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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchAllAssoc | function | core/ |
Returns the result set as an associative array keyed by the given field. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchAllKeyed | function | core/ |
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchAssoc | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row and returns it as an associative array. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchCol | function | core/ |
Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchColumn | function | core/ |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchField | function | core/ |
Returns a single field from the next record of a result set. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchObject | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::getConnectionTarget | function | core/ |
Returns the target connection this statement is associated with. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::getQueryString | function | core/ |
Gets the query string of this statement. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::getStatement | function | core/ |
Grab a PDOStatement object from a given query and its arguments. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::rowCount | function | core/ |
Returns the number of rows matched by the last SQL statement. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::setFetchMode | function | core/ |
Sets the default fetch mode for this statement. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a StatementPrefetchIterator object. |
StatementTest::testIteratedStatementFetch | function | core/ |
Tests statement fetching after a full traversal. |
StatementTest::testPartiallyIteratedStatementFetchAll | function | core/ |
Tests statement fetchAll after a partial traversal. |
StatementTest::testPartiallyIteratedStatementFetchAllAssoc | function | core/ |
Tests statement fetchAllAssoc after a partial traversal. |
StatementTest::testPartiallyIteratedStatementFetchAllKeyed | function | core/ |
Tests statement fetchAllKeyed after a partial traversal. |
StatementTest::testPartiallyIteratedStatementFetchCol | function | core/ |
Tests statement fetchCol after a partial traversal. |
StatementWrapperIterator::$defaultFetchMode | property | core/ |
Holds the default fetch mode. |
StatementWrapperIterator::$fetchOptions | property | core/ |
Holds fetch options. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetch | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row from a result set. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchAll | function | core/ |
Returns an array containing all of the result set rows. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchAllAssoc | function | core/ |
Returns the result set as an associative array keyed by the given field. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchAllKeyed | function | core/ |
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchAssoc | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row and returns it as an associative array. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchCol | function | core/ |
Returns an entire single column of a result set as an indexed array. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchField | function | core/ |
Returns a single field from the next record of a result set. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchObject | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. |
StatementWrapperIterator::setFetchMode | function | core/ |
Sets the default fetch mode for this statement. |
StaticFileCacheBackend::fetch | function | core/ |
Fetches data from the cache backend. |
StatisticsStorageInterface::fetchAll | function | core/ |
Returns the number of times an entity has been viewed. |
StatisticsStorageInterface::fetchView | function | core/ |
Returns the number of times a single entity has been viewed. |
StatisticsStorageInterface::fetchViews | function | core/ |
Returns the number of times entities have been viewed. |
system-security-advisories-fetch-error-message.html.twig | file | core/ |
Theme override for the message when fetching security advisories fails. |
system-security-advisories-fetch-error-message.html.twig | file | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the message when fetching security advisories fails. |
system.sa_fetcher | service | core/ |
Drupal\system\SecurityAdvisories\SecurityAdvisoriesFetcher |
template_preprocess_system_security_advisories_fetch_error_message | function | core/ |
Prepares variables for security advisories fetch error message templates. |
template_preprocess_update_fetch_error_message | function | core/ |
Prepares variables for update fetch error message templates. |
update-fetch-error-message.html.twig | file | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the message when fetching data fails. |
update-fetch-error-message.html.twig | file | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the message when fetching data fails. | | file | core/ |
update.fetcher | service | core/ |
Drupal\update\UpdateFetcher |
UpdateContribTest::testUpdateBrokenFetchURL | function | core/ |
Makes sure that if we fetch from a broken URL, sane things happen. |
UpdateFetcher | class | core/ |
Fetches project information from remote locations. |
UpdateFetcher.php | file | core/ |
UpdateFetcher::$fetchUrl | property | core/ |
The fetch URL configured in the update settings. |
UpdateFetcher::$httpClient | property | core/ |
The HTTP client to fetch the feed data with. |
UpdateFetcher::$updateSettings | property | core/ |
The update settings. |
UpdateFetcher::$withHttpFallback | property | core/ |
Whether to use HTTP fallback if HTTPS fails. |
UpdateFetcher::buildFetchUrl | function | core/ |
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