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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
EntitySchemaSubscriber::$entityDefinitionUpdateManager | property | core/ |
The entity definition update manager. |
EntitySchemaSubscriber::getWorkspaceFieldDefinition | function | core/ |
Gets the base field definition for the 'workspace' revision metadata field. |
EntitySchemaTest::$entityDefinitionUpdateManager | property | core/ |
The entity definition update manager. |
EntitySchemaTest::testCleanUpStorageDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests fields from an uninstalled module are removed from the schema. |
EntitySerializedField::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTest::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestBaseFieldDisplay::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestCompositeConstraint::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestComputedBundleField::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestComputedBundleField::bundleFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestComputedField::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestConstraints::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestConstraintViolation::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestDefaultValue::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber | class | core/ |
Test entity type and field storage definition event subscriber. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber.php | file | core/ |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::$entityFieldManager | property | core/ |
The entity field manager. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::$entityLastInstalledSchemaRepository | property | core/ |
The last installed schema repository. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::$entityTypeManager | property | core/ |
The entity type manager. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::$state | property | core/ |
The state service. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::$trackEvents | property | core/ |
Flag determining whether events should be tracked. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::$updateLiveDefinitions | property | core/ |
Determines whether the live definitions should be updated. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::enableEventTracking | function | core/ |
Enables event tracking. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::enableLiveDefinitionUpdates | function | core/ |
Enables live definition updates. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::hasDefinitionBeenUpdated | function | core/ |
Checks whether the installed definitions were updated before the event. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::hasEventFired | function | core/ |
Checks whether an event has been dispatched. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onEntityTypeCreate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the creation of the entity type. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onEntityTypeDelete | function | core/ |
Reacts to the deletion of the entity type. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onEntityTypeUpdate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the update of the entity type. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onFieldableEntityTypeCreate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the creation of the fieldable entity type. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onFieldableEntityTypeUpdate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the update of a fieldable entity type. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onFieldStorageDefinitionCreate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the creation of a field storage definition. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onFieldStorageDefinitionDelete | function | core/ |
Reacts to the deletion of a field storage definition. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::onFieldStorageDefinitionUpdate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the update of a field storage definition. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::storeDefinitionUpdate | function | core/ |
Stores the installed definition state for the specified event. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::storeEvent | function | core/ |
Stores the specified event. |
EntityTestDefinitionSubscriber::__construct | function | core/ |
EntityTestFieldMethods::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestFieldOverride::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestFieldOverride::bundleFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestLocalTasks::getDerivativeDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets the definition of all derivatives of a base plugin. |
EntityTestMapField::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestMul::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestMulChanged::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestMulDefaultValue::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestMulRev::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestMulRevChanged::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestMulRevChangedWithRevisionLog::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
EntityTestMulRevPub::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
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