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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Field | class | core/ |
Drupal 6 field source from database. |
Field | class | core/ |
Drupal 7 field source from database. |
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
DisplayFeedTranslationTest::testFeedFieldOutput | function | core/ |
Tests the rendered output for fields display with multiple translations. |
DisplayModeUpdateTest::testDisplayModeUpdateAfterFieldCreation | function | core/ |
Ensure display modes are updated when fields are created. |
DisplayPluginBase::getFieldLabels | function | core/ |
Retrieves a list of fields for the current display. |
DisplayPluginBase::usesFields | function | core/ |
Determines if the display's style uses fields. |
DisplayPluginInterface::getFieldLabels | function | core/ |
Retrieves a list of fields for the current display. |
DisplayPluginInterface::usesFields | function | core/ |
Determines if the display's style uses fields. |
DocParser::FieldAssignment | function | core/ |
FieldAssignment ::= FieldName "=" PlainValue FieldName ::= identifier |
DriverSpecificSchemaTestBase::assertFieldAdditionRemoval | function | core/ |
Asserts that a given field can be added and removed from a table. |
DriverSpecificSchemaTestBase::assertFieldChange | function | core/ |
Asserts that a field can be changed from one spec to another. |
DriverSpecificSchemaTestBase::assertFieldCharacteristics | function | core/ |
Asserts that a newly added field has the correct characteristics. |
DriverSpecificSchemaTestBase::testChangeSerialFieldLength | function | core/ |
Tests changing a field length. |
DriverSpecificSchemaTestBase::testSchemaAddFieldDefaultInitial | function | core/ |
Tests adding columns to an existing table with default and initial value. |
DriverSpecificSchemaTestBase::testSchemaChangeFieldDefaultInitial | function | core/ |
Tests changing columns between types with default and initial values. |
DrupalTestBrowser::addPostFields | function | core/ |
Adds form parameters to the $multipart array. |
Drupal\content_translation\FieldTranslationSynchronizerInterface | service | core/ |
Drupal\jsonapi\Context\FieldResolver | service | core/ |
Drupal\migrate_drupal\FieldDiscoveryInterface | service | core/ |
Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\MigrateFieldPluginManagerInterface | service | core/ |
Drupal\views\FieldViewsDataProvider | service | core/ |
DummyDestination::fields | function | core/ |
Returns an array of destination fields. |
DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageInterface | interface | core/ |
A storage that supports entity types with dynamic field definitions. |
DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageInterface.php | file | core/ |
DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface | interface | core/ |
A storage schema that supports entity types with dynamic field definitions. |
DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface.php | file | core/ |
DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface::finalizePurge | function | core/ |
Performs final cleanup after all data of a field has been purged. |
DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface::requiresFieldDataMigration | function | core/ |
Checks if existing data would be lost if the schema changes were applied. |
DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface::requiresFieldStorageSchemaChanges | function | core/ |
Checks if the changes to the storage definition requires schema changes. |
EditorialContentEntityBase::baseFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
ElementsFieldsetTest | class | core/ |
Tests fieldset element rendering and description placement. |
ElementsFieldsetTest.php | file | core/ |
ElementsFieldsetTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ElementsFieldsetTest::buildForm | function | core/ |
Form constructor. |
ElementsFieldsetTest::getFormId | function | core/ |
Returns a unique string identifying the form. |
ElementsFieldsetTest::submitForm | function | core/ |
Form submission handler. |
ElementsFieldsetTest::testFieldsetDescriptions | function | core/ |
Tests different display options for fieldset element descriptions. |
ElementsFieldsetTest::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
ElementTest::testRequiredFieldsetsAndDetails | function | core/ |
Tests the #required property on details and fieldset elements. |
Email::getFieldFormatterMap | function | core/ |
Get a map between D6 formatters and D8 formatters for this field type. |
Email::getFieldWidgetMap | function | core/ |
Get a map between D6 and D8 widgets for this field type. |
EmailFieldTest | class | core/ |
Tests email field functionality. |
EmailFieldTest.php | file | core/ |
EmailFieldTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
EmailFieldTest::$field | property | core/ |
The field used in this test class. |
EmailFieldTest::$fieldStorage | property | core/ |
A field storage to use in this test class. |
EmailFieldTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
EmailFieldTest::setUp | function | core/ |
EmailFieldTest::testEmailField | function | core/ |
Tests email field. |
EmbeddedDataSource::fields | function | core/ |
Returns available fields on the source. |
EmptySource::fields | function | core/ |
Returns available fields on the source. |
Entity::$entityFieldManager | property | core/ |
The entity field manager. |
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