
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/modules/update/tests/src/Functional/UpdateContribTest.php
  2. 8.9.x core/modules/update/tests/src/Functional/UpdateContribTest.php
  3. 10 core/modules/update/tests/src/Functional/UpdateContribTest.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\update\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Utility\ProjectInfo;
use Drupal\update\UpdateManagerInterface;

 * Tests how the Update Manager handles contributed modules and themes.
 * @group update
 * @group #slow
class UpdateContribTest extends UpdateTestBase {
    use UpdateTestTrait;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $updateTableLocator = 'table.update:nth-of-type(2)';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $updateProject = 'aaa_update_test';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected static $modules = [
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function setUp() : void {
        $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'administer site configuration',
     * Tests when there is no available release data for a contrib module.
    public function testNoReleasesAvailable() : void {
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'version' => '8.0.0',
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'aaa_update_test' => 'no-releases',
        // Cannot use $this->standardTests() because we need to check for the
        // 'No available releases found' string.
            ->responseContains('<h3>Drupal core</h3>');
            ->pageTextContains('Up to date');
            ->pageTextNotContains('Update available');
            ->pageTextContains('No available releases found');
            ->linkNotExists('AAA Update test');
        $available = update_get_available();
        $this->assertFalse(isset($available['aaa_update_test']['fetch_status']), 'Results are cached even if no releases are available.');
     * Tests the basic functionality of a contrib module on the status report.
    public function testUpdateContribBasic() : void {
        $installed_extensions = [
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'version' => '8.0.0',
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
            ->pageTextContains('Up to date');
            ->pageTextNotContains('Update available');
            ->linkExists('AAA Update test');
        // Since aaa_update_test is installed the fact it is hidden and in the
        // Testing package means it should not appear.
        $installed_extensions['aaa_update_test']['hidden'] = TRUE;
            'version' => '8.0.0',
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
            ->linkNotExists('AAA Update test');
        // A hidden and installed project not in the Testing package should appear.
        $installed_extensions['aaa_update_test']['package'] = 'aaa_update_test';
            'version' => '8.0.0',
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
            ->linkExists('AAA Update test');
     * Tests that contrib projects are ordered by project name.
     * If a project contains multiple modules, we want to make sure that the
     * available updates report is sorted by the parent project names, not by the
     * names of the modules included in each project. In this test case, we have
     * two contrib projects, "BBB Update test" and "CCC Update test". However, we
     * have a module called "aaa_update_test" that's part of the "CCC Update test"
     * project. We need to make sure that we see the "BBB" project before the
     * "CCC" project, even though "CCC" includes a module that's processed first
     * if you sort alphabetically by module name (which is the order we see things
     * inside \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionList::getList() for example).
    public function testUpdateContribOrder() : void {
        // We want core to be version 8.0.0.
            'version' => '8.0.0',
        // All the rest should be visible as contrib modules at version 8.x-1.0.
            // aaa_update_test needs to be part of the "CCC Update test" project,
            // which would throw off the report if we weren't properly sorting by
            // the project names.
'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'ccc_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            // This should be its own project, and listed first on the report.
'bbb_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'bbb_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            // This will contain both aaa_update_test and ccc_update_test, and
            // should come after the bbb_update_test project.
'ccc_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'ccc_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            '#all' => '1_0',
        // We're expecting the report to say all projects are up to date.
            ->pageTextContains('Up to date');
            ->pageTextNotContains('Update available');
        // We want to see all 3 module names listed, since they'll show up either
        // as project names or as modules under the "Includes" listing.
            ->pageTextContains('AAA Update test');
            ->pageTextContains('BBB Update test');
            ->pageTextContains('CCC Update test');
        // We want aaa_update_test included in the ccc_update_test project, not as
        // its own project on the report.
            ->linkNotExists('AAA Update test');
        // The other two should be listed as projects.
            ->linkExists('BBB Update test');
            ->linkExists('CCC Update test');
        // We want to make sure we see the BBB project before the CCC project.
        // Instead of just searching for 'BBB Update test' or something, we want
        // to use the full markup that starts the project entry itself, so that
        // we're really testing that the project listings are in the right order.
        $bbb_project_link = '<div class="project-update__title"><a href="http://example.com/project/bbb_update_test">BBB Update test</a>';
        $ccc_project_link = '<div class="project-update__title"><a href="http://example.com/project/ccc_update_test">CCC Update test</a>';
        // Verify that the 'BBB Update test' project is listed before the
        // 'CCC Update test' project.
            ->getContent(), $ccc_project_link), strpos($this->getSession()
            ->getContent(), $bbb_project_link));
     * Tests that subthemes are notified about security updates for base themes.
    public function testUpdateBaseThemeSecurityUpdate() : void {
        // @todo https://www.drupal.org/node/2338175 base themes have to be
        //   installed.
        // Only install the subtheme, not the base theme.
        // Define the initial state for core and the subtheme.
            // Show the update_test_base_theme.
'update_test_base_theme' => [
                'project' => 'update_test_base_theme',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            // Show the update_test_subtheme.
'update_test_subtheme' => [
                'project' => 'update_test_subtheme',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
        $xml_mapping = [
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'update_test_subtheme' => '1_0',
            'update_test_base_theme' => '1_1-sec',
            ->pageTextContains('Security update required!');
        $this->updateProject = 'update_test_base_theme';
        $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Security update', '8.x-1.1');
     * Tests the Update Manager module when one normal update is available.
    public function testNormalUpdateAvailable() : void {
        $assert_session = $this->assertSession();
        // Ensure that the update check requires a token.
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
        foreach ([
        ] as $version) {
            foreach ([
            ] as $extra_version) {
                $full_version = "8.x-{$version}{$extra_version}";
                    'drupal' => '8.0.0',
                    'aaa_update_test' => str_replace('.', '_', $version) . $extra_version,
                $assert_session->pageTextNotContains('Security update required!');
                // The XML test fixtures for this method all contain the '8.x-3.0'
                // release but because '8.x-3.0' is not in a supported branch it will
                // not be in the available updates.
                // Set a CSS selector in order for assertions to target the 'Modules'
                // table and not Drupal core updates.
                $this->updateTableLocator = 'table.update:nth-of-type(2)';
                switch ($version) {
                    case '1.1':
                        // Both stable and unstable releases are available.
                        // A stable release is the latest.
                        if ($extra_version == '') {
                            $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Up to date');
                            $assert_session->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Update available');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Recommended version', $full_version);
                            $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Latest version:');
                            $assert_session->elementContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'warning.svg');
                        else {
                            $assert_session->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Up to date');
                            $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Update available');
                            $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Recommended version:');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Latest version', $full_version);
                            $assert_session->elementContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'check.svg');
                    case '1.2':
                        // Both stable and unstable releases are available.
                        // A stable release is the latest.
                        if ($extra_version == '') {
                            $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Up to date');
                            $assert_session->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Update available');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Recommended version:', $full_version);
                            $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Latest version:');
                            $assert_session->elementContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'warning.svg');
                        else {
                            $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Up to date');
                            $assert_session->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Update available');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Recommended version:', '8.x-1.1');
                            $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Latest version:', $full_version);
                            $assert_session->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Latest version:');
                            $assert_session->elementContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'warning.svg');
                    case '2.0':
                        // When next major release (either stable or unstable) is available
                        // and the current major is still supported, the next major will be
                        // listed as "Also available".
                        $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Up to date');
                        $assert_session->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Update available');
                        $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Recommended version', '8.x-1.2');
                        $this->assertVersionUpdateLinks('Also available', $full_version);
                        $assert_session->elementTextNotContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'Latest version:');
                        $assert_session->elementContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, 'warning.svg');
     * Tests that uninstalled themes are only shown when desired.
     * @todo https://www.drupal.org/node/2338175 extensions can not be hidden and
     *   base themes have to be installed.
    public function testUpdateShowDisabledThemes() : void {
        $update_settings = $this->config('update.settings');
        // Make sure all the update_test_* themes are uninstalled.
        $extension_config = $this->config('core.extension');
        foreach ($extension_config->get('theme') as $theme => $weight) {
            if (str_starts_with($theme, 'update_test_')) {
        // Define the initial state for core and the test contrib themes.
            // The update_test_base_theme should be visible and up to date.
'update_test_base_theme' => [
                'project' => 'update_test_base_theme',
                'version' => '8.x-1.1',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            // The update_test_subtheme should be visible and up to date.
'update_test_subtheme' => [
                'project' => 'update_test_subtheme',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
        // When there are contributed modules in the site's file system, the
        // total number of attempts made in the test may exceed the default value
        // of update_max_fetch_attempts. Therefore this variable is set very high
        // to avoid test failures in those cases.
        $update_settings->set('fetch.max_attempts', 99999)
        $xml_mapping = [
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'update_test_subtheme' => '1_0',
            'update_test_base_theme' => '1_1-sec',
        foreach ([
        ] as $check_disabled) {
            $update_settings->set('check.disabled_extensions', $check_disabled)
            // In neither case should we see the "Themes" heading for installed
            // themes.
            // Use regex pattern because we need to match 'Themes' case sensitively.
            if ($check_disabled) {
                    ->pageTextContains('Uninstalled themes');
                    ->linkExists('Update test base theme');
                    ->linkExists('Update test subtheme');
            else {
                    ->pageTextNotContains('Uninstalled themes');
                    ->linkNotExists('Update test base theme');
                    ->linkNotExists('Update test subtheme');
     * Tests updates with a hidden base theme.
    public function testUpdateHiddenBaseTheme() : void {
        \Drupal::moduleHandler()->loadInclude('update', 'inc', 'update.compare');
        // Install the subtheme.
        // Add a project and initial state for base theme and subtheme.
            // Hide the update_test_base_theme.
'update_test_base_theme' => [
                'project' => 'update_test_base_theme',
                'hidden' => TRUE,
            // Show the update_test_subtheme.
'update_test_subtheme' => [
                'project' => 'update_test_subtheme',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
        $projects = \Drupal::service('update.manager')->getProjects();
        $theme_data = \Drupal::service('extension.list.theme')->reset()
        $project_info = new ProjectInfo();
        $project_info->processInfoList($projects, $theme_data, 'theme', TRUE);
        $this->assertNotEmpty($projects['update_test_base_theme'], 'Valid base theme (update_test_base_theme) was found.');
     * Makes sure that if we fetch from a broken URL, sane things happen.
    public function testUpdateBrokenFetchURL() : void {
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'bbb_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'bbb_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'ccc_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'ccc_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'version' => '8.0.0',
        // Ensure that the update information is correct before testing.
        $xml_mapping = [
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
            'bbb_update_test' => 'does-not-exist',
            'ccc_update_test' => '1_0',
            ->pageTextContains('Up to date');
        // We're expecting the report to say most projects are up to date, so we
        // hope that 'Up to date' is not unique.
            ->pageTextMatchesCount(3, '/Up to date/');
        // It should say we failed to get data, not that we're missing an update.
            ->pageTextNotContains('Update available');
        // We need to check that this string is found as part of a project row, not
        // just in the "Failed to get available update data" message at the top of
        // the page.
            ->responseContains('<div class="project-update__status">Failed to get available update data');
        // We should see the output messages from fetching manually.
            ->pageTextContainsOnce('Checked available update data for 3 projects.');
            ->pageTextContainsOnce('Failed to get available update data for one project.');
        // The other two should be listed as projects.
            ->linkExists('AAA Update test');
            ->linkNotExists('BBB Update test');
            ->linkExists('CCC Update test');
     * Checks that hook_update_status_alter() works to change a status.
     * We provide the same external data as if aaa_update_test 8.x-1.0 were
     * installed and that was the latest release. Then we use
     * hook_update_status_alter() to try to mark this as missing a security
     * update, then assert if we see the appropriate warnings on the right pages.
    public function testHookUpdateStatusAlter() : void {
        $update_admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
            'administer site configuration',
            'administer software updates',
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'version' => '8.0.0',
        $update_test_config = $this->config('update_test.settings');
        $update_status = [
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'status' => UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_SECURE,
        $update_test_config->set('update_status', $update_status)
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
            ->pageTextContains('Security update required!');
            ->linkExists('AAA Update test');
        // Visit the reports page again without the altering and make sure the
        // status is back to normal.
        $update_test_config->set('update_status', [])
            ->pageTextNotContains('Security update required!');
            ->linkExists('AAA Update test');
        // Turn the altering back on and visit the Update manager UI.
        $update_test_config->set('update_status', $update_status)
            ->pageTextContains('Security update');
        // Turn the altering back off and visit the Update manager UI.
        $update_test_config->set('update_status', [])
            ->pageTextNotContains('Security update');
     * Tests that core compatibility messages are displayed.
    public function testCoreCompatibilityMessage() : void {
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'version' => '8.0.0',
            'drupal' => '8.1.1',
            'aaa_update_test' => '8.x-1.2',
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-1.2', '8.0.0 to 8.1.1', 'Recommended version:');
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-1.3-beta1', '8.0.0, 8.1.1', 'Latest version:');
        // Run the same check as above but with a Drupal core XML test fixture
        // without '8.1.' in 'supported_branches'. Confirm that messages do not
        // include releases from the '8.1.' branch.
            'drupal' => '8.1.1-core_compatibility',
            'aaa_update_test' => '8.x-1.2',
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-1.2', '8.0.0 to 8.0.1', 'Recommended version:');
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-1.3-beta1', '8.0.0', 'Latest version:');
        // Change the available core releases and confirm that the messages change.
            'drupal' => '8.1.1-alpha1',
            'aaa_update_test' => '8.x-1.2',
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-1.2', '8.0.0 to 8.1.0', 'Recommended version:');
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-1.3-beta1', '8.0.0', 'Latest version:');
        // Confirm that messages are displayed for security and 'Also available'
        // updates.
            'drupal' => '8.1.1',
            'aaa_update_test' => 'core_compatibility.8.x-1.2_8.x-2.2',
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-1.2', '8.1.0 to 8.1.1', 'Security update:', FALSE);
        $this->assertCoreCompatibilityMessage('8.x-2.2', '8.1.1', 'Also available:', FALSE);
     * Tests update status of security releases.
    public function testSecurityUpdateAvailability() : void {
        foreach (static::securityUpdateAvailabilityProvider() as $case) {
            $this->doTestSecurityUpdateAvailability($case['module_version'], $case['expected_security_releases'], $case['expected_update_message_type'], $case['fixture']);
     * Tests update status of security releases.
     * @param string $module_version
     *   The module version the site is using.
     * @param string[] $expected_security_releases
     *   The security releases, if any, that the status report should recommend.
     * @param string $expected_update_message_type
     *   The type of update message expected.
     * @param string $fixture
     *   The fixture file to use.
    protected function doTestSecurityUpdateAvailability($module_version, array $expected_security_releases, $expected_update_message_type, $fixture) : void {
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => $module_version,
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'version' => '8.0.0',
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            'aaa_update_test' => $fixture,
        $this->assertSecurityUpdates('aaa_update_test', $expected_security_releases, $expected_update_message_type, 'table.update:nth-of-type(2)');
     * Data provider method for testSecurityUpdateAvailability().
     * These test cases rely on the following fixtures containing the following
     * releases:
     * - aaa_update_test.sec.8.x-1.2.xml
     *   - 8.x-1.2 Security update
     *   - 8.x-1.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.x-1.0 Insecure
     * - aaa_update_test.sec.8.x-1.1_8.x-1.2.xml
     *   - 8.x-1.2 Security update
     *   - 8.x-1.1 Security update, Insecure
     *   - 8.x-1.0 Insecure
     * - aaa_update_test.sec.8.x-1.2_8.x-2.2.xml
     *   - 8.x-3.0-beta2
     *   - 8.x-3.0-beta1 Insecure
     *   - 8.x-2.2 Security update
     *   - 8.x-2.1 Security update, Insecure
     *   - 8.x-2.0 Insecure
     *   - 8.x-1.2 Security update
     *   - 8.x-1.1 Insecure
     *   - 8.x-1.0 Insecure
     * - aaa_update_test.sec.8.x-2.2_1.x_secure.xml
     *   - 8.x-2.2 Security update
     *   - 8.x-2.1 Security update, Insecure
     *   - 8.x-2.0 Insecure
     *   - 8.x-1.2
     *   - 8.x-1.1
     *   - 8.x-1.0
    public static function securityUpdateAvailabilityProvider() {
        return [
            // Security releases available for module major release 1.
            // No releases for next major.
'8.x-1.0, 8.x-1.2' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-1.2',
            // Two security releases available for module major release 1.
            // 8.x-1.1 security release marked as insecure.
            // No releases for next major.
'8.x-1.0, 8.x-1.1 8.x-1.2' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-1.1_8.x-1.2',
            // Security release available for module major release 2.
            // No releases for next major.
'8.x-2.0, 8.x-2.2' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-2.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-2.2_1.x_secure',
            '8.x-2.2, 8.x-1.2 8.x-2.2' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-2.2',
                'expected_security_releases' => [],
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_NONE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-1.2_8.x-2.2',
            // Security release available for module major release 1.
            // Security release also available for next major.
'8.x-1.0, 8.x-1.2 8.x-2.2' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-1.2_8.x-2.2',
            // No security release available for module major release 1 but 1.x
            // releases are not marked as insecure.
            // Security release available for next major.
'8.x-1.0, 8.x-2.2, not insecure' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [],
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_AVAILABLE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-2.2_1.x_secure',
            // On latest security release for module major release 1.
            // Security release also available for next major.
'8.x-1.2, 8.x-1.2 8.x-2.2' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-1.2',
                'expected_security_releases' => [],
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::UPDATE_NONE,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-1.2_8.x-2.2',
            '8.x-2.0, 8.x-1.2 8.x-2.2' => [
                'module_version' => '8.x-2.0',
                'expected_security_releases' => [
                'expected_update_message_type' => static::SECURITY_UPDATE_REQUIRED,
                'fixture' => 'sec.8.x-1.2_8.x-2.2',
     * Tests messages when a project release is unpublished.
     * This test confirms that revoked messages are displayed regardless of
     * whether the installed version is in a supported branch or not. This test
     * relies on 2 test XML fixtures that are identical except for the
     * 'supported_branches' value:
     * - aaa_update_test.1_0-supported.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.x-1.,8.x-2.'.
     * - aaa_update_test.1_0-unsupported.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.x-2.'.
     * They both have an '8.x-1.0' release that is unpublished and an '8.x-2.0'
     * release that is published and is the expected update.
    public function testRevokedRelease() : void {
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.0',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            $this->updateProject => '1_0-supported',
        // @todo Change the version label to 'Recommended version:' in
        // https://www.drupal.org/node/3114408.
        $this->confirmRevokedStatus('8.x-1.0', '8.x-2.0', 'Also available:');
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            $this->updateProject => '1_0-unsupported',
        $this->confirmRevokedStatus('8.x-1.0', '8.x-2.0', 'Recommended version:');
     * Tests messages when a project release is marked unsupported.
     * This test confirms unsupported messages are displayed regardless of whether
     * the installed version is in a supported branch or not. This test relies on
     * 2 test XML fixtures that are identical except for the 'supported_branches'
     * value:
     * - aaa_update_test.1_0-supported.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.x-1.,8.x-2.'.
     * - aaa_update_test.1_0-unsupported.xml
     *    'supported_branches' is '8.x-2.'.
     * They both have an '8.x-1.1' release that has the 'Release type' value of
     * 'unsupported' and an '8.x-2.0' release that has the 'Release type' value of
     * 'supported' and is the expected update.
    public function testUnsupportedRelease() : void {
            'aaa_update_test' => [
                'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                'version' => '8.x-1.1',
                'hidden' => FALSE,
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            $this->updateProject => '1_0-supported',
        // @todo Change the version label to 'Recommended version:' in
        // https://www.drupal.org/node/3114408.
        $this->confirmUnsupportedStatus('8.x-1.1', '8.x-2.0', 'Also available:');
            'drupal' => '8.0.0',
            $this->updateProject => '1_0-unsupported',
        $this->confirmUnsupportedStatus('8.x-1.1', '8.x-2.0', 'Recommended version:');
     * Tests messages for invalid, empty and missing version strings.
    public function testNonStandardVersionStrings() : void {
        $version_infos = [
            'invalid' => [
                'version' => 'llama',
                'expected' => 'Invalid version: llama',
            'empty' => [
                'version' => '',
                'expected' => 'Empty version',
            'null' => [
                'expected' => 'Invalid version: Unknown',
        foreach ($version_infos as $version_info) {
            $installed_extensions = [
                'aaa_update_test' => [
                    'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
                    'hidden' => FALSE,
            if (isset($version_info['version'])) {
                $installed_extensions['aaa_update_test']['version'] = $version_info['version'];
                'drupal' => '8.0.0',
                $this->updateProject => '1_0-supported',
                ->elementTextContains('css', $this->updateTableLocator, $version_info['expected']);
     * Asserts that a core compatibility message is correct for an update.
     * @param string $version
     *   The version of the update.
     * @param string $expected_range
     *   The expected core compatibility range.
     * @param string $expected_release_title
     *   The expected release title.
     * @param bool $is_compatible
     *   If the update is compatible with the installed version of Drupal.
     * @internal
    protected function assertCoreCompatibilityMessage(string $version, string $expected_range, string $expected_release_title, bool $is_compatible = TRUE) : void {
        $update_element = $this->findUpdateElementByLabel($expected_release_title);
        $compatibility_details = $update_element->find('css', '.project-update__compatibility-details details');
        $this->assertStringContainsString("Requires Drupal core: {$expected_range}", $compatibility_details->getText());
        $details_summary_element = $compatibility_details->find('css', 'summary');
        if ($is_compatible) {
            // If an update is compatible with the installed version of Drupal core,
            // the details element should be closed by default.
            $this->assertSame('Compatible', $details_summary_element->getText());
        else {
            // If an update is not compatible with the installed version of Drupal
            // core, the details element should be open by default.
            $this->assertSame('Not compatible', $details_summary_element->getText());



Title Deprecated Summary
UpdateContribTest Tests how the Update Manager handles contributed modules and themes.

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