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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest.php | file | core/ |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::buildLibraryUi | function | core/ |
Build the media library UI for a selected type. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::setUp | function | core/ |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testDifferentAddForm | function | core/ |
Tests overwriting of the add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testFormStateValidation | function | core/ |
Tests the validation of the library state in the media library add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testMediaTypeAddForm | function | core/ |
Tests the media library add form. |
MediaLibraryAddFormTest::testSelectedTypeValidation | function | core/ |
Tests the validation of the selected type in the media library add form. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::addMediaFileToField | function | core/ |
Waits for a file field to exist before uploading. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertMediaAdded | function | core/ |
Asserts a media item was added, but not yet saved. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertNoMediaAdded | function | core/ |
Asserts that media was not added, i.e. due to a validation error. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::buildMediaTypeAddForm | function | core/ |
Get the add form for the selected media type. |
MediaLibraryWidget::addItems | function | core/ |
Updates the field state and flags the form for rebuild. |
MenuController::addLink | function | core/ |
Provides the menu link creation form. |
MenuLinkAdd | class | core/ |
Modifies the 'Add link' local action to add a destination. |
MenuLinkAdd.php | file | core/ |
MenuLinkAdd::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a LocalActionDefault object. |
MenuLinkAddTest | class | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\menu_ui\Plugin\Menu\LocalAction\MenuLinkAdd deprecation. |
MenuLinkAddTest.php | file | core/ |
MenuLinkAddTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
MenuLinkAddTest::testDeprecation | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\menu_ui\Plugin\Menu\LocalAction\MenuLinkAdd deprecation. |
MenuLinkAddTest::testNoDeprecation | function | core/ |
Tests deprecated plugin does not trigger deprecation unless used. |
MenuLinkManager::addDefinition | function | core/ |
Adds a new menu link definition to the menu tree storage. |
MenuLinkManagerInterface::addDefinition | function | core/ |
Adds a new menu link definition to the menu tree storage. |
MenuTreeParameters::addCondition | function | core/ |
Adds a custom query condition. |
MenuTreeParameters::addExpandedParents | function | core/ |
Adds parent menu links IDs to restrict the tree. |
MenuTreeParametersTest::testAddCondition | function | core/ |
Tests addCondition(). |
MenuTreeParametersTest::testAddExpanded | function | core/ |
Tests addExpandedParents(). |
MenuTreeStorageTest::addMenuLink | function | core/ |
Adds a link with the given ID and supply defaults. |
MenuUiJavascriptTest::addCustomMenu | function | core/ |
Creates a custom menu. |
MenuUiJavascriptTest::addMenuLink | function | core/ |
Adds a menu link using the UI. |
MenuUiTest::addCustomMenu | function | core/ |
Creates a custom menu. |
MenuUiTest::addCustomMenuCRUD | function | core/ |
Adds a custom menu using CRUD functions. |
MenuUiTest::addInvalidMenuLink | function | core/ |
Attempts to add menu link with invalid path or no access permission. |
MenuUiTest::addMenuLink | function | core/ |
Adds a menu link using the UI. |
MenuUiTest::verifyAddChildLink | function | core/ |
Verifies that the "Add child" link selects the correct parent item. | | file | core/ |
core/modules/menu_ui/tests/modules/menu_link_add_test/ |
menu_link_add_test.links.action.yml | file | core/ |
core/modules/menu_ui/tests/modules/menu_link_add_test/menu_link_add_test.links.action.yml |
menu_ui.menu_item_add.html.twig | file | core/ |
--- label: Adding a link to a menu related: - menu_ui.content_type_configuration - menu_ui.menu_operations - core.menus --- {% set structure_menu_text %}{% trans %}Menus{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {% set structure_menu_link =… |
Messenger::addError | function | core/ |
Adds a new error message to the queue. |
Messenger::addMessage | function | core/ |
Adds a new message to the queue. |
Messenger::addStatus | function | core/ |
Adds a new status message to the queue. |
Messenger::addWarning | function | core/ |
Adds a new warning message to the queue. |
MessengerInterface::addError | function | core/ |
Adds a new error message to the queue. |
MessengerInterface::addMessage | function | core/ |
Adds a new message to the queue. |
MessengerInterface::addStatus | function | core/ |
Adds a new status message to the queue. |
MessengerInterface::addWarning | function | core/ |
Adds a new warning message to the queue. |
MessengerTest::testAddMarkup | function | core/ |
Tests adding markup. |
MessengerTest::testAddNoDuplicates | function | core/ |
Tests we don't add duplicates. |
MessengerTest::testAddWithDuplicates | function | core/ |
Tests we do add duplicates with repeat flag. |
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