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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
DateFormatJsonCookieTest::$auth | property | core/ |
The authentication mechanism to use in this test. |
DateFormatJsonCookieTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
DateFormatJsonCookieTest::$format | property | core/ |
The format to use in this test. |
DateFormatJsonCookieTest::$mimeType | property | core/ |
The MIME type that corresponds to $format. |
DateFormatListBuilder | class | core/ |
Defines a class to build a listing of date format entities. |
DateFormatListBuilder.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatListBuilder::buildHeader | function | core/ |
Builds the header row for the entity listing. |
DateFormatListBuilder::buildRow | function | core/ |
Builds a row for an entity in the entity listing. |
DateFormatListBuilder::createInstance | function | core/ |
Instantiates a new instance of this entity handler. |
DateFormatListBuilder::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new DateFormatListBuilder object. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase | class | core/ |
ResourceTestBase for DateFormat entity. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatResourceTestBase::$entity | property | core/ |
The DateFormat entity. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase::$entityTypeId | property | core/ |
The tested entity type. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase::createEntity | function | core/ |
Creates the entity to be tested. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase::getExpectedNormalizedEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the expected normalization of the entity. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase::getNormalizedPostEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the normalized POST entity. |
DateFormatResourceTestBase::setUpAuthorization | function | core/ |
Sets up the necessary authorization. |
DateFormatsLockedTest | class | core/ |
Tests the locked functionality of date formats. |
DateFormatsLockedTest.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatsLockedTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
DateFormatsLockedTest::testDateLocking | function | core/ |
Tests attempts at listing, editing, and deleting locked date formats. |
DateFormatsMachineNameTest | class | core/ |
Tests validity of date format machine names. |
DateFormatsMachineNameTest.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatsMachineNameTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
DateFormatsMachineNameTest::setUp | function | core/ |
DateFormatsMachineNameTest::testDateFormatsMachineNameAllowedValues | function | core/ |
Tests that date formats cannot be created with invalid machine names. |
DateFormatter | class | core/ |
Provides a service to handle various date related functionality. |
DateFormatter.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatter::$configFactory | property | core/ |
The configuration factory. |
DateFormatter::$dateFormats | property | core/ |
The available date formats. |
DateFormatter::$dateFormatStorage | property | core/ |
The date format storage. |
DateFormatter::$languageManager | property | core/ |
The Language manager. |
DateFormatter::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
DateFormatter::$timezones | property | core/ |
The list of loaded timezones. |
DateFormatter::$units | property | core/ |
Contains the different date interval units. |
DateFormatter::dateFormat | function | core/ |
Loads the given format pattern for the given langcode. |
DateFormatter::format | function | core/ |
Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string. |
DateFormatter::formatDiff | function | core/ |
Formats a time interval between two timestamps. |
DateFormatter::formatInterval | function | core/ |
Formats a time interval with the requested granularity. |
DateFormatter::formatTimeDiffSince | function | core/ |
Formats the time difference from a timestamp to the current request time. |
DateFormatter::formatTimeDiffUntil | function | core/ |
Formats the time difference from the current request time to a timestamp. |
DateFormatter::getSampleDateFormats | function | core/ |
Provides values for all date formatting characters for a given timestamp. |
DateFormatter::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a Date object. |
DateFormatterInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides an interface defining a date formatter. |
DateFormatterInterface.php | file | core/ |
DateFormatterInterface::format | function | core/ |
Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string. |
DateFormatterInterface::formatDiff | function | core/ |
Formats a time interval between two timestamps. |
DateFormatterInterface::formatInterval | function | core/ |
Formats a time interval with the requested granularity. |
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