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Exact matches
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Container | class | core/ |
Provides a render element that wraps child elements in a container. |
Container | class | core/ |
Extends the container to prevent serialization. |
Container | class | core/ |
Provides a container optimized for Drupal's needs. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ContainerResetWebTest | class | core/ |
Ensures that the container rebuild works as expected. |
ContainerResetWebTest.php | file | core/ |
ContainerResetWebTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
ContainerResetWebTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ContainerResetWebTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ContainerResetWebTest::testContainerRebuild | function | core/ |
Sets a different deployment identifier. |
ContainerTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container @group DependencyInjection |
ContainerTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container @group DependencyInjection |
ContainerTest.php | file | core/ |
ContainerTest.php | file | core/ |
ContainerTest::$container | property | core/ |
The tested container. |
ContainerTest::$containerClass | property | core/ |
The container class to be tested. |
ContainerTest::$containerDefinition | property | core/ |
The container definition used for the test. |
ContainerTest::$machineFormat | property | core/ |
Whether the container uses the machine-optimized format or not. |
ContainerTest::getCollection | function | core/ |
Helper function to return a machine-optimized collection. |
ContainerTest::getIterator | function | core/ |
Helper function to return a service iterator. |
ContainerTest::getMockContainerDefinition | function | core/ |
Gets a mock container definition. |
ContainerTest::getParameterCall | function | core/ |
Helper function to return a parameter definition. |
ContainerTest::getPrivateServiceCall | function | core/ |
Helper function to return a private service definition. |
ContainerTest::getRaw | function | core/ |
Helper function to return a raw value definition. |
ContainerTest::getServiceCall | function | core/ |
Helper function to return a service definition. |
ContainerTest::getServiceClosureCall | function | core/ |
Helper function to return a service closure definition. |
ContainerTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ContainerTest::testConstruct | function | core/ |
Tests that passing a non-supported format throws an InvalidArgumentException. |
ContainerTest::testGet | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForAliasedService | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for aliased services works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForCircularServices | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for circular dependencies works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForClassFromParameter | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() works properly for class from parameters. |
ContainerTest::testGetForConfigurator | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for configurable services works. |
ContainerTest::testGetForConfiguratorWithException | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for configurable services throws an Exception. |
ContainerTest::testGetForFactoryClass | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for factories via class works (Symfony 2.7.0). |
ContainerTest::testGetForFactoryService | function | core/ |
Tests Container::get() for factories via services (Symfony 2.7.0). |
ContainerTest::testGetForInstantiationWithVariousArgumentLengths | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for various arguments lengths works. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentNULLService | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for NULL service works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentParameterDependency | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for non-existent parameters works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentParameterDependencyWithException | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for non-existent parameters works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentService | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for non-existent services works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentServiceDependency | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for non-existent dependencies works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentServiceDependencyWithException | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for non-existent dependencies works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentServiceMultipleTimes | function | core/ |
Tests multiple Container::get() calls for non-existing dependencies work. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentServiceWhenUsingNull | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for non-existent services works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonExistentServiceWithExceptionOnSecondCall | function | core/ |
Tests multiple Container::get() calls with exception on the second time. |
ContainerTest::testGetForNonSharedService | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for non-shared services works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForParameterDependencyWithExceptionOnSecondCall | function | core/ |
Tests Container::get() with an exception due to missing parameter on the second call. |
ContainerTest::testGetForSerializedServiceDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for a serialized definition works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetForSyntheticService | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for synthetic services works - if defined. |
ContainerTest::testGetForSyntheticServiceWithException | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for synthetic services throws an Exception if not defined. |
ContainerTest::testGetForWrongFactory | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::get() for wrong factories works correctly. |
ContainerTest::testGetParameter | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::getParameter() works properly. |
ContainerTest::testGetParameterIfNotFound | function | core/ |
Tests that Container::getParameter() works for non-existing parameters. |
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