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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ContentEntityStorageBase::getEntityClass | function | core/ |
Retrieves the class name used to create the entity. |
ContentEntityType::$entity_type_class | property | core/ |
The class used to represent the entity type. |
ContentEntityType::checkStorageClass | function | core/ |
ContextDefinition::getDefinitionClass | function | core/ |
Determines the context definition class to use. |
ControllerResolverTest::testCreateControllerNonExistentClass | function | core/ |
Tests createController() with a non-existent class. |
CustomAnnotationClassDiscoveryTest | class | core/ |
Tests that a custom annotation class is used. |
CustomAnnotationClassDiscoveryTest.php | file | core/ |
CustomAnnotationClassDiscoveryTest::setUp | function | core/ |
CustomDirectoryAnnotatedClassDiscoveryTest | class | core/ |
Tests discovery of annotated plugins in a custom directory. |
CustomDirectoryAnnotatedClassDiscoveryTest.php | file | core/ |
CustomDirectoryAnnotatedClassDiscoveryTest::setUp | function | core/ |
DatabaseDriver::$classLoader | property | core/ |
The container class loader. |
DataDefinition::getClass | function | core/ |
Returns the class used for creating the typed data object. |
DataDefinition::setClass | function | core/ |
Sets the class used for creating the typed data object. |
DataDefinitionInterface::getClass | function | core/ |
Returns the class used for creating the typed data object. |
DataType::$definition_class | property | core/ |
The definition class to use for defining data of this type. |
DataType::$list_class | property | core/ |
The typed data class used for wrapping multiple data items of the type. |
DataType::$list_definition_class | property | core/ |
The definition class to use for defining a list of items of this type. |
DbLogController::getLogLevelClassMap | function | core/ |
Gets an array of log level classes. |
DebugExtension::SYMFONY_VAR_DUMPER_CLASS | constant | core/ |
The Symfony VarDumper class. |
DefaultFactory::getPluginClass | function | core/ |
Finds the class relevant for a given plugin. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithInterfaceAndInvalidClassWithArrayPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a required interface but no implementation. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithInterfaceAndInvalidClassWithObjectPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a required interface but no implementation. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithInterfaceWithArrayPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a required interface. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithInterfaceWithObjectPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a required interface. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithMissingClassWithArrayPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a missing class definition. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithMissingClassWithObjectPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a missing class definition. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithNotExistingClassWithArrayPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a non-existent class definition. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithNotExistingClassWithObjectPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a non-existent class definition. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithValidArrayPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a valid array plugin definition. |
DefaultFactoryTest::testGetPluginClassWithValidObjectPluginDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests getPluginClass() with a valid object plugin definition. |
DefaultPluginManagerTest::testDefaultPluginManagerWithPluginExtendingNonInstalledClass | function | core/ |
Tests the plugin manager with a plugin that extends a non-installed class. |
DefaultStyle::$usesRowClass | property | core/ |
Does the style plugin support custom css class for the rows. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator::getDeriverClass | function | core/ |
Gets the deriver class name from the base plugin definition. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testGetDeriverClassWithClassedDefinitions | function | core/ |
Tests getDeriverClass with classed objects instead of arrays. |
DerivativeDiscoveryDecoratorTest::testGetDeriverClassWithInvalidClassedDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getDeriverClass |
DestinationCategoryTest::getConfigurationClasses | function | core/ |
Get configuration classes. |
DestinationCategoryTest::getContentClasses | function | core/ |
Get content classes. |
DiscoveryCachedTraitMockableClass | class | core/ |
A class using the DiscoveryCachedTrait for mocking purposes. |
DiscoveryCachedTraitMockableClass::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
DiscoveryTraitMockableClass | class | core/ |
A class using the DiscoveryTrait for mocking purposes. |
DiscoveryTraitMockableClass::getDefinitions | function | core/ |
DocParser::$classExists | property | core/ |
This hashmap is used internally to cache results of class_exists() look-ups. |
DocParser::$classIdentifiers | property | core/ |
An array of all valid tokens for a class name. |
DocParser::classExists | function | core/ |
Attempts to check if a class exists or not. This never goes through the PHP autoloading mechanism but uses the {@link AnnotationRegistry} to load classes. |
DocParser::getClassConstantPositionInIdentifier | function | core/ |
DocParser::identifierEndsWithClassConstant | function | core/ |
DocParserIgnoredClassesTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Annotation\Doctrine\DocParser |
DocParserIgnoredClassesTest.php | file | core/ |
DocParserIgnoredClassesTest::testIgnoredAnnotationSkippedBeforeReflection | function | core/ |
Ensure annotations can be ignored when namespaces are present. |
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