighted. |
LayoutDefinition::$additional | property | core/ |
Any additional properties and values. |
LazyPluginCollection::addInstanceId | function | core/ |
Adds an instance ID to the available instance IDs. |
LinearHistory::add | function | core/ |
Adds a new checkpoint. |
LinearHistoryTest::testAdd | function | core/ |
@covers ::add @covers ::count @covers ::getActiveCheckpoint @covers \Drupal\Core\Config\Checkpoint\Checkpoint |
LinearHistoryTest::testAddException | function | core/ |
@covers ::add |
LinkBase::addLangcode | function | core/ |
Adds language information to the options. |
ListItemBase::addMoreAjax | function | core/ |
Ajax callback for the "Add another item" button. |
ListItemBase::addMoreSubmit | function | core/ |
Adds a new option. |
LocaleHooks::formLanguageAdminAddFormAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for language_admin_add_form(). |
LocalesLocationAddIndexUpdateTest | class | core/ |
Tests Locale update functions. |
LocalesLocationAddIndexUpdateTest.php | file | core/ |
LocalesLocationAddIndexUpdateTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
LocalesLocationAddIndexUpdateTest::setDatabaseDumpFiles | function | core/ |
Set database dump files to be used. |
LocalesLocationAddIndexUpdateTest::testExistingIndex | function | core/ |
Tests locale_update_10300(). |
LocalesLocationAddIndexUpdateTest::testIndex | function | core/ |
Tests locale_update_10300(). |
LocaleUpdateBase::addLanguage | function | core/ |
Adds a language. |
locale_form_language_admin_add_form_alter_submit | function | core/ |
Form submission handler for language_admin_add_form(). |
LocalStream::dir_readdir | function | core/ |
Read entry from directory handle. |
LoggerChannel::addLogger | function | core/ |
Adds a logger. |
LoggerChannelFactory::addLogger | function | core/ |
Adds a logger to all the channels. |
LoggerChannelFactoryInterface::addLogger | function | core/ |
Adds a logger to all the channels. |
LoggerChannelInterface::addLogger | function | core/ |
Adds a logger. |
ManageFieldsLifecycleTest::addExistingField | function | core/ |
Tests adding an existing field in another content type. |
ManageFieldsLifecycleTest::addPersistentFieldStorage | function | core/ |
Tests that persistent field storage appears in the field UI. |
ManageFieldsTest::testAddField | function | core/ |
Tests field add. |
ManageFieldsTest::testAddField | function | core/ |
Tests adding a field. |
ManageFieldsTest::testAddFieldWithMultipleUsers | function | core/ |
Tests multiple users adding a field with the same name. |
ManageGitIgnore::addToGitIgnore | function | composer/ |
Adds a set of entries to the specified .gitignore file. |
ManyToOneHelper::addFilter | function | core/ |
ManyToOneHelper::addTable | function | core/ |
Add a table to the query. |
MatcherDumper::addRoutes | function | core/ |
Adds additional routes to be dumped. |
MatcherDumper::addRoutes | function | core/ |
Adds additional routes to be dumped. |
MatcherDumperInterface::addRoutes | function | core/ |
Adds additional routes to be dumped. |
MatcherDumperTest::testAddAdditionalRoutes | function | core/ |
Confirms that we can add routes to the dumper when it already has some. |
MatcherDumperTest::testAddRoutes | function | core/ |
Confirms that we can add routes to the dumper. |
MediaCacheTagsTest::getAdditionalCacheContextsForEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the additional (non-standard) cache contexts for the tested entity. |
MediaCacheTagsTest::getAdditionalCacheTagsForEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the additional (non-standard) cache tags for the tested entity. |
MediaEmbedFilterConfigurationUiAddTest | class | core/ |
@covers ::media_filter_format_edit_form_validate @group media @group #slow |
MediaEmbedFilterConfigurationUiAddTest.php | file | core/ |
MediaEmbedFilterConfigurationUiAddTest::testValidationWhenAdding | function | core/ |
@covers \Drupal\media\Hook\MediaHooks::formFilterFormatAddFormAlter @dataProvider providerTestValidations |
MediaHooks::formFieldUiFieldStorageAddFormAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
MediaHooks::formFilterFormatAddFormAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
MediaLibraryAccessTest::testAddFormAccess | function | core/ |
Tests that the media library respects arbitrary access to the add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest | class | core/ |
Tests the media library add form. |
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