Search for add
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
CKEditor5TestBase::addNewTextFormat | function | core/ |
Add and save a new text format using CKEditor 5. |
ClaroModalDisplayTest::testModalAddAnother | function | core/ |
Tests the position f "add another" button in dialogs. |
claro_form_media_library_add_form_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter(). |
claro_form_media_library_add_form_oembed_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
claro_form_media_library_add_form_upload_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
claro_form_views_ui_add_handler_form_alter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for Views UI add handler form. |
claro_preprocess_block_content_add_list | function | core/ |
Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for block_content_add_list. |
claro_preprocess_entity_add_list | function | core/ |
Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for entity_add_list. |
claro_preprocess_item_list__media_library_add_form_media_list | function | core/ |
Implements hook_preprocess_item_list__media_library_add_form_media_list(). |
claro_preprocess_node_add_list | function | core/ |
Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for node_add_list. |
CollectPathsToExcludeEvent::add | function | core/ |
CollectPathsToExcludeEvent::addPathsRelativeToProjectRoot | function | core/ |
Flags paths to be ignored, relative to the project root. |
CollectPathsToExcludeEvent::addPathsRelativeToWebRoot | function | core/ |
Flags paths to be ignored, relative to the web root. |
CommentCacheTagsTest::getAdditionalCacheContextsForEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the additional (non-standard) cache contexts for the tested entity. |
CommentCacheTagsTest::getAdditionalCacheTagsForEntity | function | core/ |
Each comment must have a comment body, which always has a text format. |
CommentHooks::formFieldUiFieldStorageAddFormAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for field_ui_field_storage_add_form. |
CommentManager::addBodyField | function | core/ |
CommentManagerInterface::addBodyField | function | core/ |
Creates a comment_body field. |
CommentTestTrait::addDefaultCommentField | function | core/ |
Adds the default comment field to an entity. |
ComponentsIsolatedBuildTest::addExpectedRepositories | function | core/ |
Adds expected repositories as path repositories to package under test. |
ComponentsTwigExtension::addAdditionalContext | function | core/ |
Appends additional context to the template based on the template id. |
ComponentsTwigExtension::mergeAdditionalRenderContext | function | core/ |
Calculates additional context for this template. |
Composer::preAutoloadDump | function | core/ |
Add vendor classes to Composer's static classmap. |
ComposerPluginsValidator::$additionalTrustedComposerPlugins | property | core/ |
The additional trusted Composer plugin package names. |
ComposerPluginsValidatorInsecureTest::testAddDisallowedPlugin | function | core/ |
Tests adding a plugin that's not allowed by the allow-plugins config. |
ComposerPluginsValidatorTest::testAddDisallowedPlugin | function | core/ |
Tests adding a plugin that's not allowed by the allow-plugins config. |
ConditionPluginCollection::addContext | function | core/ |
Sets the condition context for a given name. |
ConfigCollectionInfo::addCollection | function | core/ |
Adds a collection to the list of possible collections. |
ConfigDependencyDeleteFormTrait::addDependencyListsToForm | function | core/ |
Adds form elements to list affected configuration entities. |
ConfigEntityBase::addDependency | function | core/ |
Overrides \Drupal\Core\Entity\DependencyTrait:addDependency(). |
ConfigEntityBaseUnitTest::testAddDependency | function | core/ |
@covers ::addDependency |
ConfigEntityBundleBase::loadDisplays | function | core/ |
Returns view or form displays for this bundle. |
ConfigEntityTest::testAjaxOnAddPage | function | core/ |
Tests ajax operations through the UI on 'Add' page. |
ConfigFactory::addOverride | function | core/ |
Adds config factory override services. |
ConfigFactoryInterface::addOverride | function | core/ |
Adds config factory override services. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::addCollections | function | core/ |
Reacts to the ConfigCollectionEvents::COLLECTION_INFO event. |
ConfigFormBase::loadDefaultValuesFromConfig | function | core/ |
Process callback to recursively load default values from #config_target. |
ConfigMapperInterface::addConfigName | function | core/ |
Adds the given configuration name to the list of names. |
ConfigMapperInterface::getAddRoute | function | core/ |
Returns the route object for a translation add form route. |
ConfigMapperInterface::getAddRouteName | function | core/ |
Returns route name for the translation add form route. |
ConfigMapperInterface::getAddRouteParameters | function | core/ |
Returns the route parameters for the translation add form route. |
ConfigMapperTest::testAddingConfigNames | function | core/ |
Tests adding config names to mapper. |
ConfigNamesMapper::addConfigName | function | core/ |
Adds the given configuration name to the list of names. |
ConfigNamesMapper::getAddRoute | function | core/ |
Returns the route object for a translation add form route. |
ConfigNamesMapper::getAddRouteName | function | core/ |
Returns route name for the translation add form route. |
ConfigNamesMapper::getAddRouteParameters | function | core/ |
Returns the route parameters for the translation add form route. |
ConfigNamesMapperTest::testAddConfigName | function | core/ |
Tests ConfigNamesMapper::addConfigName(). |
ConfigNamesMapperTest::testGetAddRoute | function | core/ |
Tests ConfigNamesMapper::getAddRoute(). |
ConfigNamesMapperTest::testGetAddRouteName | function | core/ |
Tests ConfigNamesMapper::getAddRouteName(). |
ConfigNamesMapperTest::testGetAddRouteParameters | function | core/ |
Tests ConfigNamesMapper::getAddRouteParameters(). |
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